Yhup, its been a while...

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Koboshi Aiko

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Ivy Wand 13" Essence of Gargoyle Tooth
Ok guys so right now I am on my way to getting back into rping. So I have a few charries that need attending to.I am hoping that some of you will be able to help me get them on their way,, :D

Koboshi is a Slytherin fourth year and for her first three years at
school she was a mean and abnoxious B!tch. Suffised to say she didn't have
many friends and the friends that she did have, she really didn't talk to much.
Now that she is dating a Gryffindor he is starting to have an influence on her
behaviour and she is being much nicer to people. Especially those that she has
hurt before. So what I want for Koshi is just some friends they can be old
or new that doesn't matter. I would also like for Koshi to meet up with one of her
previous victems and to apologise for what she has done.

Gabrielle Carmichael is a fifth year Ravenclaw and she is
the sweetest person you could ever meet in your life.
She has never had a bad thought about anyone and
absolutley loves to read. This means that she really
doesn't get out much. Which is sad. Most of her friends
have drifted off to find other things to do. Mostly not
including her in anything. She went away from HNZ
for awhile due to a fight with her parents but now she
is back and wants to make her last years at HNZ something
she will remember for the rest of her life. Gabby's parents are
very anti-muggle but she isn't and so I would love for
Gabby to have some Muggle-born friends if
that is at all possible. Also maybe a Bestfriendand
perhaps a final?

Camille Jones is a second year Gryffindor. She is smart
funny and completely random. She comes up with the
oddest things to say at the oddest times. She is also
a political activist. She fights for muggle rights, houseelf
rights and most other rights as well. Camille is also a Pure-blood
but she is not a pureblood supremist. Which means she is
very nice to everyone, except for Pureblood supremists of
course. She needs friends and an enemy as
many enemies as you can think of.

So thats the lot of them. Hopefully someone can help me out?? ^_^
Do you remember Sara Moon? well, Gabrielle was her mentor, and Koboshi bullied her, so she could be an rp for either, or both of them. ?
Oh yes I totally remember her. That would be great, Koshi bullied her the most. Sorry about that by the way. Sure I'll send you a pm soon about some ideas I have.

Heyy Teigan!
Nice to have you back!

Anyway, I have a couple of people I could offer you. Firstly, for Koboshi, I have Lily Fossil.
You may know her, anyway, she is like world's super b!tch, she could not care less for what
others thought of her, and she pretty much was happy in her own world. But she has
been made a prefect and this has completely changed everything. She thinks she needs to
be nicer, so for once, she is really making an effort.
They could be friends. Since together they could still be b!tchy, but still attempt to be nice.
Like Gossips? If you get what I mean.

Next I have Oscar Fossil, who is a fourth year Ravenclaw. I can offer him as a friend/relationship
for Gabrielle. He's a shy sort of guy. He reads a lot, but doesn't like going to class. He is very laid back and never ever stresses out about anything. On the surface. But Oscar is still trying to find his place at Hogwarts and it isn't help with the constant stream of family issues. He's quite the romantic if he tried. He's muggleborn. They can be whatever you think would be best.

Finally for Camille I have Ariahna Northwood, a fellow second year Gryffindor.
She is has a very easy childhood. Both her parents together, sufficient money, good friends. Now at hogwarts she a little out of the comfort zone she'd made for herself. She wants to be queen, but knows it would be hard. She's a big gymnast and loves cheerleading. Aria would enjoy Camille's company and like to hear about her adventures or political activities.
What do you think?

Emzies :emzies:
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