🌹 Rose Giving Yellow Rose For A Friend

Rosie Archer

kind; new mama
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Seeing Somebody
Curly 13" Rigid Alder Wand with Fwooper Feather Core
12/2043 (18)
Rosie had been very happy that roses would be taking place during her final year of schooling, but she did wish that she was feeling better for it. She'd been up for a while, just being sick. It was odd, she felt a bit more tired than usual but nothing beyond that. She had persuaded Aurora to join her, and knew her sister had agreed because of the fact that it meant she could watch over her. "Audrey is a ravenclaw," Rosie said, trying to get over the still lingering nausea that she felt. "Audrey?" she called out as they walked up the ravenclaw table trying to spot the girl.
Aurora was worried, and had tried to convince Rosie to not bother with this, to just stand down and walk away. But there was no convincing her of it. So she was trailing behind her sister and hoping that they would find all their people quickly enough. "Audrey Beauchamp!" she called out loudly.
Audrey looked up, figuring that her History of Magic notes were just going to get ignored for now. She would have been annoyed by it, but Audrey was never going to get upset about being gifted roses. It would have been bad if she hadn't gotten any at all. She noticed the two Gryffindor girls, and she at least knew one was Aurora, since she was one of Gryffindor's beaters. They looked like they were sisters, although the one who wasn't Aurora looked a little off colour. Audrey not-so-subtly shifted her papers and her drink away. "Here I am!" she called, waving her hand around in the air.
Rosie gave a slightly tight smile, though she was at least attempting to be sincere. She approached the girl, and took out the yellow rose they had for her out from within the basket. "For you!," she said, trying to appear to be fine.
Aurora smiled at the girl as they approached her, hoping they could do this quickly, which still ensuring they did it right. "And it comes with this note," she said, taking the note and holding it out to the girl.

Hi Audrey!
Audrey gave a gracious smile back, she was still more than happy to receive a rose. She rolled her eyes and gave a scoff when she actually read the note with it, although she was still smiling about it. "Merlin, that is just classic Teddy. Goes to all the effort to write a note and just says 'sup'. Innnn-credible." Audrey folded up the note and still tucked it safely in her pocket, it wasn't like the note she'd written him was much better but she'd still somehow find a way to try and lord it over him. "Thank you so much!" she added, politely, to the two older girls. She almost wanted to ask if the one who wasn't Aurora was okay, but also it wasn't her business and she figured they could handle it.
Rosie was beginning to fell pretty sick again, she took Aurora's arm to begin to pull her sister away. They'd delivered the rose after all. She smiled, as best she could manage to Audrey and nodded. "Of course! Happy Valentine's day," Rosie replied.
Aurora smiled at the girl, giving a little smile at what the note was. "It's sweet," she said in a manner to try and assure the girl that it was a nice and friendly gesture, even if the girl did seem unbothered by it and that she probably appreciated the gesture. Aurora looked to Rosie as the other girl tugged on her arm. "We should get back to it," Aurora said, "Have a good day," she said to Audrey, before trying to pull her sister away as she walked away.

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