Open Yellow Rose Delivery! Professor Warrick

Lillian Lockwood

Nature- Sweet- Shy- Baker
OOC First Name
Jess S
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Interested in Somebody
Sexual Orientation
Pear Wand 14 1/8" Essence of Phoenix Tail Feather
3/3/2036 (25)
Lily wasn't sure who the next name on her list was, but she had a good idea of where to start. Taking a deep breath, the young Hufflepuff approached the staff table in the Great Hall. "E-excuse me?" She asked, her blue eyes wondering over the many adults there. "P-Professor Warrick?" She hoped he was here. And that he had heard her.
Ryder always enjoyed Valentines, he liked watching students out delivering roses and seeing some of the reactions. What he didn't expect was a student to make her way to the staff table and ask for him. "Yeah, I'm Professor Warrick,"
Lily swallowed nervously and approached the Professor that spoke. "Hello," she murmured softly. "I-i, ah, I have a r-rose, um, rose for y-you," she stuttered terribly. She swallowed again to try and get control before offering the golden flower to the man.

Happy valentine's day, subject buddy! Have a good one!

"Oh," Ryder said in surprise as the girl informed him he had a rose. He hadn't expected one as he didn't usually get one. Ryder reached out and took the rose and note from the girl and smiled as he read it. It was from Jon his fellow muggle studies professor. It was nice of him, Ryder hadn't even considered returning the gesture. "Thank you,"
Lily blushed and nodded. "Y-you're welcome," She stammered, smiling shyly. She waved before turning and hurrying away. Her heart would give out before the day was up, she just knew it.

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