🌹 Rose Giving Yellow Petals

Estella Fuentes

class of y42 📓 | 'essie' 🤍
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Half Blood
Relationship Status
Interested in Somebody
Sexual Orientation
Curly 10 Inch Flexible Laurel Wand with Unicorn Hair Core
Estella had known from previous years that delivering roses was a tough job, but she had really underestimated how much work it actually was when she agreed to help organise it. She had been worried about a few things, but mainly she just hoped every single rose would be delivered by the end of the day. The sun was beginning to set but Essie refused to give up as she tried her best to look for a younger Gryffindor that she had never met before. It was harder to call out in the grounds, but nonetheless Essie made her way to the Great Lawn, calling the name as loud as she could as she brandished a yellow rose above her head. "Isadora Novak!" she said, hoping it would soon attract her attention.
Isadora was looking for the next person on her list, but they didn't seem to be outside as she had hoped. She sighed, ready to turn back to the castle when she suddenly heard someone call her name. Isadora winced when she saw it was the girl in charge of the rose thing. Had Isadora done something wrong? "Uh, present?" She called, holding up her hand.
When someone spoke up, Estella beamed, quickly heading over to her with her basket swinging side by side. "Hey Isadora!" she exclaimed. "I have a yellow rose for you." She dug around in her basket and pulled it out, handing it over to the girl with the note attached. "Happy Valentine's Day!"

Note said:
Happy Valentines! You're cool.

- Kiara
Isadora was wondering if the girl was coming to scold her, but instead, she came to deliver a yellow rose. Isadora brightened immediately. "Oh! Thanks." She said, taking the rose from her. She read the note and grinned, she would have to thank Kiara.

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