Yellow :-h Blue <_<?

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Well hello there, so if you're looking at this post you're most likely looking for some sort of friendship/relationship, right?
Well SNAP, me too :lol:
I know it's a little late and most people have all their characters relationships sorted and plots are being planned but hey, amma give it a shot anyway!

I'm looking for pretty much everything for Olivia so if you have any ideas as to what your character can be to mine, please post, hold nothing back :ph43r: basically I'm in need of all the general things;

- Friends
- Best Friend/s
- Annoyance/s
- Enemy/s
- Crush/Love interest

Here's a little info on Olivia;
She comes from an an old pureblood family whom for centuries have been made to marry their cousins to stay within pureblood lineage (that's all going to change this year though). She was brought up by her two parents, Allitrya and Davis and she has one sibling, a sister, Evia. She's totally non-prejudice, unlike the majority of her family.
Olivia's family recently re-located to New Zealand, the whole Yewbeam/Ativitz family did, so she and her sister and cousins could attend HNZ, she really doesn't understand why, what was the point in moving the whole way across the world when there was a wizarding school were they originally lived? Still, she sees no point in questioning her parents and auntie and uncle, not very often does she get a fulfilling answer.
Olivia's not a very girly girl, she never has been and her auntie Zaira's always trying to change that, she believes she should be more like her little cousin Arlina, but Olivia's not into all the fuddy dudyy clothes, hair and make-up stuff, she's only 11 after all and spends most of her time falling out of trees and being found places she really shouldn't be. She's got a great imagination and a constant urge for adventure! Olivia's a very sporty girl, she was never interested in dancing or gymnastics, but she loves running and football and keeps herself fit. She can't wait to get to Hogwarts to try out quidditch. She's quite mature for her age, in the way of thinking and has very strong opinions, but more often than not it's a case of 'jump now, think later' with her, she isn't a very good thinker when it comes to things that could possibly put her into danger. She'll argue, fight and stand-up for anything that she believes in, she's a strong girl aswell as being strong-emotionally and god help anyone who tries to push her around! She gets very protective of her friends, and when it comes to other people fighting she gets protective of them too, whether she knows them or not, she'll fight for the weaker side. She's that kind of person! She's got quite a temper on her and can easily blow up when agitated. She's a bubbly, happy, friendly girl but can make enemy's as easily as friends!
She's a very loyal and trustworthy friend to have though! I know she's a little young for a boyfriend, but perhaps there could be a boy who she can become friends with, then best friends, and they'd be really close and eventually it would lead into a relationship? Also a wee love/hate relationship with a boy would be good, were they both clearly like each other but are both too stubborn to admit it and they just like to annoy each other and have the odd wee argument, then sometime in the future they can get it together :lol: .
Think I'm asking for a bit much :erm: but anyway, please comment if you'd like to fill any of the above positions and rp with Olivia :D !
Maybe Jeremy can be an annoyance for Olivia and they could eventually become friends once they are a bit older. Poor Jeremy never really had friends because his parents didn't allow him to go to muggle school when he was younger and they lived in a city where no other wizards lived.

He tends to be a bit serious and too worried about school because of his family. They are all super smart and very into obtaining an education. He does have a playful side though and likes to run around outside, getting into trouble.

I can offer you Elijah Tine as a friend, who'd become a future relationship in later years.

Elijah is a very kind and honest person. He doesn't judge and loves nothing more than to have fun. He's easy to get along with and likes to make jokes. He doesn't have much of a family, he ran away from his foster family, and doesn't know anything about his real family but has strong desires to.
Eli lives music, a lot. His world resolves around it. He is unable to listen to his iPod at hogwarts. So while at Hogwarts, he'll play a lot more of his guitar. He is interested in someone else right now, but maybe they're relationship can grow from nothing to something later in school life. or they can just be friends.
Hi, I liked your RP for the sorting ceremony, and I think Amélie and Olivia could be friends.
Amélie is a shy muggle-born. She could use someone who knows a lot about the wizarding world and would make her do things she wouldn't dare doing on her own.
Amélie is not a girly girl at all either but isn't fond of sports either, in fact, she is quite a worrier, she over thinks everything and by the time she takes a decision, the decision has been made for her.

I don't know if you'd be interested in this kind of friendship/RP, Amélie could be the one reminding Olivia that she might get in trouble for reacting before thinking, and Olivia could be the one encouraging Amélie to live a little and stop worrying. ^^
I can offer briar as a friend. She is also a tomboy and enjoys running
Hey, I have little Seth here. He can be anything you want him to be :p
He's your typical Gryffy boy, and he loves the outdoors. He's really friendly, but can be a little inpatient at times. He's sweet towards everyone and he has this 'rule the world' attitude that actually attract people towards him in a good way. But overall, he's a nice kid ^^
I have little Jason here. He's really friendly, but he can sometimes drive people mad with his enthusiasm. He's really kind and helpful, but he had those days when he just wants to be alone.
Hey guys :) whoah a lot to work with, yayy :D

Jeremy) Sounds good, Olivia could easily fulfil your want for an annoyance, Jeremy's serious, head down in school side would easily annoy Olivia, especially if she's trying to make friends with you, she'd find it pretty much impossible :lol: she's all about having fun and will probably often be heard saying 'well you only live once', school work's at the bottom of her list of priorities! She could try bring his playful, troublesome side out a little more, and while they could bicker now they'd find really good friends in each other in the future! How does that sound, wanna rp :lol:?

Elijah) Woo, I think Elijah and Olivia could easily become great friends, and it sounds like the kind of relationship I was wanting for her with a boy, A few years down the line they could all of a sudden see each other differently! Maybe not and they could just be good friends, we can see how things work out :) rp :lol:?

Amelie) I think Amelie and Olivia could be great friends, there pretty much opposites and could talk a little sense into each other! Amelie's the kind of person Olivia needs to help her calm down when she goes off easily on one of her many rages, and she could convince her that sometimes you need to think twice, and Olivia could encourage Amelie to sometimes not think, and to take chances and live life a little! Would you like to rp :D?

Briar) Woo, Olivia and Briar would get on well I think :D would you like to rp?

Seth) I think Olivia and Seth would get on like a house on fire, Olivia could act her silly goofy self around him and they could just have a good old time :) rp :D?

Jason) Olivia also has those days, when she's really pissed off, just wants to be alone and it's in other people's best interests to stay away from her! They could get on well :D rp?

Yeah, let's RP,
I'll start a topic and post a link here.

I also apologize for the title.

That all sounds great. Would you like me to start an rp?
Sure do you want to start or shall I, and if so where do you want it to be
Any sugestions where
Aroha could be like a mentor or something. Either that or an older friend. You pick :) she's nice, clumsy, loves the outdoors, and gets along better with people that are younger than her. Pretty brief, but there you go xD
Jeremy; Yes could you please, I'm not bothered were and just post the link or pm me it when it's done :D !

Blair; Emm could you start? and I'm really not bothered, wherever you wish!

Aroha; I don't think Olivia would be too thrilled with the idea of having a mentor, she'd like to think she can look after herself, but an older friend definitely :D ! would you like me to start an rp?

Jason and Seth; Sure I'll start them and pm you's the links :D !
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