🌹 Rose Giving Yellow for Thanks

Ryan Fisk

Odd Duck | Silver Snake Assitant |
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Single (Not Looking)
03/2039 (23)
Yellow for @Linden Cullen

Ryan had heard that the next rose recipient he was looking for tended to hang around near the care of magical creatures classroom. And when Ryan hadn't seen Linden there, it hadn't taken much more than a little extra curiosity to continue on to the edge of the forest. "Hey, I'm looking for Linden," he announced when he spotted a boy nearby, not technically past the school boundary yet.
linden had taken his time outside and managed to find a few roses to deliver. he wandered towards the care of magical creatures area more out of habit than anything after all his aunt was no longer there but seeing the new professor he continued walking skirting the edge of the forest. he enjed doing this watching out for the birds. he would stop every now and then and pick a bird treat out of his pocket and one would fly down and eat it right off his hand. he was just doing this when he heard a noise and the first quickly took off lin looked around to see who it was. "hey Ryan" he said smiling at the Ravenclaw. he knew him as far as being in classes together went but they hadn't really socialised outside of that. "how's it going?" he added he had an idea as to why he had come over to him. it was rose day after all. and part of him was glad that he was getting a rose. he was hoping for one off his boyfriend at the least. he had sent six to various friends. so one on return would be nice.
Ryan was distracted by a bird flying off, trying to work out what it was, maybe a tui, that he didn't realize he'd been calling out to Linden already until he was closer. Maybe he needed his glasses checked again. "Are you summoning birds?" He asked, walking closer and peering into the branches of the nearby trees curiously. "Oh wait, I have a rose for you too," he added, remembering why he was here and grabbing the yellow rose to pass to Linden.

Thanks for hanging out with me at the yule ball!


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