🌹 Rose Giving Yellow for Red for Blue

Jordan Harris

Musician- Energetic- Friendly- Cuddly
OOC First Name
Jess S
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Seeing Somebody
Sexual Orientation
Curly 9 Inch Flexible Black Walnut Wand with Hippogriff Feather Core
21 (12/7/2041)
Jordie couldn't be more excited about rose giving. He already had one rose of his own, woven into his dark curls. He hummed as he skipped up to the seventh floor. After asking around he'd found out he was looking for a Gryffindor. "Blueeee! Blue?" He called, looking around to see if anyone would respond.
Blue was over the moon at the concept of rose deliveries. She would have signed up for delivering, but even watching other people do it was making her feel overwhelmed so she preferred just sitting in an alcove with her frog on her head and enjoying the ambience. Blue squealed softly when she heard her name being called and almost fell out of her perch in excitement of getting to talk to someone she didn't know yet. "That's me, I'm Blue!" she waved.
Jordie lit up and walked over to the girl. "Hi! I'm Jordie! I love your name," He offered out the golden rose, and couldn't help but light up seeing the frog on her head. "Omigod, is that a frog? That's so cute!" he couldn't help but smile widely, meeting her eyes. "We need to be best friends," He offered immediately. This girl was already amazing.



LOVE FROM HESTER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Blue beamed. Jordie was so nice and she liked him immediately. She accepted the rose and picked the frog off her head so he could grasp the rose in his little froggy hands and Jordie could meet him properly. "His name is Gregory!" Everyone had names and Blue was so happy to learn them. "Ooh, yes! Do you like tea parties? My roommate has a toad called Big Douglas and he's not a frog but but also very good for being friends!" she enthused. She read the note and wiggled happily at Hester's words. People were so good and full of love and Blue's heart threatened to burst with the muchness of it all.
Jordie lit up, completely distracted by the frog. "Hi! Gregory is such a fun name!" Jordie laughed. "Sir Gregory," Jordie gave the frog a dramatic bow, just loving how the name rolled off of his tongue. He looked back to Blue as he straightened. "I love tea parties!" He declared immediately, though he had never in his life been in one. "I have a cat named Salem and an owl named Amoria, I could take you to meet them!" He offered. He smiled at the way she wiggled over the note. It must have been a fun note.
Blue was happy that Jordie liked Gregory. It meant he was a very good person in her eyes. "Yes!" Blue almost shouted in her excitement. She wanted to meet all the animals and be friends with them all, and Jordie had two entire creature friends. "We could all have tea together and that would be wonderful."
Jordie couldn't help but let out a loud laugh. "Brilliant! I'm a Hufflepuff, where do you wanna meet? We can do the student lounge? Or the abandoned classroom," He tried to think it over. "We could meet up after Valentines is done with?" He offered, trying to think of a time that worked for both of them.
Blue had never been very good at following linear time when organising plans, but nodded enthusiastically. "Good places! Gardens are also very good?" she hummed. She liked to employ a strategy of aimlessly drifting around until she found people to meet up with, but it was usually a pretty sure bet that Blue herself could be found around some plants when she wasn't in class.
Jordie lit up at her suggestion. "Ooooh, I love the gardens! We could make flower crowns for everyone!" He immediately offered, smiling brightly and bouncing a bit. "Do you go to the gardens a lot? I love them!" He chattered brightly, almost running a hand through his hair but laughing and pulling his hand back as he felt the roses still tucked into his dark curls. He had been so caught up in talking to Blue he hadn't even noticed he'd slipped the rose she'd given him into his hair with the other one.

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