yay rps

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Dylan Fields

Well-Known Member
Oak 14 3/4" Essence of Raven Feather
It's a bit of a bummer actually, Dylan's been off for months with Dragon Pox and has only just returned after being on deaths door. (No don't worry he isn't contagious... not anymore anyway) :)

Or in other words, I've been inactive.

But now I'm looking for rps if your interested!

Let me know
Eden could be a friend and maybe a girlfriend if he is looking for one....
sounds good, its about time dylan started to get interested in some girls... or just the one girl :tut:
thats cool so do you wanna start the rp or should i? and if you want me to start it where do you wanna? and if you start it than just pick a spot im not picky.
its cool, ill start it. I'll pm you the link :)

Anyone else want to rp??
Sure Victor, sounds like a plan. I need some good mates for Dylan. How about a rp?? I'll start if you like, I don't mind.

Ooo Cecily, we can rp something as well and just make it up as we go along :)
Cecily can you start it please :)

Vanessa, Dylan needs more friends too... kind of the whole reason for this topic. We should rp
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