Y48 Dueling Match #7

Current Points: 55
Teddy chuckled at the refusal to take his robes, "I think it's more embarassing to be mistaken for a giant boiled egg than a Gryffindor, but each to their own, I guess." He teased, not totally focusing on the duel and getting hit by the stinging hex as a result. His skin started to sting painfully. He could feel his face starting to swell and he didn't think it was a pretty site. He didn't want Bore-ora to see, "Obscuro!"

Action(s) Taken: Cast spell, hit by spell
Point Changes: -5 +15
Points Remaining: 65
Current Points: 50

Teddy's ego was bigger than the room and Aura wondered how on earth it remained contained within the school. Was his multiple years as duelling champion the thing that got him through it? It sounded like he maybe needed someone to bring him down a peg or too. "Giant egg? My head is heart shaped." She told him, just so he knew that if he was going to try and insult her to at least do it properly. She blocked his next spell before casting "Diffindo", at him.

Actions Taken: Cast spell x2, successful spell
Point Changes: -10 -20
Points Remaining: 20
Current Points: 65
Along with everyone else in the chamber who had now seen all of Aurora's head, heart shaped wasn’t the description he’d have gone with. He might have even said so if not for the slash of a Severing Charm across his non dominant arm. He hadn't really seen it coming since his vision was already compromised by the swelling from the Stinging Hex, but he could certainly feel it. Teddy was bleeding now and it was dawning on him just how bad of a position he was in. Gritting his teeth, he raised his wand, desperation creeping into his voice as he cast, “Expelliarmus!”
Action(s) Taken: Cast spell, hit by spell
Point Changes: -5 +15
Points Remaining: 75
Current Points: 20

Aura actually did feel bad the moment the severing charm ripped into Teddy's arm and she made the mistake of dropping her guard to move towards him, to do what she didn't know, but he was bleeding and she didn't actually want to hurt him. Just as she made a step towards him, his spell shot straight into her throwing her wand halfway across the room. She blinked down at her empty hand, surprised. "Oh," she'd just lost her duel. "Merlin, are you okay? I'm so sorry!"

Action(s) Taken: successful spell, lost duel
Point Changes: - 20
Points Remaining:[/b] 0 - literally ran out of points
Killian thought that the duel was interesting, though he saw enough. The Gryffindor prefect was bleeding, but the Slytherin lost. He announced, "Teddy Pirrip is the winner." Killian gestured to the prefect to head over to the nurse so that he could be patched up.

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