Y48 Beauxbatons Quidditch Tryouts

Celestine Gauthier

4th Year Beaux | Beater Diva
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Too Young to Care
Celestine was surprised to be asked to be co-captain of the Quidditch team, but she was looking forward to giving it a go. It would be difficult to balance around schoolwork and music lessons, but she would go out there and do her best. She looked forward to supporting the team and encouraging them to be the best they could. They had won last year, after all, so the signs were good. She just had to work with Light to make sure that they were in sync and a cohesive cast.

"Bonjour mes amies!" she greeted, waving and beaming at the old and new teammates who joined. "I am so happy to see everyone here! I am Celestine, and Light and I are your captains this year." She gestured towards the older boy. Celestine felt a bit like she was stealing the spotlight, but she supposed that was what she wanted to do best. "If you are on the team and coming back to play, would you kindly help out with the tryouts? We want to know that you want to keep playing. If you are new or were an alternate, desole, you will need to show us that you can play. Please tell us your name and what position you would like to play and then do your best!" She wasn't exactly used to trying to put together what to say in a situation like this, perhaps next time she would prepare a speech and memorize it in the way she would memorize an aria. "Okay, allons-y!"

OOCOut of Character:
You know the drill! Returning players, please post to confirm your intention to play this IC year. Alternates and new players, please RP trying out for the position you want. Any potential first year players will need to wait for the formal start of semester and PM myself and @Light Zhefarovich for the okay to post a tryout if you are really keen.

SeekerKirby Rosatta-Chevotet
ChaserLight Zhefarovich (c)
ChaserEnzo Walden
BeaterTullia Whitlock
BeaterCelestine Gauthier (c)
She had this in the bag. Not the tryouts, she didn't need to worry about them because she was already on the team, but Beauxbatons were the reigning champs, and they would need to defend their title. That meant she had to be on her absolute A GAME for the rest of the year. "Hey Celestine, I hope you're ready to help us defend our title," she said, nodding sagely to one of their two beaters. She was a good defender and she'd saved Kirby enough times to gain her respect. She jumped on her broom and trained with some of the seeker hopefuls, knowing she didn't have to worry about any of them stealing her position out from under her.
Vivi was excited about the coming year and decided to try her hand at the game. As a chaser, she should be good, if she doesn't try she won't know, and whoever doesn't try doesn't win the cup. Bonjour à toutes.
She smiled at the girls. Can I try? She kept her broom at the ready. This was her day, she felt, that she can everything today.They may do so again this year. As they always do.
Light Zhefarovich was not sure why he chose someone else as a co-captain. Out of those that were present on the team, he just pulled a name out of a hat and there it was. Celeste. That was a good way to pick them, right? Light stood with his co-captain as she addressed the students that were here to try out. He just nodded along, since he didn't really have anything else to add.
After a frustrating mix up last year that meant Juneau had missed tryouts, she'd taken measures to not to let that happen again. Her dates had been off before, but this year she had double checked and circled the date on her calendar. She needed to make a great impression too since there were only a couple of available spots and the competition would be tough. She had spent the summer practicing and was ready to give this everything.

Stepping onto the pitch, Juneau joined the team and hopefuls as she listened to the captain. When it was her turn, she introduced herself, “Salut, je m'appelle Juneau Delarue. I’m trying out for chaser today,” she said before mounting her broom. Once in the air, she was lucky enough to get hold of the quaffle fairly quickly. She headed toward the hoops and as she neared, she made her move that sent the quaffle sailing through the hoop. Instead of taking the quaffle back, she gave other chasers the opportunity to score too. Teamwork was just as important as solo and Juneau wanted to show that she could play both ways. Once tryouts were over, she landed smoothly and waited for any indication of how she might've done today.
Elsie was happy that she was finally at the year where she could finally try out for the team. Being a quidditch player had always been her dream if he was being honest. Elsie wasn't really particular with what position she wanted to play, she thought every position was good, but she had decided to maybe try out for the keeper position. She didn't wanna miss out, even if that meant she'd get an alternate position, she didn't mind. Elsie stood with the rest of the people who were trying out or already on the team, listening to one of the captains. It wasn't long before they were able to state their and the position they were trying out for. "Elsie! I'm trying out for keeper!" Elsie says with a smile and nod before she flew up in the air.

Elsie decided to go and try for the keeper position first, deciding the guard one of the goals. She guessed being a keeper was good because you had a close-up view of the game in some way. Elsie managed to get a good few goals a block, happy with the few she managed to block.

It wasn't long before tryouts had come to an end and honestly, Elsie thought she did good, though it was all up to the two captains for them to decide her fate on the team. She says a quick and appreciative thanks and goodbye to the two captains before heading off.
The team had done well the previous season and gone all the way and beaten the Hogwarts champions. It basically made them the best school team in the world. Enzo made his way onto the pitch and stood with the rest of the team, ready to help out with any of the students trying out.
She flew to the hoop ready to defend them.
Tullia was ready for the try-outs. she had a spot on the team, so was able to get on her broom as soon as the leaders stopped speaking and flew up into the air to get to practicing.
Nina felt a little like there wasn't much point trying out but she did love Quidditch when she got to play. Her father had tried to take it from her, but she would stubbornly cling to it for one last year. Maybe go and find a way to play it after school once she was free from living with her parents. She knew Kirby was the incumbent, and had earned the role fair and square, but Nina wasn't going to give up on playing entirely. Apparently Light had chosen the silly young singing beater as a co-captain. Odd choice, but it wasn't like she was in any position to argue.

"Niniane Archambeau," she stated, simply. "Seeker." With that, she took to the skies and set about searching for the snitch. Surely they knew what she could do by now, last year had been an aberration. Sure, she was a little shaky given the arguments she'd had with her father, but she could do this. She had to. It didn't take her too long to catch the snitch, and she let it go with a stern nod, looking directly at the captains.
OOCOut of Character:
Pretend I didn't forget to come back to this - tryouts will close in 24 hours! Last call!
SeekerKirby Rosatta-Chevotet
ChaserLight Zhefarovich (c)
ChaserEnzo Walden
ChaserJuneau Delarue
BeaterCelestine Gauthier (c)
BeaterTullia Whitlock
KeeperElsie Dupont
Alt. SeekerNiniane Archambeau
Alt. KeeperViviane Mayleen Blanchard

OOCOut of Character:
Thank you all for trying out! Here's the team lineup! Please keep an eye out for a PM in the coming weeks!

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