Y47 Sorting Reactions

Sorting is still a short while away, but that doesn't mean we can't have some exciting sorting chats here! It's never too early, right? As always, we love to hear your thoughts and reactions as we work through the process of sorting and transfers and exchanges! This is always such a fun time! :party:

]Are you having a character sorted or transferred this year? Maybe more than one? Ten? (You know who you are. :r

Are you going to try for an exchange student?

Where do you think your character will end up?

Do you think they'll be happy about where they end up? How is it going to impact their first year or their entire schooling? Do you think the sorting hat will have a difficult time placing them? Any character expecting that the sorting hat won't be able to place them and they'll have to go home?

If you've already been sorted: Did you get what you/your character expected? Did the sorting hat say something funny to you? What'd you think of that? How nervous was your character to be sorted? How nervous were you?

Happy Sorting! :party: :party:
I am VERY surprised Felix got Gryffindor xD I thought he would make an exceptional Hufflepuff, but knowing his personality I think being in Gryffindor is going to give him the nudge he needs to be able to figure out who he is so I'm very glad :D
I do feel a little bad because Amortentia and Eluned are now going to be able to tease him and there's no escape :teehee: However he also is in the same house as his momma (RIP) so yaaay!!
Cyrus is safe. :r I'm still finding Ruth's voice, but Slytherin did feel the strongest from the form - hates hard work too much to have been Hufflepuff. :lol:
So now that I’ve gone through the sorting of my two Edogawas:

- Jonah will probably my Hufflepuff this season. He’s scarily like his aunt was when she was 11 and Ai was very much a Hufflepuff.

- Sayuri, I feel will end up in Slytherin (sorry Momma). There may be a slight chance for Gryffindor (Momma hopes). We’ll see xD
I knew it =))

Well, Jonah’s and Sayuri’s reactions will be depending on how the rest of the Edogawa so remains to be seen if they will be happy about the whole thing.
I'm sorting Rose now, I'm... actually thinking she might also be a puff, but there's def a chance of gryffindor as well!

Actually, she's all over the place so i have no idea
After doing Te Rēweti's form my mind's actually flipped - I thought his clinginess would catapult him into Hufflepuff, but his other answers leaned enough that I do think Ravenclaw's the more likely option. It'll be fun either way though!

watch him get neville longbottomed into gryffindor somehow now THAT would lead to some wild plots lmao
Called it ✌️

As unlikely as it was, I would rly have enjoyed him struggling with a challenging house like Gryffindor, but I definitely think he's going to be more comfortable at Hogwarts this way. How comfortable Kahurangi will be with a nephew clinging to her apron-strings is a different question :r
And so I sorted my third firstie, Eurydice Nightray.

I'm hoping that she gets Gryffindor (and I think she might be) - mostly because the reaction of her dad in the background would be hilarious. Maybe she'd be a Hufflepuff? I don't think she's ambitious enough to be Slytherin and definitely not invested in learning enough to be Ravenclaw. And so I hope she's Gryffindor. =))
Glad Rhae was in Ravenclaw. :party::creep: Waiting for someone to sell her a wand.
Alicia was a transfer and I'm glad she was approved! I figured she would be in Gryffindor, and she was! :party:
I got my 4, since Kait tempted me into another (don't let her lie to anyone).
  • Asher Styx-Potter: He felt like a Gryffindor, which was great because I never get those anymore. He does take after his uncle Lanithro though...
  • Samael Styx: He felt like a Hufflepuff, especially after I filled out his sorting app. No surprise there on that house.
  • Imogen Styx-Cade: She could have gone either way. Gryffindor or Slytherin. Either one would have fit her perfectly. Ravenclaw or Hufflepuff would have surprised me.
  • Ravage Zhefarovich: ...Sorry Castillo.
And I am done for this year. I definitely don't need to try to get a Ravenclaw xD
Ooooh I was convinced this little lady was going to be a Slytherin because of her ambition, but she’s very pleased with Ravenclaw!! :party:

I decided I needed a second, more mellow firstie to balance out Susie’s energy xD

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