Y47 Beauxbatons Try Outs

Light Zhefarovich

6th year ✗ trouble-maker
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Pure Blood
Relationship Status
Single (Not Looking)
Sexual Orientation
Sep 18, 2045
Light Zhefarovich was in mild shock that he was named Co-Captain, but he was not about to argue it at all. He just knew that he would be keeping the chaser position since he thought that he did okay with it. But he was not about to argue with Vincent over his choices, no matter how crazy they were. He had up flyers all around the school, both in French and English just in case. Once the students were there, he glanced at the co-captain and nodded. "Okay, so, here's the deal. Claire and I will be here to see who does and doesn't make it on the team. Chasers go try to score, keepers, protect the goals, beaters, protect players or hit others, and seekers, seek the snitch. That's all there is to it." Light liked how the weather was sunny, just for this time of day. They chose well, didn't they?
ChaserLight Zhefarovich (Co-Captain)
Chaser@Claire Blanchet (Co-Captain)
Chaser@Alicia Richelieu
Keeper@Bellamy Parish
Beater@Tullia Whitlock
Beater@Celestine Gauthier
Alternates3 OPEN
OOCOut of Character:
Arrivals for those that were on the team last year. 1 post is all you need to try out! Just @ us for any questions!
Kirby was feeling a mix of excitement and nerves as she arrived at the Quidditch pitch. She had been dreaming of this moment for years, and now, as a sixth-year, she finally had the chance to try out for the Seeker position on the Beauxbatons team. She spotted the flyers that had been put up around the school, both in French and English, ensuring everyone knew about the tryouts. As the students gathered, Kirby took a deep breath, appreciating the sunny weather that seemed to shine just for this moment. She knew she had to focus and show her best skills.

"Kirby Rosatta-Chevotet, Seeker." She introduced herself. Mounting her broom, Kirby scanned the pitch for any sign of the elusive snitch. She felt the rush of wind and the familiar thrill of flying as she took to the air, determined to prove she had what it took to be Beauxbatons' next Seeker. Once in the air, Kirby's mind cleared, and her focus sharpened. She remembered all the training sessions, all the times she had practiced her dives and sharp turns. She knew the competition would be tough, but she was ready to give it her all.

As she soared above the pitch, she kept her eyes peeled for any glint of gold. Her heart pounded in her chest, each beat echoing her determination. Other players were also giving their best, but Kirby was only focused on one thing: catching the Snitch. Minutes felt like hours as she flew, the wind whipping through her hair. Then, out of the corner of her eye, she saw it—a flicker of gold near the far end of the pitch. Without hesitation, Kirby leaned forward on her broom and shot toward it, her body streamlined for maximum speed.

The Snitch darted and weaved, trying to escape, but Kirby was relentless. She matched its movements with precision, her reflexes honed from years of practice. The distance between her and the Snitch closed rapidly. With a final burst of speed, Kirby reached out, her fingers brushing against the tiny, fluttering ball. She grasped it firmly, feeling its wings beat against her palm.

Kirby slowed her broom and held the Snitch up high, a triumphant smile spreading across her face. She had done it. She had proven her skill and determination. Now, all she could do was wait for the results, but deep down, she felt confident that she had given her best performance.
Bellamy could hardly believe that he was in his last and final year at school. And even more miraculous he had stuck out being on the quidditch team the whole time no matter how many times he considered quitting. He knew his mom would be proud even if he had no intention to go pro or anything. He was good enough and he could live with that. He arrived to tryouts and felt like he towered over the younger kids trying out. He barely listened to the new captains as they talked but snapped back to reality when everyone took to the air. He joined them before heading to the hoops and doing his best to block whatever came at him.
Claire couldn't believe she was in her final year of school. She had enjoyed it so far, especially the quidditch seasons she had in the past. She had hoped to make the most of it this year with the team. Claire stood with the new co-captain, listening and nodding along, agreeing with everything that he had said. It wasn't long before they were up in the air. She watched as the team practised as well as watching those who were trying out, looking to see who she thought was suitable for the team. She too joined the team, making sure to get some practice in, as well as trying to get some teamwork in there.

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