Y47 Beauxbatons Practice S1

Light Zhefarovich

6th year ✗ trouble-maker
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Pure Blood
Relationship Status
Single (Not Looking)
Sexual Orientation
Sep 18, 2045
Light Zhefarovich chose a good, cloudy day to gather his and Claire's team onto the pitch. He just told everyone what he expected them to do, and unleashed the balls into the air. There were a few more bludgers than before - one that would purposely go in the opposite direction of the beater's swing. Light thought that would be extremely entertaining. Some beaters might even hit themselves.
Kirby kicked off the ground and was so shocked she'd caught the snitch she almost fell off her broom! She released it and went looking for it again.
Bellamy knew exactly what to do when practice rolled around. It was hard to believe his time playing quidditch was nearly over. His mom had joked a few times about him following in her footsteps but he knew he was no where good enough to even try. He found his way to his usual spot in front of the hoops and kept an eye out for the quaffle.
As soon as the quaffle was released Enzo grabbed it and quickly made an attempt to score but it was saved.
Kirby zooms to the other end of the pitch, chasing after a glint, only to realise it was from the hoops and she cursed in annoyance.
Light caught the quaffle as it was sent back out to play, and took off.
Enzo followed light when he took the quaffle.
Kirby flew alongside the chasers, looking for more glints of the snitch.
Light made it to the hoops and threw the quaffle. He smirked as it sailed through the hoop.
Bellamy was doing alright, blocking shot then missing the other. With a sigh he tossed the quaffle back in to play and hoped he was just getting warmed up.
Bellamy waited patiently for something to happen. As much as he had grown to like playing over the years it was clear it was far from his passion in life.
Kirby kept high, looking for the snitch.
Bellamy watched the seekers fly around and wondered if they were having fun or if was as stressful as it looked.
Bellamy kept his eye out for the quaffle.
Kirby looked for the snitch, but couldn't see it anywhere.
Light caught the quaffle as it went back into play, and flew off to turn and make another shot, if possible.
Bellamy perked up as he watched their captain grab the quaffle.
Light went up to the goals once more, and tossed the quaffle, but it was blocked.
Bellamy grinned and was pretty pleased with himself when he was able to successfully block a shot.
She'd already caught the snitch once, so where the heck was it!?
Kirby looked low, seeking the snitch.
It seemed the snitch simply refused to show itself.
Bellamy waited for the next chaser to take their shot, until then he let his legs dangle in the air as he waited.
Kirby kept her eyes peeled for the snitch, but she could not see it anywhere.
She continued to look for the snitch.

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