Y46 Beauxbatons Quidditch Try Outs

Vincent Poe

oddball ✧ back home
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Half Blood
Relationship Status
Interested in Somebody
Sexual Orientation
12" Pine wand with Vampire Blood core
Vincent Poe was honestly shocked that he was a seventh year now, and his last year on the Quidditch team. He joined it when he was in his third year, became official in his fourth, and now, he was captain. He knew his chances of being knocked out would be high, so he asked Claire to help him. It was better to have a co-captain anyway. He posted flyers and announcements all around the school for today, and now it was time. He had his broom behind him, and hovered on it. He sat sideways with his toes just inches above the ground. He smiled at the team, and potentials, "Hey! Welcome to Beauxbatons try outs! I am Vincent Poe, and my co-captain is Claire Blanchet. I am the seeker, and Claire is a chaser. For returning players, welcome back! Help out those that are trying out. Anyway, you all should know how Quidditch works, so get to it. There are more bludgers and snitches out." Vincent was also relieved that his French was now fluent.
SeekerVincent Poe (Co-Captain)
Chaser@Claire Blanchet (Co-Captain)
Chaser@Alicia Richelieu
Chaser@Light Zhefarovich
Beater@Tullia Whitlock
Keeper@Bellamy Parish
Light Zhefarovich, so far, lasted a solid year in Beauxbatons. That was a miracle by itself. He saw one of the many posters for Quidditch try outs, and debated on not showing up. But show up he did. He listened to the captain speak, and headed up to help the others out - if he was going to be nice that is.
Tullia was excited for another year of quidditch. She was on the pitch and the moment she could Tullia shot up into the air ready to get to the practice.
To be honest, Claire was a bit shocked when she was asked to be a co-captain of the team, though she knew she couldn't say no to the opportunity. Claire stood with Vincent as he spoke, nodding along to what he said and waved as she was introduced. She then watched as the other team members and those who were trying out flew up into the air. However after a while she had decided to join in on the try-out as she wanted to get a bit of practising done as well as help those who were trying out.
Bellamy couldn't claim he was exactly proud of how last season went but he was optimistic, tentatively, that this one might be better. He got to the pitch and listened to Vincent before taking to the air. He gravitated towards the north hoops and got ready for the chasers. He blocked most of the shots made against him but a few managed to slip buy. All together it wasn't bad and he was a little rusty after the holidays. When it was all over he did some quick stretches and waved to the captain before leaving.
Nina was a little annoyed she wasn't automatically part of the team - even though she was an alternate, she had been around forever. Maybe she should have tried for a different position, perhaps, but she liked being a seeker. It was fun, and thrilling, and she liked the feeling of catching the snitch. Her hair was tied up with a pretty blue ribbon, enchanted to stay in place, and she waved at the captains with a smile. "Bonjour! Niniane Archambeau, seeker!" She figured they knew who she was, so she just focused on getting up in the air and seeking.

Nina didn't get to practice much over the holidays as her parents still didn't necessarily approve, but they couldn't exactly do anything to stop her. She beamed as the wind whipped around her, loving the feeling of flying and laughing as bludgers flew right past her. (She laughed a little less as some hit her, but it was part of the risks and the bruises never really hurt until she hit the ground). She managed to catch the snitch before too long, though it took a while for her to find it a second time. Finally, just as the tryout was coming to a close, she found it again, calling out excitedly as she did and bringing it to the ground.
Alicia was excited about tryouts, they were pretty fun when you already had a spot on the team and didn't have to try out. Vincent spoke to them, revealing that Claire was his co-captain. Once it was time to start tryouts, Alicia took to the air and looked around for the quaffle. She was curious to see who would try out for the team.
Celestine needed a good way to let off steam, and since she liked flying, Quidditch seemed like a great way to go about it. Beater might not have been the most glamourous position, but it was certainly going to be good exercise for her. And she had plenty of makeup to conceal any training bruises, so she wasn't really putting her appearance at any risk. She had made sure to look cute in her sports uniform, hair tied up in neat braids as she beamed at the captains. "'Allo," she greeted, being sure to give her best possible smile. "My name is Celestine, and I am here today to try out for beater!"

Unfortunately, beater itself wasn't cute, and Celestine quickly worked up a sweat chasing after bludgers. She missed a couple of attempts, but her more competitive side meant she started pushing herself to hit them more aggressively, getting bat on bludger with decent consistency by the end of the tryouts. She even managed to hit a couple of players, though she was more trying to just show she could do it rather than aiming at anyone specifically. The captain who played seeker was too pretty to be hit with bludgers, she thought. Still, she felt pretty happy with how she'd done by the end of the tryouts, and by that point she wasn't even worried about how gross she probably looked, all red faced and sweaty, because she'd had a good time hitting bludgers around the pitch.
OOCOut of Character:
Try outs close in 24 hours!
OOCOut of Character:
I swore I posted the line up. Whoops.

Vincent PoeSeeker
Claire BlanchetChaser
Light ZhefarovichChaser
Alicia RichelieuChaser
Tullia WhitlockBeater
Celestine GauthierBeater
Bellamy ParishKeeper
Niniane ArchambeauAlt Keeper

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