Y45 Quidditch Game: Beauxbatons vs Ilvermorny

Ocean ducked when a bludger headed her way and flew after it.
Nabi flew a bit lower, still not seeing any sign of the snitch.
Alicia grabbed the quaffle as it was thrown back into play, determined not to let it get stolen this time.
Vincent had no luck looking for the snitch.
Larissa was nowhere near bludgers.
Zoey was annoyed Hadrian missed his shot. But she hoped Pearl could do her job and keep things even. She flew close to the Beauxbatons chaser, a move she had become very good at, hoping to grab the quaffle the first moment she could.
Bellamy was glad to not be failing completely during this game. He tossed the quaffle back into the game and watched as Alicia flew off with it.
Ocean swung at the bludger but missed.
Vincent continued in his pursuit to find the snitch.
Ocean looked around.
Bellamy kept his eyes fixed on the quaffle even if it was on the other side of the pitch.
Nabi still didn't see the snitch anywhere, she rubbed at her eye.
Alicia flew to the opposing hoops and tried to score, she scowled when she failed.
Zoey saw her chance and grabbed the quaffle.
Larissa chased after a bludger.
Ocean saw a bludger nearby and swung her bat at it, sending it flying into @Tullia Whitlock. Again. If only she could've hit the seeker.
Nabi winced as a player was hit by a bludger again, she had been lucky so far.
Zoey raced across the pitch, quaffle tucked against her side. She made it to the other hoops in record time and used her speed to her advantage. She threw the quaffle to the left and cheered as it went through.
Bellamy groaned as he missed blocking yet another shot. His mom was going to be so disappointed when she found out. Maybe if they won he could lie. He tossed the quaffle back into the game and was glad to have a short break before he'd likely be embarrassed again.
Nabi sighed softly as she still didn't see the snitch anywhere.
Ocean headed for another bludger.
Bellamy kept watch for the quaffle to see where it would end up.
Zoey stayed back for a moment to see which of the Beauxbations chasers would grab the quaffle next.
Vincent swore under his breath as he found the snitch, chased after it, had.to change directions suddenly to dodge a bludger and lost it.
Light sighed as the other team scored again. Once the quaffle was thrown back out, he snatched it and headed in the other direction.

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