Y42 Ilvermorny Quidditch Try-Outs

Micha Kovac

hogs head👍happy to be here👍a little lost
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Half Blood
Relationship Status
Knotted 11 Inch Flexible Oak Wand with Hippogriff Feather Core
09/2040 (23)
Micha hadn't done a very good job as captain last year. They had lost against Beauxbatons and it was hard to not think that it was his fault. He had broken their winning streak and the only really difference to the team was that he was captain. His bad mood lasted into his summer break and his family did their best to cheer him up. He had asked Abigail if she had wanted to be co-captain over the break. He half expected to no hear anything from her, or worse, hear that she wanted noting to do with. But to his surprise she had said yes and for the first time in a while he felt a spark of optimism for the season. Micha spent most of his free time since coming back to school in the library actually trying to learn some of the theory behind the sport. It might be a bit overboard but he just wanted to be prepared. He was a little worried who would show up for try-outs and fiddled with the whistle around his neck until he saw the first few students approaching and he waved them over. "Good to see everyone!" he announced with a smile. "I'm sure most of you know me by now but I'm Micha and I will be your co-captain this year." he said and nearly winked when he said co-captain but restrained himself. "We had a bit of a disappointing season last year." Micha said and tried not to betray just how much it hurt to admit. "But that just means we have a lot of work to do this year to be even better." He wasn't sure if his words were making any kind of impression so he turned to Abigail to bail him out. "And I'll let Abigail explain the rest!"

[Please wait for Daphne to post with with Abigail Martin]
Abigail was glad she was captain now, she would be able to fix the mess of a team. Micha had done a good job picking her, even if he hadn't done a very good job as captain last year. She was prepared, wearing a crisp new uniform with her hair back in a tight ponytail as she waited for tryouts to start. She glanced at Micha and wished she could tell him to stop fidgeting with the whistle, but it would make them look weak in front of the team if she did that in front of them. They needed to seem a united front, which would be easy as long as Micha just did what she wanted him to. Abigail waited for Micha to be done, then nodded as he gave her her cue to start. She clapped her hands together. "Alright. I'm Abigail Martin, your other co-captain this year. We're going to do better this time, anything else is unnacceptable." She said, her tone firm. "New players and alternates will have to try out again. The established team members will be helping out with tryouts, play as you normally would. I don't want to see anyone slacking just because you already have a spot on the team. Any of you can warm the bench during the match if we deem it necessary." She said, looking at the established players in turn. Then she glanced at her watch. "If you're trying out, clearly state your name, year and position you're playing for." She added, then gestured vaguely upward. "Get started."

Micha KovacSeeker/Captain
Yoo Hyun KiKeeper
Felicity SweetwaterBeater
Abigail MartinChaser/Captain
Dallas BrunfelsChaser
Noah WebbChaser
Felicity couldn't believe Micha had gone and made Abigail captain now too. It was bad enough she was going into this season without Mykaela but now she had to deal with having her in charge too. Flick did her best not to pout or roll her eyes too obviously as Abigail addressed the team, relieved when they were finally able to get back into the air. She wasn't going to give Abigail a chance to nitpick or mess with her this year, stretching out her batting arm and settling herself into practice. After all, she was going to get a new partner out of this as well, it was important she pay attention. And if she hit a few bludgers extra close to the chasers and captains, so be it.
Quidditch last year had been.. alright. Noah had enjoyed it, even if it didn't feel the same as it had back at hogwarts. Perhaps he just had to get over the fact that it wasn't ever bound to be the same. He was at a different school after all, around different people. None of them even slightly reminded him of his old teammates. Which wasn't so bad in the end. He hadn't liked half of them anyways. He just liked how good they had been. Heading to the pitch Noah was surprised to see Abigail was now co-captain. Then again, he didn't even know his new teammates very well. He didn't specifically care either. He just wanted to play quidditch. Noah gave his captains a quick nod before heading up into the air when try-outs were started. He spend most of his time flying around and making sure some of the kids trying out could get their hands on the quaffle by tossing it to them. He also couldn't resist making a few steals, if only to show there was a fair possibility of that happening in a game as well. He didn't try his hand at the hoops though, this wasn't his time to show off. Once time was up he touched back down onto the ground again and made his way back inside.
Dion was just trying to manage his life being upended and moved from Hogwarts to Ilvermony. He was a pretty smart and resourceful guy, so he was pretty good at keeping his head down and getting through it, focusing on his classwork and improving his dueling and channelling his mental energy into the tasks before him rather than wasting any time and effort on feeling sorry for himself.

That said, he also wanted an excuse to hit things really hard.

So he'd gone to Quidditch tryouts. Dion had played a little at Hogwarts, but he was keen to really get stuck into it and reinvent himself a little. He'd been made a Horned Serpent (considering how rhe hat had deliberated at length between Ravenclaw and Slytherin before settling on the latter, it felt appropriate) but that didn't mean he couldn't be ferocious when he needed to be. He was just usually pretty clever about it. But beater hit the primal mental niche of 'hit thing hard' that he really needed to exercise. Dion raised his eyebrow at the less than united front the co-captains put forward, thinking the boy looked vaguely ineffective and the girl looked cute but stuck-up. But Dion was smart enough not to let his disdain show, not if he wanted a spot on the team.

"Hey, Gwydion Amos, trying out for beater," he greeted with a mock salute. One of the other chasers looked kind of familiar but he didn't dwell on it, instead taking to the sky. The first few bludgers he attempted to hit were just hit with power rather than finesse and he didn't exactly pay attention to where they went. He missed a couple but was able to mostly send them flying. He did realize he should actually try and hit them with some focus, however, and started hitting them away from players, primarily. He did notice the pink haired beater hit some that went a little close to the captaons and started to think that was purposeful, which he quietly found pretty amusing. A couple of his unintentionally went close to other players but he primarily played defensively to show what he could do. There were a few misses but he shrugged off hits to himself with no issue, hopimg he'd done enough to make the team.
Yoo arrived at the quidditch pitch ready for the new semester. He was hopeful they would have more success this time around. The teen listened to the new captains spoke, and then got up into the air and went to one of the hoops, ready to guard it.
Dallas lazily came to their first Quidditch try outs of the school year, everybody was there, no one missing but the one who already graduated. With a quaffle in hand, tossing it in the air as she arrived on the field. "Sup, y'all!" She greeted the team with a smile. It's her sixth year at Ilvermorny and second year on the team, while her first year sucks, she wanted to win this year. She watched as new students try out for the team, she hoover on her broom with the quaffle between her armpit. Clapping now and then as the rookies do their jobs.
Nabi was excited to try out for the Ilvermorny Quidditch team, she was finally old enough. She grinned as she waited for her turn. When it finally came, she stepped forward. "I'm Nabi Mun, I'm trying out for seeker!" She said, giving a little salute to go along with her statement. The team had a seeker, a good one, but she was sure it was always nice to have a backup. She shot into the air and started looking for the snitch. It took her a while, but she eventually grabbed it. With a grin, she held it up. "Got it!"
OOCOut of Character:
Tryouts are closing in 24 hours!
Taylor wasn't happy. She had transferred from Castelobruxo after only a year because of her father's new job, but she had already made friends and she had spent most of her summer in their new house giving her parents the silent treatment. But she was here and stuck at Ilvermorny until her parents decided to uproot her life again. When she heard about quidditch try outs she figured there were worse ways to try and make friends. She only really knew the rules because of her brother but it would be enough to get her through the day. She barely paid attention to the captains and thought the girl could lighten up a bit. Finally it was time to get into the air. "Taylor Hawkins and I'm trying out for beater." she said briskly. At least she could use her bat to work through some of her frustration. Without another word she was in the air and searching for bludgers to hit. Quidditch really wasn't that hard. It took her a while to get her timing right but when she did she landed several blows to her potential future teammates. She was worse at blocking but she even managed to stop at least one before try outs were finally over. Back on the ground she noticed she did in fact feel a bit better and hoped she'd done well enough to make the team.
Abigail's announcement had made Micha a bit nervous to see how the team would react. But try-out seemed to go well and he was glad to see they would have enough members to keep the team up and running for another year. He raised his clipboard to shield his eyes from the sun and blew the whistle to get everyone's attention. "That's a wrap everyone!" he called out and waited for everyone to return to the ground. "Thanks for try-out." he said kindly. "You'll be hearing from us soon." He glanced at Abigail and remembered her warning to returning members. "You all did great!" he added quickly before starting to clean up himself.

OOCOut of Character:
Try outs are closed! Thank you everyone for trying out! You should be getting a PM about the first game and practice soon!

Micha KovacSeeker/Captain
Yoo Hyun KiKeeper
Felicity SweetwaterBeater
Gwydion AmosBeater
Noah WebbChaser
Abigail MartinChaser/Captain
Dallas BraunfelsChaser
Nabi MunAlt. Seeker
Taylor HawkinsAlt. Beater

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