Open Y41 Valentine's Dance

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Professor Angel Castillo

Herbology 5-7 | American | Handsome Devil
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Seeing Somebody
Sexual Orientation
5/2013 (49)
While Angel would hesitate to call himself a romantic, he did rather think he'd outdone himself with this year's Valentine's Dance decorations. The Great Hall was dimly lit, the usual torch light replaced with flickering tea lights and fleets of fairies that migrated across the dance floor or nested amongst the various decorative shrubs, each glowing as brightly as muggle string lights for the occasion and matching the twinkling of the stars in the enchanted ceiling above.

The outskirts of the hall were set with smaller tables, dressed in pink and white table cloths and loaded with pink punch, snack cakes, berries, and enough chocolate to satiate even the most ambitious of first years, including a chocolate fountain.

Pride of place, offset in the center of the hall by the usual dance floor, was a rose garden, rose bushes of varying sizes and colours arranged around a central fountain which splashed softly over the music piped into the hall for the dance. The garden held several benches and alcoves for those searching for a little privacy, though the rose bushes had been enchanted, the garden periodically rearranging itself without warning lest any students got any ideas.

Standing at the entrance to the garden, Angel waited for the gathered students, waving them into the hall with a flourish before greeting them all, privately impressed with the students that actually arrived at school events on time. With a quick warning about the dangers of eating too much chocolate and a reminder of dance rules, Angel wished them a good night, letting the lilting sound of music fill the hall as petals began to drift over the dance floor, signalling the beginning of the dance.
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