Y41 S2 Ilvermorny Quidditch Practice

Micha Kovac

hogs head👍happy to be here👍a little lost
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Half Blood
Relationship Status
Knotted 11 Inch Flexible Oak Wand with Hippogriff Feather Core
09/2040 (23)
Micha hadn't been dealing with the lose against Beauxbatons very well. But he couldn't let his own insecurities as captain keep him from stepping up for the rest of the team. Just because they wouldn't be going to New Zealand this year didn't mean they could sit around either. They had to put in the work now if they wanted to have any shot against the French, who obviously wouldn't be taking any breaks. He let the team warm up a bit on the ground as he got all the balls ready for practice. When everything was in place he turned to face the team. "Good to see everyone today!" he said cheerfully. While the weather wasn't as bad as it was during their game it was still cold even though the sun was shining. "We may not have any more games this year but we still have plenty of work to do." Micha said and they felt like they were being thrown directly back at him. If he had only been faster maybe they would have won. He shook off the thought and tried to seem unbothered like usual. "So let's make the most of it and get started!" he blew his whistle and let the bludgers and snitch loose. He tossed the quaffle towards the chasers and took to the air himself.

OOCOut of Character:
No need to post arrivals, just jump into it!

Jia arrived to practice and took to the air right away, looking for the snitch.
Noah listened to what their captain had to say before pushing himself off into the air and grabbing the quaffle in the process.
Felicity had decided that Quidditch was a lot more fun when they were actually winning their games. Still, she put on a brave face for practice, kicking into the air and making a show of warming up as she checked for bludgers.
Abigail was quiet and focused as she took to the air. This practice was still important, even though they had lost last time. She followed Noah.
Noah headed for the hoops and took his shot, not too impressed when it sailed past the side.
Spotting Abigail tailing after Noah, Felicity couldn't help but knock a bludger towards @Abigail Martin, quietly pleased that it actually hit the chaser even if it didn't seem to help Noah make his shot.

x1 Abigail
Noah glanced at Felicity when Abigail got hit by a bludger, wondering if she had done that to keep the other chaser away while he tried to make her shot and shooting her a quick grin as he waited for the quaffle to be thrown back out.
Micha was in the air and he knew he should be looking for the snitch but he was focused on watching the team. That was until a flash of gold flew right in front of his face. He chased after it less than gracefully but a moment later he grabbed the snitch out of the air. If only it had been that easy and quick during the actual game he thought.
Felicity beamed back when Noah smiled at her, feeling giddy as she took a swipe at the other passing bludger. She was still watching Noah as she swung however, the bludger shooting off at a strange angle and straight into poor @Micha Kovac. "Oh crap, sor-Oh nice catch!- Sorry Micha!"

x1 Abigail
x1 Micha
Mykaela was excited for the practice, especially after their crash towards Beauxbatons. However, when she took air, she hit nothing.
Micha was still in shock after catching the snitch that he didn't see the bludger until much too late. It crashed into his shoulder and he dropped the gold ball on reflex.
When none of the other chasers claimed the quaffle Noah shot forward to swoop it up himself.
Still feeling bad about startling Micha right after he'd caught the snitch, Felicity decided to give him a break, sending her next hit towards Mykaela instead. "Heads up, girl!" She called as the bludger shot towards her partner.
Noah flew back towards the hoops and made his shot but watched as it got blocked.
Micha watched the chasers for a bit before getting back to his search.
Felicity did a loop, kicking her legs a bit on her broom as she flew even though she knew it slowed her down a little. It was more fun to fly that way.
Felicity went to swing at a passing bludger, flinching as it got a bit too close to her fingers where she gripped her bat, causing the bludger to shoot off in a random direction.
Noah caught the quaffle when it was thrown back out and tucked it under his arm.
Leaving the bludgers for a bit, Felicity dropped down to fly near Noah as he took the quaffle. "I don't know how you manage to look so cool flying back and forth like that, I guess you're just a naturally talented player," she said brightly, giving her bat a little twirl.
Micha continued to look for the snitch again.
Objectively Felicity knew she should probably stop chatting and go chase a bludger or two but maybe she could pretend she was defending the chasers for awhile.
Felicity slowed down some when she spotted one of the bludgers nearby, loath to give up a chance to talk to Noah but not wanting the bludger to interrupt anything.
Noah glanced to his side when he noticed someone there. “I reckon it’s the hair.” He replied with an attempt at a joke, something he wasn’t great at. “You should get that.” He added with a hint of a grin as he nodded towards the bludger before heading for the hoops himself and making an unsuccessful shot.
Micha kept looking for the snitch.

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