Y41 Ilvermorny Quidditch Try-Outs

Micha Kovac

hogs head👍happy to be here👍a little lost
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Half Blood
Relationship Status
Knotted 11 Inch Flexible Oak Wand with Hippogriff Feather Core
09/2040 (23)
When Micha was asked to be captain he thought it was a joke. He hardly felt qualified to lead the team when he hardly felt qualified to play at all. But he agreed in the end, but it wasn't like he could have said no to an opportunity like this. When he told his family there were so excited for him which felt like he was even more trapped than he had been before. Even if he wanted to back out, how could he when they were so excited for him. He had to put on a brave face, or at least his best guess at one and hope he didn't look like his stomach hurt or something like that. Micha cleared his throat in an attempt to get everyone's attention and it worked better then he expected and suddenly all eyes were on him. "Hi everyone." he started and could hear the nervous waver in his voice. "I'm Micha and I'm going to be captain this year. We've had a good track record so far and have continued to beat Beauxbatons for a few years now. But we've yet to go all the way and take the title from Hogwarts New Zealand." he explained and his stomach clenched as he remembered how brutal both of those games had been. "But this year let's try and change that!" he said excitedly before getting on with tryouts themselves. "Returning members you should all know what to do. Get in the air and practice like usual and participate with those trying out. To those of you trying out today, please state your name and what position you are trying out for." he said, trying to sound as commanding as he could muster despite the persistent waver in his voice. He picked up his clipboard and blew the whistle to get this show on the road.

Micha Kovac (Captain)Seeker
Abigail MartinChaser
Mykaela BlytheBeater
Felicity SweetwaterBeater
Yoo Hyun KiKeeper

OOCOut of Character:
Hi everyone! Returning members please post in try outs to maintain your spot on the team. Last years alternates also must try out again. Try outs are open to second years and up, if you have a first year who is interested please message me first, thank you!
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Felicity had been quietly hoping that Mykaela would be named captain this year, being bff's with the captain would have been the coolest, but she was still excited when she saw it was Micha instead. And at least it wasn't Abigail, she thought, allowing the pettiness for a moment before turning her attention to Micha. "Yaay, Micha, congrats, you totally earned it," she told him with a little happy wiggle as try outs got underway, looping a leg over her broom and kicking off into the air. Flick felt like she was an old hat at this Quidditch thing now after playing for a whole year, though she hoped some more cool girls (or maybe cute boys) could join the team this year, forgetting half of the time to actually look for bludgers as she slowed her broom to scope out the new team hopefuls and wave at a few. It was fine, any new potential beaters would need to show off with the bludgers more than her anyway.
Jia made sure to arrive to practice that day prepared. Her hair was carefully braided, and she wore a helmet. It wasn't the most aesthetically pleasing, she would admit that, but she'd read too many incidents of players being killed or hurt by bludger blows to the head. She had absolutely no interest in being another one of those statistics. This was an after school activity, not her career, she had studies and plans and things to do.

She stood in the line with the others. "My name is Jia Warren. I'm trying out for the seeker position again." She announced, before taking to the skies. The try outs went well, she thought, managing to catch the snitch four times before they were dismissed. She lowered to the ground again, removing her helmet and moving to follow after Yoo.
Yoo glanced at Jia as he arrived on the pitch, and much like her, he was wearing a helmet. He smirked at her, "Good luck Jia," he knew she'd be good enough to get back on the team as at least an alternate. He just got on his broom and headed up into the air.
Mykaela was excited for the try-outs and to see who was going to try-ou this year. She was happy to see Micha as a captain, it just felt right for her, he deserved the place more than anyone else. And when she took the Air, she immediately called out to Flick: "Missed you and the teamwork!" Because she honestly missed it. And then she went on to not make it easy for Kids who were trying out.
Dallas was ready, she'd been waiting to try out for a very long time but was a scaredy cat all the way. She knows how to ride a broom and yet, Dallas' low self esteem was in the way. She arrived at the pitch, broom in hand and don in practice uniform. The captain this year is new and from another house, although she saw some from her house and year. As the captain did his first talk of the year, she let another student do her try out first before she stepped in and do hers.

The Thunderbird watched everyone, particularly the one trying out, she was good and now her nervous self was coming out. She kept twirling a strand of her hair. Once the girl was done with her try out, she stepped in and introduced herself.
"I'm here to try out for the chaser position ... Oh! name's Dallas Braunfels ... Thunderbird if y'all wanna know." The young girl was blabbering as usual. "Okayyyy, I'll start now." Dallas mounted her broom and flew a few feet off the ground, asking some of the other chasers to pass her the quaffle. "Du schaffst das, Dallas (You can do this)" She mumble under her breath.

Once she got a grip of the quaffle, she zoom to the East side hoops. Dallas could almost hear the passing bludgers and her brain was reminding her that danger was just near. The young girl got to the hoops without getting knocked out and shoot the quaffle in the hoops. Quidditch was rather popular in their household, at least from her father's side. Dallas flew down to retrieved the quaffle back and tried the West hoops without getting blasted by bludgers. If the pitch was like the American Football, Dallas was almost to the fifty yard line when she saw a bludger coming from her side.

With a quick maneuver downward, she quickly avoided the monstrous flying killer without loosing a grip from the quaffle. This journey to the West side was harder than she thought as bludgers keep coming after her. There was a time she lost the quaffle but dove to catch it mid-air. Fortunately, she made it to the hoops and scored. Dallas was tired but continued to do the same routine until one fast bludger got her on the arm. The quaffle slipped. With one arm unable to move and the other on the handle of the broom, she didn't have the chance to catch it. Dallas just stared down to the ground where the quaffle had landed.

The Thunderbird girl felt defeated as she lowered to the ground, she felt that she wouldn't get the position now that she failed that last bit. Es gibt immer ein nächstes Mal (There's always next time) Dallas thought to herself as she dragged her broom out of the pitch and made her way to the Hospital Wing to fix her arm.
Things for Noah had not been great. He hated having to move across the globe and change schools when he had been perfectly happy right where he had been in Scotland. Hated the idea of being back in the States and having to live with his disaster of a mother again. At least if he could stay at school during the christmas break he would only have to deal with her during the summer. The school itself hadn't seemed terrible so far but hadn't been too interesting either. The best thing he had come across so far was a notice implying quidditch tryouts, glad these students weren't just all about Quodpot.

Making his way onto the pitch Noah had slung his broom over his shoulder and walked up to where the other students were gathered. He hadn't seen any of them play and yet he felt confident. If anything, Quidditch was the first thing that offered him a sense of familiarity. He knew quidditch. Had been playing for two years back at Hogwarts. As alternate, sure, but that didn't matter. He had experience, he was aware of what to do. "Noah Webb, trying out for chaser." He said stepping forward, giving the boy had introduced himself as the captain a small nod. With his introduction out of the way, Noah mounted his broom and pushed himself off into the air. He flew around the pitch for a second, keeping an eye on the other players as he followed the quaffle's path from one player to another untill someone decided to throw it his way. Deciding not to play as selfish as some of his old teammates used to do Noah passed the quaffle back to another player as they got closer to the hoops. He spend his time at tryouts attempting to show his skills in all different aspects of the game. Quick movements, dodging bludgers, passes and a couple of succesful shots at the hoops. Once time was up he made his way back down onto the ground with a small smirk, simply content to have been back on a pitch.
Abigail had been furious when she learned Micha had been made captain over her. It was one last unforgivable thing the last captains had done to her, and Abigail didn't think she would be able to resist the urge to curse them if she ran into them again. She didn't think Micha was bad, but she would have been better. She was clearly the better player! Abigail couldn't keep the stormy expression off her face as Micha spoke to them. She got to the air as soon as she could, not saying a single word to him.
OOCOut of Character:
Thank you everyone who had tried out so far! If you still want to try out for the Ilvermorny team you have about 24 hours!
Micha blew his whistle when tryouts were over. He was glad their loss last year hadn't driven away any of the returning players and was excited to see some new faces show up. "Thank you for trying out everyone!" he said as they all started to return to the ground. "I'll make sure to get the new line up to you shortly."

OOCOut of Character:
That was a really long 24 hours! Thanks again to those who tried out, see line up below!

Player Position
Micha KovacSeeker/Captain
Yoo Hyun KiKeeper
Mykaela BlytheBeater
Felicity SweetwaterBeater
Abigail MartinChaser
Dallas BrunfelsChaser
Noah WebbChaser
Jai WarrenAlt Seeker

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