Closed Y35 Accio! meeting

Vader Hume

class of 2053; nervous; professional photographer
OOC First Name
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Curved 14" Flexible Spruce Wand with Vampire Blood Core
10/2034 (27)
Vader had thought without the pressure from caro that he might feel less stressed about the meetings that he had with the rest of the accio team, but it seemed the opposite was definitely true. He didn’t know why he felt impossibly more nervous, but perhaps the dissenting voice from her had been nice, now it was just his own, and his own was much harsher than Caro’s had ever been. He had always understood her frustration too, now however, he was on his own. He had the room prepped as he always did, with some snacks, some tea and coffee, and a few of the year before’s yearbook. This time around they didn’t have any new interns so he felt comfortable that they wouldn’t have to do introductions, and instead, on the table, were several agendas of what he wanted to cover, reflections, hopes for the next yearbook and maybe an event outside of the work that they did. Vader wasn’t sure how much time or energy he would have for it, between having to lead the whole thing, the prefect duties and the OWLs, but he ‘d find the time, somehow for it all. After all, if he wasn’t sleep, it might be easier to continue to fill those hours with something. He hadn’t sleep before this meeting, he’d tried to, but his mind so abuzz with it, he’d spent the whole night in the accio room, if Ava still liked him, he might’ve been able to remember breakfast, but he hadn’t. It was clear in his tired movements, the dark rings around his eyes, the fourth or fifth coffee of the morning and the way his hands shook awfully when he wasn’t holding anything or not focusing on them. He took a seat at the table, and just held the coffee in his hands, waiting for the rest of the members to turn up.
This would be Aisa's third year on the Accio team, and she had to admit to herself that it had grown on her over the years. It had been the only club she was a part of for the last two years, though she intended to join the SDA this year too. She made her way to the arts room and headed inside. Only Vader was there, not looking his best. Aisa figured it wasn't her place to comment on that though, so he just took a seat next to him. "Morning." She said. "Congratulations on the badge." She added, though she wondered why Professor Kingsley had put even more pressure on the older boy. He barely seemed capable of handling the stress now, though he seemed to do fine as the Accio leader.
As far as clubs went, Accio wasn't that bad. Compared to some of the other clubs like the Brotherhood, it was practically heaven, and even though Kas probably wouldn't own up to it too enthusiastically, he enjoyed the work so far. Considering he'd mostly joined on a whim the whole thing had worked out pretty well in his favour, which was why Kas actually bothered showing up to their club meetings. Anything less interesting and he probably would have skipped out. Grabbing a seat, Kas gave a half-hearted wave to Aisa and Vader, pulling one of the old yearbooks over to flip through while they waited for the others to arrive. He figured he could easily pass some time making fun of some of the awful fashion choices from the past balls at the very least. "Coffee good, Vader?" He asked, glancing up at their leader. Vader looked exhausted and Kas sometimes wondered if the coffee was the only thing keeping him running.
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Violeta Finch was having the time of her life with her girlfriend. They were going strong after a year now. It was time for the annual meeting, which the Ravenclaw made her way into the room, and sat down before taking in who all was there. Immediately, her eyes softened at the look of their leader. He looked like he had not seen a bed in years. Exhausted and everything, then he was given a badge. Violeta figured that as the oldest, she assumed, she should go to him later and see if she could take anything off his plate to help out. Violeta brushed her hair out of her face, and placed her hands together. She remained quiet for now, unsure of what she should say.

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