- Messages
- 120
- OOC First Name
- Pheeb
- Blood Status
- Unknown
- Relationship Status
- Single (Not Looking)
- Age
- 1/2032 (19)
Fletcher had been shocked to hear she'd been asked to be co captain with Theodore. She wasn't sure she particularly stood out on the team, and while the red head had been playing since her third year, it wasn't as though she was an especially vocal person. The seventh year wanted to try and push herself though, and she was grateful for the chance to do so on her final year here at Beauxbatons, before she would have to return to the depth of her own community who would be waiting for her. As she changed and headed to the pitch, it only now sinking in this would be the last try out session she attended, she greeted her co captain and waited with him for the others to arrive. "Hi everyone," she called out eventually, when she thought enough people were turning out that they should begin. "For those of you who don't know me, my name is Fletcher, and this is Theodore," she announced, one hand gesturing to her side to the blonde. "We will be your captains for the year so if you have any questions you should come to us," she gave a glance to him, wondering if she should just delve straight into it. "If you're already part of the team, welcome back! We did very well last year in defeating Hogwarts and I really hope we can keep up this tradition and show them who the superior school is," she grinned, it was always fun to visit the New Zealand team and win. "we would like you to just keep practising today and to get to know the new players. If you're here to try out though, please introduce yourselves and what role you would like to play, we have a few available at the moment. Do you have anything else to add Theo?" she asked, hoping she hadn't missed anything off the list. "Once you're ready, please head off out into the air, good luck!" Fletcher had seen many players come and go from the team, and she hoped they'd be strong enough to represent their school once more to victory.
Players | Position |
Nadine De Rosier | Chaser |
Available | Chaser |
Available | Chaser |
Available | Keeper |
Fletcher Mercier (Co Captain) | Beater |
Grace Martinez | Beater |
Theodore Lacroix (Co Captain) | Seeker |
Available | Alternates |
Out of Character:
Anyone on the team line up last year (as posted above) can get their spot back by posting in this topic, but don't be discouraged if spots are full. Some people may not return, and we will definitely need plenty of alternates this year!!
If you try out keep a few things in mind:
- If you don't have your OOC name connected to your character, please add it to the post in an OOC note. We'd need to contact you on your main account for announcements and games, since the Beauxbatons side accounts (understandably) don't get checked as often.
- Please keep in mind that this team will only get to play one game, and it won't be for a while. Practices will be very important for the continued existence of the team, as well as building up the characters and activity of the team. Please be active in practices, even with the Quidditch system down. It will make playing on the team a lot more enjoyable, and it will help keep it going for the future years.
- Please make it clear which year your character is in, whether in your tryout post or in your member title. If your member title still reflects the previous year, we ask you to update it for clarity's sake. You may also want to register on the Other Students List as Other Students are not assigned year groups as HNZ students as, in order to keep up with where your character is at.