Y31 Dueling Match #23

Jon Phillips

Nerd | Traveling the world
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Half Blood
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
Knotted 13 Inch Rigid Pine Wand with Hippogriff Feather Core
Jon led the two third years onto the dueling platform. This was the second round of the tournament and he was sure the students knew the rules from the previous round, but for the sake of being thorough he explained the rules to them again and assigned them different ends of the stage shortly afterwards. When the formalities were over Jon stepped away from the platform and allowed the duel to begin.

OOCOut of Character:
Please refer to the spell list for guidance. No board rule breaking is acceptable. Have fun! I have a copy of the code that you should use with every post. Remember, when you are knocked out, unable to shoot anymore spells, you lost. And if you run out of points, you lose.

The duel begins now. If someone doesn't post after 24 hours, they are disqualified.

[b]Current Points:[/b] 
[hr]RP content[hr][b]Action(s) Taken:[/b] 
[b]Point Changes:[/b]
[b]Points Remaining:[/b]
Current Points: 150

Charlie still couldn't quite believe how easy her first duel had turned out. It felt almost surreal to be standing here again, though she was grateful for more chance to actually practice her defensive spells hands on. She took her place and listened to the professor telling them what to do, giving her opponent a small bow before the duel got underway. As soon as they were allowed to start Charlie took the opportunity to strike, hoping to get this duel over as quickly as the last one. "Petrificus totalus!"
Action(s) Taken: Cast Spell
Point Changes: -5
Points Remaining: 145
Current Points: 150</COLOR>

Cassander was glad he won his first duel because he hoped to win the tournament this year. Last year he'd gotten far enough, so now he just needed to win the next round to continue. Cass bowed at his opponent, glad it wasn't another roommate again, and held his wand up at the ready. He let the girl go first so he could try and see what type of dueler she'd be, and quickly blocked her spell from hitting. Afterward, he shot the Jelly Fingers Curse at her hoping to to make her drop her wand.
Action(s) Taken: Cast 2 Spells
Point Changes: <COLOR color="red">-10
Points Remaining: 140

Current Points: 145

Charlie was ready for her opponent to retaliate, blocking his spell with one of her own. "Expelliarmus!" She cast back, keeping calm despite the racing of her heart. Even as much as she hated the people watching, Charlie hadn't expected the duels to be this exciting. She wished she had signed up sooner, enjoying the adrenaline rush of a good fight.
Action(s) Taken: Cast Spell x2
Point Changes: -10
Points Remaining: 135
Current Points: 140</COLOR>

Cass kept on alert for the girl's next incoming spell, so he was ready with his shield charm in time. Once his shield dissipated, he quickly yelled, "Stupefy!" pointing straight at his opponent.
Action(s) Taken: Cast Spell x2
Point Changes: <COLOR color="red">-10
Points Remaining: 130

Current Points: 135

Charlie ducked out of the way of the boy's spell, staying low as she thought fast and aimed a tripping jinx at the boy's knees, hoping to knock him over.
Action(s) Taken: Dodge Spell, Cast Spell
Point Changes: -10 -5
Points Remaining: 120
Current Points: 130</COLOR>

Cassander kept an eye on his opponent as she dodged, not used to seeing opponents quite 'move' so much, since dueling was mostly wand waving. So he hadn't really expected a spell to come from a lower angle. He had expected her to straighten up again and send her spell, so he didn't think he needed to put his shield up just yet until she stood up properly. He realized his mistake as soon as his knees hit the ground harshly as the trip jinx hit him and he hissed in pain. He glared at the girl as he stood up and shot, "Incendio!" straight at her.
Action(s) Taken: Hit by Spell, Cast Spell
Point Changes: <COLOR color="green">+15, -5
Points Remaining: 140

Current Points: 120

Charlie laughed in surprise as she saw her spell land, enjoying the thrill of success. She didn't let her guard down though, quickly shielding as the boy's fire approached her. Barely managing to avoid the blaze Charlie thought fast, sending a jelly fingers jinx back at the boy.
Action(s) Taken: Spell Hit, Cast Spell x2
Point Changes: -20 -10
Points Remaining: 90
Current Points: 140</COLOR>

Cassander gripped his wand tighter in anger as the girl laughed at his trip, but remained focused on the duel, casting his shield charm in time to repel her oncoming spell. He kept a close eye on her now as the duel got more intense, shouting, "Petrificus Totalus!"
Action(s) Taken: Cast 2 Spells
Point Changes: <COLOR color="red">-10
Points Remaining: 130

Current Points: 90

Charlie blocked the boy's spell quickly, still a little shaken by the sudden blast of fire earlier. Trying not to think about how much that could have hurt if it had hit, Charlie retaliated quickly, hoping to get this duel over with. "Stupefy!"
Action(s) Taken: Cast Spell x2
Point Changes: -10
Points Remaining: 80
Current Points: 130</COLOR>

As much as he hoped to just win already, he liked the back and forth of the duel so far. He yelled, "Protego," at the same time the girl tried to Stun him so he was safe from the spell. Once the spell bounced away he let his shield vanish and he cast the Knee-Reversing Hex to try and catch her off balance to weaken her defenses.
Action(s) Taken: Cast Spell x2
Point Changes: <COLOR color="red">-10
Points Remaining: 120

OOCOut of Character:
Cassander Howard is the winner!

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