Y29 Gryffindor Quidditch Practice

Professor James Cade

'Daddy Cade' | Father of 8 | Always | DADA 5-7
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Half Blood
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
Bisexual (Geo)
Knotted 11 1/2 Inch Sturdy Elm Wand with Essence of Belladonna Core
Gryffindor,PracticeJames stood on the Quidditch pitch with his broom leaning on the bench and the game chest on the floor. They had been playing well that season and one more win would give them the championship. He wanted it, he wanted It for him and he wanted it for Rudolf even if his best friend was no longer around. It may have been Valentines day but there was no rest for the would be champions.
Merrill groggily walked towards the quidditch pitch. Ever since her talk with Professor Kingsley she hadn't been sleeping well. Or at all really. She still had no idea what was going on, or what was going to happen. At least she still had quidditch. Maybe if she played hard enough today she would be able to take a nap after. Merlin knew she needed it. As she got closer Merrill noticed it was only James so far on the pitch "Hey-o, Captain. Glad you called practise. I'm worried all the Valentines chocolate I've been eating will make me fat." She joked hoping James wouldn't notice how on edge she actually was.
As he walked onto the pitch towards his teammates, Tomas couldn't be happier. It was his birthday, and all day he'd been eating his favourite sweets without anyone telling him not to do so. To make his day better, the now thirteen-year-old could finally prove himself to the captain as a seeker, or at least he hoped he would. ''Hi, guys.'' he said as he approached the two older students.
Marisol was glad for Quidditch to be a distraction for her during this time and quickly headed out to the pitch to join her team. "Hey," she greeted James and the tiny boy from their team as she walked over to Merrill and flashed her an encouraging smile. She did her stretches quietly beside the blonde who didn't seem too talkative lately but neither was Marisol so she didn't mind the silence. She hoped once she got in the air that she could clear her mind of things weighing her down lately and just focus on flying and scoring.
Lizzie had been looking forward to Quidditch practice all day. The championship was looming, and Lizzie was gonna do everything she could to make sure Gryffindor got the victory they had worked for. She beamed cheerfully as she made her way down to the pitch to meet her teammates, bouncing over to the small group already assembled with a wide smile. "Hey, guys!" She said happily, leaning on her broom. "Ready to crush Ravenclaw in a few months?"
Lyra Potter showed up for Quidditch practice on time. Things were still tense between James and herself even though she felt as if there was point behind it all. He clearly wasn't pining over her, and she certainly couldn't care less about his relationship with Maddie. Still, it was weird that he wanted to practice on Valentine's instead of spending the time with his new girlfriend. She hoped for the sake of the team he would let it go and not try to punish her on the field for it. "Absolutely." Lyra replied with a smile to Lizzie as she walked up behind the other girl.
Gabriel was completly ready to rock. He would show what he got and that James had to pick him for the next game. The blonde lion was ready and was pretty hyped. When he entered the field he smiled at the others. He would expect Marcos to be here too, but he already went without him. They would meet up soon enough. '' Hi guys!'' the lion said happy to the other team members. There were only older students yet but he liked the others and wanted them to get to know him too. Gabriel put up his thumbs when Lizzie said they were gonna crush Ravenclaw. They sure did and perhaps with his help.
Wyatt had not played in the last few games due to a personal problem, one he'd mentioned to no one but as he was finally feeling a little better the boy decided to go to practice. He walked down to the pitch, head down and barely looking around to his team as he got onto the field.

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