Y28 Ravenclaw Quidditch Tryouts

Felix Warrick

Potions 5-7 | Ravenclaw CO 2044
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Half Blood
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
Knotted 12 Inch Whippy Cypress Wand with Hippogriff Feather Core
Felix had been expecting a difficult year only now he had the added responsibility of being Quidditch captain. He was happy to take it on of course and considered it an honour. Felix had got to the pitch early, he did his own preparations including warming up and taking some laps of the pitch to keep his flying skills sharp. Soon, his team mates began to turn up and shortly after hopefuls hoping to try out. Some of them he knew, but there were a handful of people he didn't, if any of them made the team he would make sure that changed. "Welcome to the try outs, my name is Felix Warrick, I am a chaser and your Captain. Anyone who was a starter on last years team does not need to try out, alternates and new hopefuls please split off into your positions, I'll need your name and position before you begin, good luck everyone," Felix nodded and opened up the chest to release the various balls to begin the try out.
Felix WarrickChaser (Captain)
Daylen Wiberg-RoseChaser
[th colspan="2"] Current Team[/th] [th] [td]Chaser
[tr][td]Tholomyes Fontaine[/td][td]Beater
[/td][/tr][tr][td]Teagan Maxwell[/td][td]Keeper
[/td][/tr][tr][td]Isabelle Marie[/td][td]Seeker

OOCOut of Character:
Players from the previous year are guaranteed their spot without needing to try out again - as long as attendance is posted before try-outs are over. Alternates, however, will need to try out again.

First years are required to PM me for approval before attempting to try out - which will only be accepted if there is a need for more players.
Tholomyes arrived at the pitch, he liked quidditch, it was about the only think he did actually still enjoy. The school had been pretty awful over the last year, without his best friend he hadn't been too sure. But since it was a new year, he was hopeful that it would be better. The boy wasn't too motivated to make it better himself, he sighed heavily, he wanted to make friends but he didn't have any, most of the people within his year had their own set of friends, uninterested in expanding it, so he was left to himself. The teen nodded and then as soon as he could he hopped on to the broom and flew into the air, he was sure to enjoy flying around as he hadn't been able to over the break, he was happy to enjoy the feeling of being good at something, because Theo knew he was good at quidditch, he was sure that the new comers would be even better than him, but he just flew and did his bit as he always did.
Teagan was glad to be back at Hogwarts, it was a whirl wind of chaos once she got home for the school break, plus, a divorce is on the way between her dad and mum. She didn't even know for sure that she's legally a Maxwell or not but the court and her known dad will decide whether she stays with them or go to her biological mum back to the states. Once the school year started again, it was clear she misses flying and when tryouts were announced, Teagan was excited to meet the new comers. The younger Ravenclaw was heading down to the Pitch when she remembered her cousin, she wanted to invite him to watch because she knew Caelan would enjoy it and might decide to try out next year. But she was already there at the entrance to the pitch. Reminding herself to invite him next time, Teagan's smile grew once she saw Felix in front of other hopeful candidates for whatever open position there is. She always knew he's a Captain material, though, Teagan miss Zach the most. He's the knight with a beater's bat. The Ravenclaw was aware that she didn't brought her broom, she wanted to just watch how well the new people would be from down below. Teagan sat at the players bench and watch as the try outs proceed.
Flavio was determined for his third year to be better than his second. Marcos was now in school, sorted, and Flavio was therefore expected to be a confident and reliable older brother in the same way Pia had been to him as an older sister. This meant he needed to finally grow a backbone, stand up to others and focus on things that made him happy rather than forgetting about his own needs in order to cater to other people. One of the things that made Flavio happy was playing quidditch, and he was excited to try out again that year and show the new captain how much he had improved since playing in one of the Ravenclaw games in his previous year. It was his first official game so he had been self-conscious, and worried that he wasn't playing good enough which ultimately lead to letting his team down. Flavio never wanted that to happen again and wanted to show that he was constantly willing to learn and work towards being a better player.

He arrived to the pitch with one of the school brooms, and stood in the back of the group as the captain spoke. When he was called upon Flavio approached Felix and smiled. "Flavio Morales, I am trying out for chaser." He then turned around and walked away from the group before mounting his broom and flying off into the air. A few laps of the pitch to scope out the other team hopefuls allowed Flavio to get into a proper grove before he flew to intercept one of the quaffles going around. He began flying to the opposite end of the pitch with the quaffle under his arm, dodging and swerving whenever someone attempted to steal it from him. Before he knew it, Flavio reached the set of hoops. He slowed down, eyed the hoop farthest to his right, then threw the quaffle to the left in an attempt to confuse the keeper. The shot went in successfully and Flavio smiled at his accomplishment. He then caught the quaffle as it was thrown back to him, and alternated between attempting shots and passing the quaffle to different people as he flew to each end of the pitch.

The sense of calm and happiness Flavio experienced when flying overtook him as he continued to fly around the pitch. Flying truly was one of his favorite things, and something he would always do whenever he was feeling sad or out of place in a school that after two full years was still foreign to him. The try outs were soon over and Flavio reluctantly returned to the ground, standing with the group that had reformed until everyone was instructed to leave. He felt as if he had played well, and was proud of his accomplishments but it was ultimately up to the captain to decide.
Izzy had no idea what this year was going to hold, with the additional responsibility of being a prefect. She smiled as she walked into the pitch, quidditch always made her day better. She greeted Felix and congratulated him for being given the position of Head Boy, before waiting for everyone else to arrive and newcomers. When instructed, she kicked off the ground and circled the pitch, observing the new comers and praising them if they made an impression to her. It would be a good practice.
Rama Mowry walked onto the Pitch with her broom in hand. Her break had been fine, but she was ready to get back to work. Her father could be so mopey sometimes, which killed her mood. She walked up to Felix with her arms folded, the usual stance for Rama. "Rama Mowry trying out for Seeker." She then walked away and kicked off into the sky. It was depressing that Isabelle still had the main seeker position, but Rama was going to work hard this year. She always practiced whenever she had time off from school, and the third year had improved significantly, at least that was what she felt.

Rama had caught the snitch twice within thirty minutes which made her very proud. That was an average of 15 minutes to catch one snitch. Her speed and maneuvers were flawless and just like she had practiced at home. All her studying in the library had paid off in her mind. Rama hoped that the captain would see it too. However, the chances of Isabelle being bumped down was slim, so the third year was not going to get her hopes up. she caught the snitch several more times before try-out time was over. She nodded to Felix before she walked off the Pitch.
Noemie had thought about quidditch during her first two years of school, but she had only just decided to actually try-out for the team, it had been a somewhat snap decision, she didn't actually even own her own broom, but in her mind it made more sense to go to the pitch, try-out and if she got on to the team to actually get a broom, that was the way to do it. The girl spent a lot of time working out, and doing a little bit of fighting, and she wanted to do some sports. The girl was a little nervous about it, and she felt herself shaking a little as she waited for this to begin. She stepped forward with a smile when she was finally able to, "Noemie Vanity, for a chaser," she told the older boy before she got onto the broom and shot up into the air. She was a little shaky on her broom, it was because she hadn't actually spent a lot of time flying, she had been flying for a little bit, but she was still a little shaky.

The girl had done some reading about the way to play quidditch, had been learning about how to play, what it took to play. Noemie warmed herself up before she set about doing the task that she was here to do. The ravenclaw caught the ball when it was cast out, she was able to put it under her arm and held it tightly, she didn't want to let it go accidentally. Noemie pushed forward and she took the shot, but it went a little wide. The girl didn't mind too much, it motivated her to try harder, she continued to try to score, passing and making the point of trying to be a good team player. She was excited to try to get on to the team, and she wanted to manage it. The tryouts were hard, she had worked herself hard. The girl touched back down on to the ground when it came to an end, she had managed to miss more times than she had managed to score, but given that it was her first time really playing and the keeper on this team was older and well practiced Noemie was hardly surprised, she was just happy about it. Happy to have tried.
It was stupid how excited some of the students at this school were. Over nothing. They'll just be hanging around the common room delighted at the thought of schoolwork. There was one thing however that Isaac had prior knowledge of. His aunt Aaliyah had once taken part in the triwizard tournament, and thus had become quite skilled in flying; A trait she had passed to both her niece and nephew. Despite Leah's protests, Isaac had actually already been taught to fly, and so as rare as it might be to find a first year trying out for Quidditch, Isaac Kain was vainly confident in his skills.

Beater, was clearly the best option for the Ravenclaw. Once the previous beater was finished with his try out, he clasped the bat, mounted his broom, and kicked off quickly from the ground. He wasn't going to waste any time answering questions from the older students as to why he were on the pitch. He didn't need to explain himself. He flew a few swift laps of the pitch, when his eyes met with one of the bludgers. He leaned tall, his back straight as to perfect his aim, and as the bludger came soaring towards him he wacked it as hard as he possibly could, ninety degrees in the opposite direction. He repeated his success a few more times when he remained in the air, and when he was finally satisfied that he had proved himself, he touched back down on the ground.

Not waiting for a response, he put his broom down on the grass. One day he would own a broom but for now he would have to just put up with the tatty old school's versions. He walked swiftly and confidently off the pitch. He wasn't hanging around, he would find out his result soon enough when it was presented in the common room.
Caelan's first year at Hogwarts was a challenging one for him, with his cousin Teagan around who is seems known, he has to exceed his own expectation from himself. And the first step in doing so is trying out for their house Quidditch team. It was an odd start but confident nonetheless. The Ravenclaw boy was aiming for the same position as his cousin, the position she seems good at but the trouble was her temper when it comes to the actual games. Of course, the adults back home were only laughing about it and that how cute it was per his mother. For Caelan it was a childish act.

It wasn't an easy task to convince the captain of the Ravenclaw team to try out as he was just a first year but they may never know, they might prefer him than Teagan. After preparing for the try outs, he stocked up some food on his belly and marched down toward the Quidditch pitch. Caelan was surprised that Teagan was just sitting at the players bench and not flying with the aspiring players. He shook his head in disbelief and tried to ignore his blonde cousin as the Ravenclaw boy went ahead and grab a school broom on the ground. It was also a good timing as the everyone was on their brooms. Caelan walked up to the captain and stated his name and the position he's trying out. "Caelan Maxwell ... I'm trying out for the keeper position and yes, I'm aware who holds the current position." The last bit was a reminder that he didn't like Teagan that much.

The eleven year old mounted his broom and zoom fast up to the three hoops on the south side of the pitch. Caelan position himself just below the center hoop and started his focus on the on coming chasers at him. Each were passing the ball, making Caelan confused as to who will be throwing the quaffle but his eye coordination was as good as an eagle hunting its prey. Caelan followed every moved they made and when the quaffle was tossed on the right hoop, he moved fast and with a reach of his right hand he blocked the quaffle. The next one was an error, he was slow the second time and the quaffle barely hit the tip of his fingers. But the next one was as easy as the first one and it continued like that. Caelan smirked as the last quaffle attempted to cross his path, the Ravenclaw blocked it with a swift of his arm. He was pleased at himself for trying his best and he wonders if Teagan did the same on her first try outs or maybe he was better.

Caelan flew down to the ground gently when he was finished, he nodded to the captain to bid him farewell and gave the broom to the next person trying out. Caelan wanted to stay but he hadn't explore the whole castle yet and might do it while he has time. He exited the premises without saying anything to his cousin.
The few days back at school has made Delphine excited, she is now a second year and as her father had said to her that she was old enough to make decisions for herself, the first thing came into her mind was to try out for her house Quidditch team. The team that almost won the Quidditch cup a few months ago. It was a bummer though that she didn't even thought to buy a decent broom to fly with, so, she has to use the old raggedy school brooms. Coming to the pitch with a clear head, Delphine took the broom that the other boy handed to her. She smiled at him and went toward the team's captain. "Hey! I'm Delphine Grimbald andddd I'm trying out for the beater position? The one with a ball that go berserk and kill people? ... Nevermind then, I'll go start my try out." Her blabbering went to far as to mention that a bludger would kill people but it does happened rarely, though, just recently someone really did died from the nasty little bugger.

Delphine grab a beater's bat, mounted her broom and kicked off the ground as it took speed up. She was in search of a bludger when she spotted one coming towards the north hoops. Thank goodness she was near and had a chance to block it with a mighty swing of the bat. It was an opportunity to save the keeper if it was an actual game. And her luck seems to have expanded as Delphine keeps seeing bludgers from every where, every time she hits them it was always on full might. The job was hard but the twelve year old was determine to do her best if and/or if not got accepted on the team. The last bludger though almost knocked her off her broom but had time to duct from it and came zooming pass her. "That bludger's lucky I don't have my wand to jinx it." She muttered under her breath as she called it quits and landed down to the soft grass ground. "I hope I did good and I hope I didn't disappoint you. I can do better than what I did there, I swear." Delphine said to the captain. Although, she had to stop herself better that makes her not get in the team. "Anyways, I'll go. Looking forward to the official team." She happily put down the broom on the ground and skipped her way out of the Quidditch pitch.
Felix WarrickChaser (Captain)
Flavio MoralesChaser
Noemie VanityChaser
Tholomyes FontaineBeater
Isaac KainBeater
Teagan MaxwellKeeper
Isabelle MarieSeeker
Rama MowryAlternate Seeker
Caelan MaxwellAlternate Keeper
Delphine GrimbaldAlternate Beater
[th colspan="2"]New Team[/th]

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