Closed Wrong Cousin

Abian Hunter

🛹2053 Grad | Skateboarder | Healer🍦
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Relationship Status
Interested in Somebody
Sexual Orientation
12 1/2 Inch Cherry Wand with Billywig Stinger Core
5/2035 (27)
Abian had a few things on his mind and it was all very distracting. He should be thinking of the upcoming exams and what he was going to do next year, but instead his mind was stuck on two things: roses and healing magic. What professor Pendleton had said to him about wizards being able to heal muggles but not doing it because they had to stay secret had stayed with him, and it bugged him more than it should. He just couldn't stop thinking about his dad, and how magic could have saved him if they had known about it earlier. But when he wasn't feeling moody or sulky about that subject, he was feeling fluttery and anxious about the two anonymous pink roses he had received after Valentine's day. The boy had been unable to stop thinking about them for the better part of the week, occasionally looking at the roses on his nightstand. One had had no note, the other had had one but it had been unsigned. Abian had no idea who it was from, though he had a few people he was hoping they would be from. But it felt unlikely that Jacob had send him one, and Emily had only talked to him at Valentine's day because she had been nice. Though that note did sound a bit like her. Arvel was someone else he had wondered about, because they had a weird moment in the locker room a few weeks ago. They had grown closer lately, and a fluttery feeling he had come to associate with Jacob also appeared around Arvel now occasionally.

Abian needed to make sense of all this, and had decided to go seek out Amaya. She always seemed to know how to deal with things, so he was sure she would have some idea how to handle this situation. The boy had gone looking for her, passing by the Slytherin table and the dungeons before deciding to check outside. The weather wasn't as nice, so near the winter break, but today was sunny even if there was a cold wind too. He didn't see the girl anywhere, but did spot a relative of hers. Maybe he knew where she was! Abian headed over to Onyx, waving. "Hey, Onyx!" He called as he headed over. "Have you seen Amaya?"
Onyx had been taking a stroll when he heard someone call his name. He turned to see a younger kid heading his way. Wasn't that Amaya's friend? His question was immediately answered as the boy asked for his cousin. Nyx laughed. "Hey! If it isn't Amaya's only buddy," He smiled a bit. "She's got a crush on some younger boy and it's inspired her to work more on that novel she's writin'. You won't find her outside of the Slytherin common room until dinner." He folded his arms over his chest, a bright smile on his face as he shifted his weight to one foot. "Maybe I can help? It's always such a pleasure to help cute blokes." He winked playfully.
Abian smiled at the older boy, but the smile dimmed a bit when he called Abian Amaya's only buddy. That wasn't very nice, even if it was true. He wondered if he should say something, but bit back a comment. He wasn't going to get into family business. "Oh." He said as Onyx said Amaya had a crush on a boy. That also wasn't very nice to just say to anyone. If it was true, he was sure Amaya would tell him when she wanted to. He tried to put it out of his mind for now. Then Onyx offered help and called him cute. Abian immediately blushed and shrugged. "I was just going to ask her some advice about... rose stuff. It can wait." He said quickly.
Onyx chuckled. "Well, she is the perfect person to ask. She's a total romantic. It's not surprising since her birthday is Valentine's Day." He crossed his arms over his chest. "I could help if you wanted." He gave Abian a playful grin. "I may not be a super blunt, pretty, smart blond, but I am her cousin! And devilishly handsome if I do say so myself," He teased.
Abian was surprised to hear Amaya be called a romantic, as she seemed way more cynical than that. "I just wondered if she'd heard anything." He said with a shrug. Amaya was obervant, she may have known who would send Abian a pink rose. He blushed a bit when Onyx called himself handsome and gave a tiny shrug. He was, but agreeing seemed... odd. "Uh, it's just... I got two pink roses and don't know who sent them. I'm trying to figure it out."
Onyx nodded. "Without a doubt. It's always scary how much she knows." He chuckled. "She gets me all the time." He oooh'd as Abian said he got two pink roses. "That's pretty serious. Sadly, though, neither of them were from me." He flipped his hair. "Promise if I do decide to send you one I'll sign it." He winked playfully. "You really have no clue who did then?" He asked, hands in his pockets. He didn't pay enough attention to have any idea, but maybe he could send Sapph after Amaya. Two anonymous pink roses would drive him nuts.
Abian was glad Onyx thought him asking Amaya was a good idea. But it also made him kind of wish Amaya was here instead of Onyx. The boy was nice, and ...cute, in a way, but the flirting was making Abian feel uncertain. He'd never really been flirted with before, and even though he had a few crushes, this was new for him. He laughed a little awkwardly as the boy said they weren't from him. "Didn't think they were..." He said uncertainly. He blushed a bit as the boy joked about signing any rose he'd send to Abian. He assumed he was joking. "I don't know. I guess I have people I kinda hope they're from but it could be anyone... or just a joke." That thought had plagued him too. "One did come with a note, but no name. The other with nothing."

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