Closed Wrong Choice

Eurydice Nightray

princess • wanting to be seen • sweet
Blood Status
Half Blood
Relationship Status
Interested in Somebody
Curly 17 Inch Unyielding Spruce Wand with Augurey Tail Feather Core
Eurydice hated Herbology and dealing with mandrakes was just the worst. They were disgusting and loud and smelly and she just hated Herbology. It certainly didn’t help that her initial interest in Potions had waned severely after discovering she now had a severe aversion to snakes and their body parts. Not to mention that she now disliked interacting with slugs as well after having vomited countless ones last semester. So it was seeming less and less likely that she would have any cause to even try in Herbology. Perhaps, she would just quit both classes next semester, but for now she’d have to suffer through Herbology this year. And that meant doing the homework for it. Of course, it was just her luck that she wouldn’t get paired up with either of her cousins for this homework. She was paired up with Demi, a girl she’d barely interacted with if at all. Figuring that she might as well talk to her partner after class ended, Eurydice ended up sort of jogging after the Ravenclaw. “Hey! Demi! Demi Zephyr!” she called out. “You’re Demi aren’t you? We’re supposed to be paired up for the homework?” she said when she finally caught up to the girl. Maybe Demi didn’t know her? They didn’t really talk much after all. “I’m Eurydice?”
The longer the semester went on, the more irritated Demi became. She liked to think she was social, but perhaps the fact that she'd been home-schooled for most of her life was more of a hindrance than she'd first realised. After the fight with Tori, Demi had more or less been trying to keep to herself with the rare exception of occasionally meeting up with Lumos to explore more of the grounds. She felt like an outcast, and everywhere she went the Ravenclaw had her defences up on high alert, just in case.

She hated her subjects and most of her peers. Teaming up with Eurydice for her herbology homework therefore was a nightmare when she heard about it. As the brunette came bounding up to her asking if she was indeed Demi, surprise was written across the second years face as she peered back at her for a few seconds. Didn't she know who she was? "I know?" Demi retorted. Maybe if the Hufflepuff removed herself from William's face for more than five minutes she'd have the awareness of those who'd been in her own class for a year and a half. She wasn't pleased about the prospect of having to work with the girl that had basically stolen the attention of the guy she'd been interested in, although at this point Demi knew that it was also equally William's fault for being such an attention seeker in the first place. They deserved each other, Demi decided. "Are you actually any good at your work or are you going to be leaving me to do it all while you're off galivanting the moment my back is turned again?" Demi shot her the fakest smile she could muster.
Eurydice was slightly relieved when Demi seemed to know her. At least they could skip much of the awkward introductions. Then again, their class was quite small. Even though Eury had somehow managed to not interact with a good number of her yearmates, she still knew most if not all of them by name at the very least. "Oh good. Perfect. I wasn't sure if you knew me, but at least we could skip all the awkwardness," she waved off. It was a fair assumption, she thought. She didn't really hang out with many people aside from her cousins and a small group of friends. And she only had three, maybe four - one of which was a house elf. Besides, she'd taken to not interacting with other students much unless needed after the introduction of Morrie and Vanity in her social life.

Eurydice couldn't help but frown and cross her arms at the girl's words which, in her opinion, was terribly uncalled for. Herbology wasn't exactly her strong suit. If anything, it was her worst, but that was mostly because she was very very much against interacting with dirt. And Herbology involved an outrageous amount of dirt. Still, the assignment didn't involve getting her hands on the mandrake - eww - and instead just research on them. This girl was being entirely unfair in her assumptions. "It's awfully rude for you to assume that I wouldn't be doing my part in the assignment when we've never worked together before. For all I know, you could be planning to skip out on doing your part," she countered. Eurydice, honestly, did not have the patience nor willingness to fake patience. Dealing with Morrie, Vanity, Tori, Felix and each of their b***s**t was bad enough. Pretending to take Demi's was not on Eury's list.
When it came to skipping awkwardness Demi thought Eury was actually joking. It was like they'd be paired together on purpose to "settle their differences" as adults like to do to kids they believed could change, but if Eury thought the Ravenclaw had either forgotten what she'd done to her or was just going to pretend it never happened she had another thing coming. "Is it rude, or accurate?" Demi quipped, "I don't need to know how you work on homework when I know how you work on ruining friendships." She'd never planned to speak about it to Eurydice, in fact she never planned to speak to the Hufflepuff at all, but if this was going to come up she was going to make sure she got an apology from the girl.

"So what if I did?" Demi asked. She wasn't the type to not do her homework, she took after her dad's love of knowledge and reading had always been a big thing for her to do for fun, doing a project wasn't anything to shy away from. That didn't mean however she was against allowing Eurydice to pick up her slack if the situation called for it. "Tell me, do you have anything else better to be doing aside from classwork, I mean, beyond the obvious, I suppose," the insinuation dripping from her tongue.
"Rude and inaccurate," Eurydice said without missing a beat. Why was this girl being so rude anyway? It's not like Eurydice's ever done anything to her. They hadn't even interacted outside of class, so what was her problem? If it weren't for this stupid assignment - for Herbology of all things - she wouldn't even bother talking to her. "I've done no such thing." Seriously. What was this girl on? Maybe she's delusional. Surely there was something about this school because people here had issues. Of the people she had beef with, Felix was really the only one that made sense. She didn't like Tori, but she had no serious problems with the girl aside from her forgetting Rose's existence. Seriously, they were roommates. She was pretty sure Vanity and Morrie had it in for her with the tug of war, honestly, move on. This girl. This girl made no lick of sense. At all. "Then you can expect that I will inform the professor when I submit the homework that you did none of the work," she said. Eury had no qualms about working on the assignment on her own and just submitting the work without Demi's name. She also had no issues with submitting a half-written homework, also without Demi's name. She did not even have any issues with not submitting anything. Herbology was her worst class anyway, and that wasn't bound to change anytime soon. "Whether I do or don't is none of your business." Eury had no idea what "the obvious" was, but she definitely had more important things to do than deal with a stupid brat. Honestly, she'd just about reached the end of her patience for politeness anyway. "Just because you're too much of a stupid brat to do your part doesn't mean I need to do yours."
Demi was looking at Eurydice with raised eyebrows as though it was almost a joke that she'd try and threaten her with submitting the work without her name on it. "Ooooh, scary," she scoffed, as though it would be difficult to just approach the professor and let him know what had actually taken place. "You don't even remember me, so what makes you think you're in a position to call me a stupid brat?" Demi chuckled, wondering where this girl got her ego from. "Besides, didn't you know it goes against all the Hufflepuff qualities to lie? I don't think the Herbology professor would like you very much for both lying about his assignment or being so rude to another student," The Ravenclaw just shot the girl another fake smile, feeling that she was just trying to rile her up for some reason. Demi had already learned her lesson not to call someone a homewrecker, at least, not out loud. That didn't mean she couldn't think it though, especially after what the girl had done to her last year. Demi sat a little higher in her chair, "Imitation is the most sincere form of flattery, but I already knew that I suppose since you already stole my boyfriend. What else have I got to lose?" If Eurydice was going threaten Demi with submitting a paper without her name after Demi had been the one to insinuate this problem in the first place, she should have been accustomed to Eurydice taking what was hers by now.
Eurydice couldn't help but snort. Scary. Right. It wasn't like she was trying to be scary; she was just stating a fact. Trying to be scary was too tiresome. She had no idea where Jai-nii or Kael-nii got the energy to be so frowny and intimidating all the time, but that was certainly not Eurydice's vibe. "Maybe you're just not worth remembering," she told the other girl with a shrug. What she already knew about Demi was enough: she was Eli's housemate, and she shared one or two classes with the girl depending on the semester. She was pretty sure they'd never exchanged words before either. She couldn't help but laugh though at the girl's assumption of Hufflepuffs. Nowhere did it say that Hufflepuffs valued honesty. "Might want to go brush up on your founders' knowledge. Little lacking there," she hummed, "And like I care what the professor thinks. Besides, if you do your part, then I have no reason to go to that man. Though I can't see how you'd be of much help anyway," she scrunches her nose, because clearly, this girl was on something anyway and there was no sense in whatever she's saying. And imitating her? Please. Then what the girl said next registered in her head. Boyfriend? That settled it. This girl was delusional. While Felix and Esme were perfectly happy being a couple, Eurydice hadn't really had the idea of getting a boyfriend. Much less stealing one. "You are one sick girl," she told the girl, pity lacing her voice. Maybe she really should just do the homework on her own.
Eurydice clearly had such a high opinion of herself to be able to call Demi not worth remembering. "No thank you," she stated simply, crossing her arms over her chest. It wasn't her fault if she didn't know what her own house traits were. "Sure, keep telling yourself you don't care but if that was true you wouldn't bother going to tattle and making up stories," Demi added, looking away from the brunette. It was tiresome to keep fighting someone who clearly put themselves on a pedestal. Demi wasn't about to let her knock her down though, and no matter how much Eurydice claimed that Demi was sick or stupid she wasn't going to let her bully her. "At least I have friends, and not just a family that pretends to like me," she said before she could stop herself. Honestly, she didn't know who Eurydice was friends with, but she did know she had a lot of family members. It was as though everyone in their year had some sort of relative. She didn't hear Eury denying the fact she'd stolen her boyfriend either which made her not regret the words she'd just spoken to the Hufflepuff. What was the worst that could happen to her? She'd be expelled? Surely this would just count as self-defence, after all this girl had been the one to start calling her names.
"Making up stories, right," Eurydice nodded solemnly. It was hard to not be condescending towards the girl. Eury had no reason to lie to Professor Carter if the girl did her work. If the girl did not, she wasn't nearly as generous enough to put down her name for the homework. Besides, if the girl clearly knew her stuff, Hufflepuffs valued hard work. Eury wasn't about to give a free pass, especially to someone who's clearly as rude as this girl. If that was all the girl had for insults, maybe she should direct her to Morrie and Vanity or even Felix really, because wow. Talk about something that people didn't already know. "Riiiiight... You have friends," Eury said slowly so the girl could understand her words. "And that's why you're deluding I stole your boyfriend." Clearly, this girl did not have friends. Which was just sad. Because Eurydice's first friend was a house elf. Maybe she should introduce her to Mr. Dak so she could have friends. She immediately changed her mind; Mr. Dak was too nice to be exposed to this girl. It was so sad that Demi thought that the family comment would sting. It probably would have if it weren't for the talk she'd had with Tizi-nii during the holidays. She was used to cousins and aunts and uncles disliking her for her blood status despite being an heir to a Pureblood family. But she had her brothers in her corner, and she had the Edogawas, and that was enough. "And really, tell me something I don't already know."
Demi didn't have to prove herself to this girl. Yes, she had friends. In fact she had a best friend that she had no doubt would have her back if she asked him to. But she wasn't like that, and she had no trouble fighting her own battles if it came to it. "Me having friends doesn't result in me believing you stole him. One does not equal the other. And I'm the stupid one." Demi muttered under her breath. It was obvious that Eurydice was running out of insults, so it likely wouldn't be long until she just got on and did her work like she was supposed to in the first place. "I could tell you a lot of things you don't know, but we'd be here all day," Demi added, hoping it would be enough for the girl to finally feel like she'd run out of retorts for her. Demi actually felt sorry for her, if she genuinely had no friends. "I presume you know at least a little about Herbology, though?"
"Oh no. I don't think you're stupid anymore," Eurydice said with a smile. "Just delusional. Maybe a little psychotic," she nodded to herself. She'd heard from Rose that they had a counselor in the school. She wondered if they dealt with insane people because clearly this girl needed a check-up. She could sort of see now what Kael-nii says when insane people sometimes don't know they are insane. "Well, you could have your imaginary boyfriend back anytime if you need him since you're apparently lonely without him," she said, miming grabbing something in the air and then placing it in front of Demi. "Have him join your league of imaginary friends," Eury sighed. Oh, to be blissfully unaware with a head up in the clouds. How Eurydice wished she could be that carefree. "Does it matter since we're not handing homework in anyway," she shrugged. Actually, Eury hadn't quite decided yet. She wouldn't be terribly upset to get a zero in a paired assignment. Especially for Herbology. She was going to drop the class as soon as she could anyway. If she felt like it, she'd do work. If she didn't, then she was fine with getting a zero since she had a pretty useless partner anyway. Next time, maybe she'd be lucky and end up paired with Nox. Or Eli. Even Jonah would be loads better.
Demi scoffed, Eurydice could think whatever she liked, she didn't actually know her. She'd even admitted as such. "You know usually people don't tell you one thing, and then claim the opposite. That's called being a hypocrite," she shot back. "Besides, you were the one who came to me to ask if we were pairing up for homework, so yeah I would say there's a good chance Professor Carter wants to see some evidence," Demi rolled her eyes at the girl's naivety. It was funny, hearing Eury call William an imaginary boyfriend. Sure perhaps they hadn't actually been dating, but Demi hadn't exactly hidden the fact she'd had feelings for him when Eury had decided to make out with him. Of course, she had issues with William too for being so keen to make out with Eurydice too, but it was dumb for Eury to think that had meant nothing to her. "Remind me to tell Lumos that a little Hufflepuff thinks he's imaginary," Demi smiled, naming names purely so that it would get her off her case.

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