Writer's Block and a Crapload of Medicine

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Christian Valente

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Walnut, 14 ½", Vampire Blood.
Heeeey people. Okay, so I know that I've been rather absent for the last few weeks, but you guys probably haven't noticed. :p Anyway, there's no real reason to that, I've just been really sick, paired with a bit of writer's block. :erm: Basically, I've had my mind on RL things, so I just haven't felt up to HNZ. To those that I have plots with, specifically Louise and Jessye: No, I have not forgotten our RPs, I've just been finding it hard to write replies. So sorry about that, and I will definitely reply as soon as I can. I'm totally still on for our plots, but if you've gotten something else lined up while I was away, then I'll understand. :p I really should have written this as a warning a few weeks ago, but got lazy. xD Basically, I'll be back to full RPing activity within a week or two, but I'll be lurking around anyway, so shoot me a PM if I've forgotten something. No really, I have the worst memory ever, so unless I just mentioned you, it would be wise to PM me. ^_^ Bye, H-Dog.
I hear that.

Take your time, dude.
Get better soon my silly duck! Jokes...not your fault you got the sickies xD
But you have to get lots of rest (chance to stay in bed and have your parents slave over you mayhaps?) and drink soup, soup is gooood :D
Anyway, take your time, and I'm sure your muse will come bounding back to life anytime soon,
Brittlebee ♥
Thanks, guuyz. :wub: I'm feeling better, so I'm kind of back now, kind of. xD I just missed you all (no one ever says hi to me on MSN apart from Sammy! :p For shaaame).

My characters back in business are:

Tempest Sun
Daisy Harrison
Maxwell Robinson
and a new guy that I've got to pick a name for.

All my others, I'm just not feeling right now, so they're on the backburner for the time being, ya? Sorreh. :erm:
Awww get well soon helenaa :hug:
c'ya in a week or two
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