WPC Y43 S2 - Leftover Roses

Rosie Archer

kind; new mama
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Seeing Somebody
Curly 13" Rigid Alder Wand with Fwooper Feather Core
12/2043 (18)
Rosie had thoroughly enjoyed the rose giving. She had had a great time with Xinyi at the dance, and received more roses than she thought was necessary. But even as a lot of people had received roses, they just hadn't been able to use all that had been grown. She knew it was better this than to have too few roses. But it meant they had a good number left over, and with Salem she had decided that they would tidy things up. Prune the rose bushes, get those last roses. With those roses people could use them to make flower crowns or just hold on to them. Just to make sure that they didn't end up in the bin. The Gryffindor was putting the final touches to everything when the club arrived. "Hi everyone," she greeted with a slightly shy wave, "Today is simple, we'll be tidying things up, pruning the last roses, and you can make flower crowns, do anything else with them. Obviously tidying plants up is important to encourage regrowth," she said before glancing at Salem waiting to see if she had anything to add.

OOCOut of Character:
A simple tidy up event in the WPC. Please hold off on posting until Kris/Salem Lee has done so
Salem was exhausted after Valentine's, but it had all been more than worth it. The Wild Patch had worked hard as well to get so many roses grown and she hoped they could enjoy a little bit of fun cleaning up the remaining roses and take a few extras if they wanted to. Salem herself was planning on trying to make potpourri, though she had no actual idea how to accomplish it. At the very least, rose petals smelt nice so maybe that'd be enough. "We're taking it easy today but just a reminder to be mindful of walking around with shears and watch for thorns and severing charms when you're using them," Salem said brightly. "We also have some rose hip tea if anyone wants some, seems appropriate," she added, motioning over to some teapots she'd charmed to stay warm and wondering if she should have set them up somewhere a little less likely to get knocked over. Oh well.
Ruto enjoyed being a member of the Wild Patch Club so far. It gave her a bit of time away from classes and homework, not that she really cared too much about it anyway. She came to the meeting early, gathering around with everyone as the two older Gryffindors spoke. They were going to be dealing with the left over roses, and Roo couldn't help but frown a little at this. There were so many left over and yet still none of them were hers. "No matter, I will just claim one for myself." she thought, heading straight for the rose bush when they were allowed to disperse. They were left over for a reason, but Roo wanted to find the best one for herself. She climbed into the bush, looking around for one that could be hers. She didn't care about the thorns scratching her - she just wanted to claim the best rose for herself.
Caleb usually didn't have his hopes set too high when it came to Wild Patch meetings. The excuse to be outside was good enough but he had to admit cleaning up a bunch of bushes didn't rank very high on his list of favorite meetings. But rose giving had been nice and he was pleased with the amount he had gotten and who from. Not that he knew what to do about some of them. Either way this was what was left. When they set off he grabbed a pair of sheers and mostly pretended to be busy and would cut off a flower and would offer it to whoever was closet to him. So far no one had taken him up on his offer. But as he cut off the next one he spotted a younger girl and leaned toward her. "Would you like take this rose?" he asked with sickening sweet sincerity and was practically bowing to her. @Ruto Vernier-Raison
Margo felt a little exhausted after all of the chaos that came with rose deliveries and the dance. It had been some time but she still felt like she was reeling. There anonymous note still weighed heavy on her mind to the point it was hard for her to focus on anything else. But hopefully being out in the garden would help. She smiled and waved to Rosie and Salem before they started the meeting and was glad that their goal was for the day was nice and clear. Margo grabbed her gloves and a pair of sheers and got right to work trimming the hedges but made sure to put aside some flowers for herself. She wasn't sure what she would do with them yet but she thought it might be nice to dry some to keep for decoration in the dorm room as long as Aine or their other roommates didn't mind too much.

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