Wow Plots. Such Characters.

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Karah Love

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Curly 16 Inch Sturdy Rowan Wand with Meteorite Dust Core
Hey guys, I have a huge group of characters I want plots for but today I'm only going to harass you with five of them but of course if you want to plot with others please feel free to pm me or post here. I'm pretty much open to anything and I want to widen my horizons with who I rp with as well. So give me stuff!

Karah Love is my oldest character out of the bunch. You may recognize her name from a few years back when she was still attending Hogwarts as a little Gryffindor but things have changed since then. She is now an interior designer and decorator for both muggles and magic folk and is completely centred around her career because of a devastating heartbreak between herself and her ex-fiance. She will need friends to keep her busy and to do fun things with. They should be people who maybe don't mind that she's not particularly intelligent but understand that she's very hard working and loyal. Karah is also a part-veela and in her school days she was bullied quite badly for it which caused her to have a lot of self-hatred growing up and very few female friends. Now she still doesn't like veelas because of her internalized hatred but is much better at controlling everything, she does meditation to keep her from getting too enraged and doesn't ever use the veela charm on purpose. Enemies would be far and few between, I would think. This is simply because she isn't bright enough to pick up on the certain subtleties of hatred that goes on between adults. She does have a little anxiety though because being bullied really took it's toll on her so she's always just a little nervous that people are pretending to be her friend just to make fun of her or that one day they are going to find out that she's part veela and freak out. I really am cool with all of these plots, though. As for lovers well... Karah is trying to get back into the dating scene but it will be difficult because the thought of being with anyone other than Ezra does make her feel guilty but she's really trying.

Kiana Roscoe, fittingly, is my newest character. She is the older sister of Elliot Roscoe and a muggleborn. She, however, never told her younger siblings about the wizarding world so is quite separated from the muggle world because she finds it difficult to relate to after all these years. She is a herbologist and will frequently leave her home to go on expeditions for rare and exotic plants. She doesn't just few them as a means to an end, however. Kiana loves her plants so much and does everything she can to help them thrive. It's sort of taken over her life because she has no time for other things so she has become a minimalist just to make her life simpler. She sort of views the consumerism as a muggle part of society and doesn't really understand why as a witch she would need so much stuff when magic can help with absolutely everything she should ever need.

Lux Hamilton is graduating from Hogwarts and honestly, I haven't been super active with her. She is an ambitious Slytherin who is very athletic and was raised as a muggle despite being a half blood. She is athletic and loves sports, I'm tempted to have her be a personal trainer or coach but I'm currently deciding her career path. Lux is a simple girl who loves her friends and her family and is much more of a tomboy than anything. She's been secluded the last few years at Hogwarts because she has been trying to buckle down so her social life has completely suffered so she'll need everything from friends to enemies to lovers. I have nothing set for her so I would love it if you just gave me anything you could!

Tesla Wilde is going to be sorted at Hogwarts soon (whenever sorting starts... Hopefully soon!) and she is a teeny muggle born girl who is raised by two scientists. Hence her ridiculous name but she goes by Tess for the most part. She's super keen to be going to Hogwarts and know everything there is to know about wizard life. She's sort of under the impression that absolutely everything is magical. She's already learned that some hate muggleborns and feels very nervous about the fact that all wizards could be like this. I expect that she will be bullied too so I would love to have enemies in the form of bullies. They could pick on her for a number of things, whether it's her glasses, her awkward body, how keen she is about everything or the fact that she likes science a lot as well. Really whatever you like, feel free to run with it. Eventually she'll let it all go and be a bit calmer about it but for now when she gets hurt she tends to just get angry instead so she'll definitely be fuelling the fire as well. Tesla is a pretty goofy girl who is really just excited about everything so she'll needs some friends who are eager as she is too. They could be any sort of person, I'm keen for literally everything. Finally for lovers, well Tesla is not even 11 yet so maybe we should hold off on that but I just want friends and enemies.

Valentina Morales is my baby Scitorari member, she is part of the anarcho-magic faction and is very anti-establishment. She has gone to protests in Brazil and Chile for years but because of her responsibility with her family she was never able to fully commit. She, however, does write for a small liberal paper/magazine in Brazil as a foreign political correspondent. It allows her to help with her families finances and gives her the freedom to be home to take care of them as she needs to thanks to apparation. Val is a strong-willed and stubborn person who has a hard time with people who are perhaps a little too similar to her but she would rather butt heads than not respect someone. Valentina tries not to be very emotional but when it comes to her family it's very difficult for her not to be that way so if anyone were to hurt them she would be quick to fight back because they are her entire world and all she really wants is the best for them. It's the reason she has joined the Scitorari because she truly believes she is doing the right thing for them. Friends will be people who Valentina can respect, these will be liberals with strong anti-establishment ideals and preferably people who don't come from very well-off backgrounds. She is quite the intellect as well so I would like it if she could hold a healthy debate with people who are her friends. Enemies will be any government member, especially the higher ups. She is getting more known as a journalist as being quite abrasive and irritating. She doesn't particularly like the people who benefit from the oppression that is felt around the world and fights for the rights of others. I'm sure she will have a lot of enemies. Finally lovers are completely open but honestly I don't know if I see much happening in the near future but eventually I would like her to have one because I think that it would be nice for her to have someone who, for once, looks after her or she feels like she can share the load and all her stress because she hasn't felt that way since she was a teenager.

*Click the names for biographies or profiles*
I'm so glad you posted one of these because I've been meaning to ask for some more plots for a long time ever since I saw you making new characters! :wub:

For Telsa I have my twins. I think she'd actually get along quite well with Lilyanna as Lilyanna is really interested in muggles and once finding out that Telsa is a muggle-born she'd probably want to ask her a lot of questions about them and would find it interesting to listen to her talk. Lilyanna doesn't like being goofy though and so she'd probably slightly dislike Telsa because of that.

My other one is Eleanor who I think would get along fine with Telsa. Eleanor asks billions of questions about lots of things so she's also quite curious. If Telsa likes exploring then the two of them could always go out and answer the unanswered I guess xD

Let me know what you think ^_^
I promised you I'd come along and join in your plotting, so here I am :)

The first one, partially prompted by the party topic, is of course James x Lux. Both are graduating this year, and I kind of liked how they played off against each other. Obviously James is a slightly rash young man who can be given to infrequent rages, but is mostly fairly easy, if loud. If he's around, you'll probably notice it, but he can equally blend into the background if necessary. Now this is not to say that he's not intelligent - his grades have only been slacking because of me, not him :p I'm guessing these two would be enemies, especially after what happened in the party, but she'll never be his top enemy because that is, of course, occupied by Esme :r

The other pairing is Tesla x insert name here. I've not had much time to get onto developing this kid yet, but he's going to be sorted along with Tesla, and he's also going to be a very scientific kid :woot: . His main interest will always be history, so I expect that I'll be writing a journal of some sort over the years, but he will also take a keen interest in magical matters, especially since he's muggleborn. I happen to have a few magical experiments that he'd liked to attempt out of curioisty, and whilst I may have told Claire and Monty about the possibility of him helping my new character, I'm also thinking that perhaps Tesla could either join in or devise some other experiments. Now I'm guessing that these two will be friends due to their curious minds, but who knows, maybe a love could blossom out of it - I've not plotted any finals for my guy yet; this might be something that develops organically instead of us pushing them together depending on how well they gel with each other?

The final pairing is a bit more of a gamble: Kiana/Karah x Luella Najha. This here is my (very) shy bear animagus who has only just moved to NZ to be away from her cruel father. She misses hope dearly, but she understands that since her father was so cruel to her in her childhood, she has no desire to return. She ran away with her mother, but she was already ill and couldn't make it, and now she's arrived randomly in NZ. She's so shy that she lives alone in the woods, either as a human or bear, but in the future I'd love for someone to befriend her and eventually re-introduce her into society. It's not going to be an easy relationship seeing as she's never had a proper friend apart from family, I'll say that now. I figured that since she's more of a wildcard (excuse the pun), you can decide whether you want to RP with her/who you'd rather use :)

Tell me if any of these work :)

Tesla x Eleanor I really think that the two of them would be better friends because Tess definitely would love to go exploring and have loads of adventures and fun. She'd be happy to answer questions, provided it's okay Eleanor answers questions for her too because she really does think absolutely everything could and should be magical.

Lux x James These two would have a fun back-and-forth because Lux would defend girls to her dying day and hate James for being a misogynistic pig so she would definitely call him out for any of his attitude.

Tesla x Name YES I love this idea! Tess would be totally into magical experiments even though she wouldn't quite know how to do them right from the get-go but would be happy to watch your character at first - help out and stuff then maybe suggest her own as well and they would be on similar grounds from that standpoint. She would totally be interested in reading his stuff about history especially as it pertains to wizard/muggle relations because she hasn't had the best experience thus far. I love the idea of muggle borns teasing wizarding kids with very muggle references aka dank memes.

Kiana x Luella I don't think this would be something Karah would do - she would lose her patience with Luella quickly however Kiana is a pretty patient person and often goes into the woods so they would easily be able to meet through these means. Kiana is definitely a bit of a free spirit as well so she really wouldn't be bothered if she had a friend who lived in the forest and would just try to make her comfortable as possible. Frankly, Kiana's house is a bit of a forest anyway with all her plant friends. She's a bit of a naturalist as well so I do think they could really get along. I would be so keen to see their interactions!
Yay! Are you able to start something for them once classes start? I can try but it probably won't be up until late.
Sorry for the slightly delayed response here, I think I managed to miss it :p

Lux x James I love the sound of this :woot: How about I start something for these two because I'm not entirely sure James would start up a conversation on his own (probably wouldn't recognise her much out of a school context). How likely is it that Lux would go into the Leaky Cauldron, because James could totally be eyeing up either Lux or another girl? :r

Tesla x Apollo (Yass for finally having named him :r ). This sounds like a winner! I'm not exactly sure how I will go about setting up some of the experiments I have in my mind yet, so I might need a little time to think on this one if you don't mind? I'm totally happy for her to catch him collecting some equipment for one of the experiments though, and by that point I may be able to lead on to a proper experiment anyway.

Kiana x Luella Sounds good, you know best :p Now Luella definitely wouldn't approach Kiana on her own two feet, so perhaps Kiana could catch her sleeping or something? I'm not entirely sure what Luella will do from there, but it could always work. She needs to get into society more xD
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