
Max looked at her and said"I am not questioning on if you care I just wanted to know if there was something I needed to do. Like keep him away from you." He heard Hamza was trying and was worried because he was a friend of Xavier's and even though Max liked Xavier the guy still had a history of getting way mad when something didn't go the way he wanted it and he was worried he was rubbing off on Hamza.
' I can take care of myself, I know right from wrong.' Maria replied. Maria didn't care who Hamza was friends with or his attitude. Max was being overprotective in her opinion and thought it best to leave him for a while so he can get his thoughts straight. Maria got up, gathered her stuff and said ' Im not angry at you but I should leave so you can figure all this out.' Maria made her way to the entrance of the cave and began to open the way out
Max walked up and out with Maria and said" I know I am a bit over protective and ill stop I should realize by now how strong you are." He smiled then felt a huge pain in his leg and fell to the ground. He then looked at his other leg and said"What the heck?" His other leg was bleeding now and Max was beginning to worry."Maria get back inside. I am not sure whats going on but I don't like it." He then pushed Maria inside to keep her from getting hurt and sealed the entrance tight and from the outside. Moments later Max came face to face with the thing that attacked him. He looked in horror as it approached and then without warning it ran off. Max looked around and wondered just what it was after. Then he thought and realized it came right as Maria walked out. Max looked around and made a material shield for the cave it was only sticks and stuff but it would have to do until sun rise.
' Whats going on? Why can't I leave?' Maria asked. She was in no mood to stay anoyed second in this cave, she had had enough and wanted to leave. Max's other leg was bleding now but how it happened was unknown but it seemed like Max knew exactly what was going on.
After making the preparations Max walked back into the cave and hugged Maria and then started looking"Are you hurt at all? I am not sure what the heck happened completely but I need to know if you are hurt." He looked at her in concern he didn't want her out here in this dangerous place and he hadn't known that this would have happened but he knew if Maria was hurt he would not forgive himself, because it was his fault that this thing was after him. But lately it seemed like he was gonna be left alone by it until now. Max was so worried about Maria he didn't even remember he hurt his other leg.
IaMaria realized that something serious had happened and all her frustation drifted away. ' I don't think I'm hurt. I feel fine.' Maria replied. She didn't see what was outside but whatever it was, Max was obviously familiar with it
Max looked at Maria and said"Thank god. I am so sorry. I didn't know that the creature was still around since it was leaving me alone." He looked at her and then realized he felt light headed and fell back against the wall. His leg was bleeding and he decided while he was now on the ground to bandage it.
' Let me do it.' Maria said and once again bandaged his leg. Maria grabbed te bottle of water and gave it to Max ' Have some.'She looked at the entrance to makesure it was properly shut. ' Does this mean we can't leave?' she asked
Max looked at her and drank some of the water and said"Not just yet. I don't think it was here for me I think it was trying to get to me by getting you."He then looked at her and said"But I will never let it harm you. I cannot stand by and let you be in danger so while I had you sealed inside I made a make shift barrier to keep us safe till sun rise." He looked at her and then said"Wanna go to the lake tomorrow? I could use some rest and relaxation. What do you say?"Max wanted to send some time with Maria and from now on he was bent at staying away from the forest.
Maria was a little scared. ' I didn't see what was outside, and it didn't touch me at all so don't worry.' Maria said to him. ' The lake would be nice but do you these monster friends of yours there too?' She joked.
Max laughed and said"No luckily they stay here only." He then kissed her and said"Thank you for helping me." He then looked into her eyes to show he meant it.
' Your welcome.' She said smiling. Maria thougt of what would have happened if shedidnt come with him. She was happy that Max didn't have to go through all the events ofthe night alone. Maria saw light shine through one of the cracks. ' I think it's morning.' She said.
Max looked over and saw light."Thank god."He thought then hobbled his way to the entrance.
Maria helped him walk to the entrance and pushed away the door. Sunlght shone through and she had never been so happy to see it. ' Shall we make our way back to the castle?' She asked. Maria really wanted to shower and change her clothes.

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