Working too hard

Ten Layton-King

prof. landon's assistant 🌿 ᴀᴘᴏᴛʜᴇᴄᴀʀʏ ɴᴏᴠɪᴄᴇ
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Interested in Somebody
Sexual Orientation
Knotted 14 Inch Unyielding Ash Wand with Thestral Tail Hair Core
07/2048 (15)
Ten had been so excited to get to see her new classes, thst she hadn’t realised until she’d packed away her belongings and looked around the classroom, that she in fact hadn’t been with any other Gryffindors. It had been strange that Ned hadn’t turned up at all too, which should have been her first sign, but now the first year was feeling a little sheepish and wondered if she still had time to bolt across to the class she’d supposed to have joined.

Before she left however, she didn’t want to leave a first impression on the professor that she was just stupid or something, and honestly she also didn’t want to leave with no credit since she’d also done the homework. She approached the professor at the front of the classroom wondering if she’d also realised the situation before Ten had to explain it. “Professor Zumwalt?”
Adorah had felt pretty okay after her first lesson back. Nothing major had happened, and everyone seemingly enjoyed the first lesson. Astronomy could be less than ideal for students because there was no outright wand work involved, but it was very important to their magical education. Adorah had taken a seat back at her desk when she was approached by one of the students. The girl had tried to participate in class, and Adorah had continued on with the lecture, but it made her wonder if she should be more hands on with the students. "Hi, sorry, can you remind me of your name?" she asked, realizing she never even took attendance at the beginning of class.
Maybe after all of this, the Professor wouldn't have even noticed she wasn't supposed to be here. "My name's Ten," she said, realising immediately that wouldn't help much, "Amortentia, Layton-King." She watched to see for any reaction that might suggest the professor knew why she was currently stood at her desk while the other students were walking away. "I'm a Gryffindor," she clarified, as though her robes hadn't already made that obvious.
Adorah listened as the young girl stated her name, which the young professor assumed to be a nickname. And then she stated her full name. Adorah recalled a few Laytons from her time in school and wondered if there was any relation. It was until Ten stated the obvious that Professor Zumwalt felt out of her element. How had she not noticed the speck of red among the green and blue emblems? "Oh. Oh! I see, I'm so sorry. You shouldn't have this class until next semester," she responded with a light laugh, hoping the girl wasn't too worried about the whole situation. "All that means is that you'll be ahead coming in next semester," she added. "What about 5 extra points to Gryffindor for being ahead of the game?"
It took a moment, but Ten could see the realization appear on the professors face when she told her she was in Gryffindor. It's true, at least next semester Ten would already know what would be said, and she also secretly hoped she'd be able to submit the same homework. It wasn't plagiarizing if it was her own work, right? A smile formed on her face when she offered her extra house points for having participated, and she was glad the trip to see this professor had been worthwhile. Nodding, she thanked the professor, figuring she may have liked this one a little more than others she'd met already. "I hope you have a lovely rest of the semester and I will see you in a few months Professor Zumwalt," she grinned, before heading back out the office to the lesson she was supposed to have been in.

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