Closed Working Already?

Aurora Archer

strong-hearted | audacious | class of '62
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Seeing Somebody
Knotted 18" Unyielding Willow Wand with Unicorn Hair Core
12/2043 (18)
Aurora had decided that she would try a little harder at gaining more points. It was probably possible if she did better on the homework and everything. She didn't think she'd get nearly as close as Aine or Monday, but she could get close enough. Aurora, however, hadn't really gotten started on the revision, it was just too early for that. She spotted at the end of lunchtime that Monday – the one who'd won for Ravenclaw and whom she had met properly just over the break was already working on something. She decided, since she didn't have much else to do, to go over to him. Aurora sat down in front of him and tried to peek at the work. "What are you working on already? Did you get homework on day one?” she asked.
Monday Weeks had a little bit of lunch and he had already gotten out his books to start studying ahead of time. He needed to be as forward and ahead as possible before he was swamped with homework and essays. He took a drink of his pumpkin juice and glanced up from his Care of Magical Creatures textbook when he heard a voice, asking if they got homework on day one. When his eyes met those of the Gryffindor that won the dueling championship for third years last year, he chuckled softly. “Not exactly. I just want to be ahead before I am overwhelmed with homework.” Monday used a bookmark to save his page as he closed the book. “Did I sit at the Gryffindor table by mistake? It wouldn’t be the first time I sat at the wrong one” Monday might remember things very well, but sometimes, he could have some silly mistakes.
Aurora smiled easily at him, looking down at the work that he had before glancing back up at him. ”Oh no, you have the right table, I sat down at the Ravenclaw one.” she assured him. ”You don't have to sit at the right table, unless it's like sorting, or the end of year feast,” Aurora told him. He was a transfer, so maybe he hadn't known that they could. Given the amount of points that he had gotten, perhaps breaking rules was the last thing he wanted to do. ”Are you going to be taking all the classes again?” she asked.
Monday breathed a sigh of relief when she told him that he sat at the right table. He was worried for a moment there, but then she told him the rules - or lack thereof. Only during certain events. "Gotcha. Might be a good thing to have houses interact with each other freely." Monday did not understand the need for houses, but whatever. He knew about the founders, for the most part. He did not really care for them. "I am. I might stress myself into insomnia but I have to learn everything. This world is so different, and I have to understand it. So every class will help with that. I even tried out for Quidditch, and might try joining clubs." Monday listed off everything, and it sounded more like a recipe for a mental break down. "Got any recommendations?"
Aurora nodded easily, ”Well that, and can you imagine not being allowed to sit with family or old friends,” she said, since it was good for mixing the houses, having them interact, but really, she could only imagine how awful it would be to not be able to sit with other people, sit with her brother from time to time. It just…wouldn’t work. She was surprised that he wanted to learn everything, it seemed like a rather tall order. Especially as he said he wanted to do more. ”Depends what you’re interested in, and how much time you have to spare. Brotherhood might work, low effort, just guys hanging out,” she replied. Not necessarily wanting to recommend anything that would add to what seemed to be a large, heavy work load.
Monday smiled as well, since it was nice not having to worry about sitting with the same old people over and over. "That is true. I don't even know that many people in my house actually. I am friends with Aine Thompson but that is it so far." Monday made a small gesture with his hand, though he often talked with his hands as well as his lips. It was just a habit that he had yet to really break. Tying down his hands might make it difficult to talk. She talked about what he was interested in, and then mentioned the Brotherhood. That was just low effort and how it was just guys hanging out. Low effort and hanging out, that might end up well in his favor. Monday wondered why she only suggested that one though. "And what about the Student Defence Association? Or do you think that I will crack under the pressure?" Monday smirked, though now he was just teasing her. Sometimes, he enjoyed putting people on the spot.
Aurora knew that it would be difficult to join a school when they were older. Everyone already had friends, everyone already had groups of friends and activities. "Oh Aine is nice. Are you guys going to compete for the top points?" She didn't know Aine as well as her sister did, but she was nice, she had also gotten a lot of points. "Student Defence is fun, they aren't too high pressure, and they are the ones who run the duelling tournament," she thought it was important to have a balanced school life, sure he wanted to learn everything but there was more to life than lessons or being overwhelmed with activities. "I don't think you'd crack...but it's important to have balance, and time to relax."
Monday doubted that he would really compete with Aine for top points earner, but it would be funny if he could beat her one way or another. "I think I might pretend to, but not really. I have no idea how competitive she is." Monday shrugged his shoulders with it, but he did wonder how she would feel if he did beat her this year. That would be fun. If he could. If he had the time. He might have to actually join and win dueling, but that would mean he would have to compete with Aurora too. "I might look into that, but then again, I'll try Brotherhood first." Monday nodded along when she practically stressed the importance of have balance and time to relax. "Relaxing? What is that?" Monday teased with a subtle smirk.
Aurora wasn't sure that Aine was that competitive either, at least she just seemed to be very dedicated to doing well, and maybe that was a bit of a competition. She didn't know Aine that well. ”I don't know how competitive she is either, maybe it's more about just doing well than like being the best,” she mused. Aurora knew she tried to do quite well herself, but she wasn't doing it for the points, just the grades that she got. ”The SDA is fun,” she said, before laughing lightly. ”You have to relax, at least a little, even if it's like five minutes before bed, stress is bad for you,” she told him, though she was sure he did know this.
Monday cocked his head to the side since he thought that if anyone would know, it would be her. They had dueled, right? Either that or that was how she figured it out. Monday nodded, "I think I understand that. I can definitely see her becoming prefect next year, assuming that they choose correctly." Monday remembered that Aurora was a twin, so if she was given the prefect position, would the other be jealous? Monday wished that Tuesday was still alive so that he could know what that felt like. But he was not going to bring it up though. "You must be a mom friend or something. Always looking after people and their welfare."
Aurora shrugged a little at the statement. She was sure that Aine would be a prefect too, but she also though whomever the professors picked was the good and correct choice. After all, they had made it. Aurora knew she wouldn't mind getting the prefect position for her house, but it was also likely going to her sister or maybe even Abby or someone else. There were a lot of people in her year and house who deserved it. ”Do you think you could get it? Transfers have gotten it before,” she said. She couldn't remember the people in ravenclaw who were as dedicated to everything. She laughed lightly. ”I'm a sister, it's in my nature to be concerned about people close to me,” Of course she was most concerned for her family, but she could express concern here too.
Monday never thought that he would receive something like that, because he was a transfer, but Aurora said that it was possible. Monday was not sure if he wanted it, or even have time for it, but he could make time for it, he believed. If he was chosen. "I guess it is possible. I cannot say for sure because I don't know what Professor Josephs' criteria are. I don't really care either way. What about you? Would you want that badge?" Monday asked, wondering if she wanted it or if she was laid back like he was. But she understood where he was coming from as a sibling. He nodded, "I know that feeling. I'm the oldest, and the only brother, so I feel like I need to be extra protective over my sisters." Monday was glad that he could relate to someone when it came to siblings.
Aurora imagined that Professor Joseph's criteria would be the same as most of the head of houses. Picking the best students, the most well-rounded students. ”If you were hoping for it, I can ask my brother, he's a prefect in Ravenclaw, Branson,” she said. Not sure if Bran or this boy would've met. It was probably that they'd seen each other but never spoken. She gave a little shrug. ”I'd be fine without. I have a twin, I would worry that one of us gets it but not the other and how that might be upsetting,” Aurora said. ”But I'm not aiming for it. I want to be a healer, so that's my goal, you don't need to be a prefect to heal,” she replied. ”I'm technically the youngest, but Rosie was born first because she was smaller, and she's more emotional,” Aurora replied. It helped that they were also quite a close-knit family.
Monday thought about it, and ultimately shook his head. That was not his goal overall. He was just here to learn everything, protect his siblings, graduate, and move on to do better things. That was the way Monday was. But the name Branson clicked. Wait a second. He worked with Branson. Why did he not make the connections before? "It is not really needed, but I never thought that Branson was your brother. We work together at Flourish and Blott's. And I never made the connection until you mentioned it." Monday just did not have that sort of thing on his mind, but at least her older brother seemed like a good apple. Was he as protective over his sisters like he was? It was possible. Aurora mentioned that she had a twin, and nodded as she explains why she was not reaching for it. She wanted to be a healer though. He chuckled when she said that Rosie was born first because she was smaller, and more emotional. That was not how that worked, but it still made him laugh. "I think you would make a good healer, actually. I am glad I don't have to worry about that now though, being a twin and the possible negative feelings if one gets that badge and the other does not. I had a twin sister, Tuesday. She was younger than me, but she was killed when we were kids." Monday was uncomfortable, but this was the first time that he even opened up about it to someone that was not family. "Car accident." Monday added before she could ask how it happened.
Aurora should've perhaps mentioned her brother when she'd come to the book store. Although, she'd been so focused on getting her books, and knowing that he wasn't actually there helped make it pretty easy for her to have just not mentioned it. The teen nodded. ”Yeah, he's my brother,” she confirmed, though he had now made the right connection with it. She felt pretty warmed that he thought she would make a good healer, that was all she wanted to be, a good healer. But her warmth and her warm smile faded as he talked about having a twin and losing them. Aurora felt bad for him, knowing that if she lost Rosie, it would be like a part of her was missing. ”I'm so sorry,” Aurora said quickly, feeling just awful for him. ”I can't…,” she shook her head, now wasn't the time to say how difficult it could be to not have the twin there, he would know it. ”That's really rough,” was all she could say.
It was nice to know how much in common Monday had with his coworker. Little sisters to watch after, with a two year difference. Not just that, but twin sisters. However, Aurora’s twin was in Gryffindor too, whereas Thursday was in Hufflepuff, and Wednesday was in Gryffindor. Monday nodded along, but didn’t need to ask more of his prefect. He just wondered if Branson was as protective over his sisters as he was. He was fierce over his sisters. He was the oldest, and the only brother, so yes, it was his job to watch over them. Great, now she was feeling pity for him, but Monday shrugged his shoulders. "It happened a long time ago. We grieve, we mourn, and then we move on. I do wonder if she would have been magical though." Last Monday heard, Friday was showing signs of magic, so that just left Saturday and Sunday. "I know that sounds cold, but we were kids. I figured I would bring it up before anyone asked ‘If you are Monday, and there’s Wednesday and Thursday, where’s Tuesday?’. Just avoid the awkwardness here and now." Monday paused as he realized how dark this turned out. "So, how's the weather?"
Aurora still thought it was sad, to have a lost a twin. She was sure losing Rosie would get easier with time, but she was sure it would still ache her heart every time she thought of it. Aurora nodded, ”I'm sure she would've been,” Aurora said with a certainty about something she didn't have. There was no way of knowing unless she asked more questions, and she wasn't sure she wanted to do that to him. Aurora nodded, she hadn't realised the naming convention for him and his siblings. She glanced towards the ceiling and then the windows and gave a little smile. ”I think it's turning into a nice day, weather wise,” she said, ”Probably a smart idea then to stop working and come outside. Spend time in nature or on the quidditch pitch,” the teen said.
Monday would have liked Tuesday to end up magical like him, but there was no telling anymore. She did not become a ghost so that might have been a better outcome. To go live in peace in the afterlife. He did try to break the tense, dark atmosphere with a joke about the weather, but it made him laugh when Aurora actually looked up at the ceiling and then outside the windows. He was not being serious at all, but then she said that it was a nice day, and a smart idea to stop working to go outside. Nature or Quidditch pitch. Monday ultimately started putting his books away, "I was making a joke, but I wouldn't mind some vitamin D." Monday slung his bag over his back as he stood up. "You are coming with me, right?" Monday studied the Gryffindor, since it sounded like an invitation, and he was not really planning on going outside alone.
Aurora gave a little slightly embarrassed smile, having not realised that he was joking. She had been too keen to have them move on from the subject of his twin. But she was glad that he seemed keen. ”Course,” she said. She grabbed her own things, and put them into the bag. ”I like the lakefront, it's a good and calm place to both study and relax,” she said, basically suggesting that could be where they went. Aurora wasn't sure if he would have a preference on where they could spend the time, but she certainly didn't. The lakefront was just her favourite place. ”Although the pitch is obviously my favourite place to go,” she did add, in case he would rather do something like quidditch.
Monday listened to her suggestion. The Lakefront was a good idea, but so was the pitch. He was not sure if he actually could summon his broom all the way from the Ravenclaw towers and to the pitch. He did not want to fly around on a school broom. Who knows how many first years have damaged those things. He said, "We should go to the lakefront this time, and next time, the pitch. I want to grab my broom and we could fly around. The school brooms are not as fast as streaks." Monday wondered who in the world would give or let a first year fly on a streak, but then again, maybe they had flying experience prior to school. "I am thinking of trying out for Quidditch this year, then I can have more than just academics to do." Little did he know that in the coming weeks, he actually would, and even make the team.

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