Work This Out

Wyatt Finch

that funny feeling
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Half Blood
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
Curly 11 1/2 Inch Swishy Pear Wand with Boomslang Venom Core
During the holidays Wyatt had missed his Slytherin friend but hadn't written to him with the full knowledge that his beloved yet stubborn owl, Noctowl, would bite both him and Asaiah if he requested that the bird fly so far. Instead he was glad to correspond with Marisol before she arrived in his home and stayed over for a week. He had wished it'd been longer because his parents were too curious and too confused by his life in New Zealand. He missed having someone he related to so now glad to be a second year he reached out to the his small group of friends to meet. Normally he would've preferred to meet on the pitch and have an impromptu game but with Quidditch tryouts going on and his own uncertainty in his skill he opted for some place simpler, someplace a little more relaxed and hopefully somewhere Marisol could get over the bitterness she had shared with him during their time together at his beach side home. The boy didn't really see the big deal in not returning letters although he did wish his friend had a phone because it was easiest and faster to text one another so they could keep in contact but being raised the muggle way had it perks. Some felt they were non-existent but Wyatt had been so glad to play video games during his holiday and go back to the hospital and see the familiar faces he knew from before his whole world was turned upside down. He hoped the holidays were as relaxing for both of them... Well Marisol's he knew had been perhaps a little more vigorous than she might've expected as he had convinced her to surf with him on a day where the waves were best but still, they'd not spoken since then.

Walking towards the lounge, Wyatt had brought a range of food to snack on. Admittedly this was because he was hungry but also to be cordial. When he walked in to the room he was glad to see there were no studying students and that it was quiet so they could all just do as they please without filters and without prying ears or eyes. He'd heard more rumours than he'd ever wished to in his entire life as he neared the end of his first year from people in his common room. A rather disgusting habit he gathered so this was just a lot more relaxing. The boy decided to grab a spare chess piece while he waited from the coffee table he had placed the food down on and fiddled with it absentmindedly. It was an amazing little thing to see how it was almost normal when it wasn't called on to move on it's own. The curious Gryffindor inspected it closer, admittedly getting bored while he waited, and had a thought to go to the library later to search for a book on the subject that wasn't to do with any techniques. Such a boring thing chess really was but magic was the cool part. He still didn't see where all the dragons and trolls and whatever cool creatures were but was quite hopeful that he'd be told about them soon by professors. Maybe even meet a few! Until that day, Wyatt put the chess piece down and replaced it with a chip which he munched on quite happily.
Asaiah had found great company at Hogwarts so far. He had met quite a bunch of people in his first year at the castle, but no one he could say that he actually liked more than his two best friends Wyatt and Marisol. Of course he also liked his best Hufflepuff friend, Freya, who had been very fun and nice to hang out with, and the Slytherin had really enjoyed her company everytime they hung out together, but not as much as he did when he was accompanied by the two Gryffindors . Asaiah thought that for such a big school, where you spent so much time with others, it would be a lot harder to find friends you could have fun with. The twelve year old walked out of one of his classes when Wyatt approached him and told him to meet him in the Student Lounge later that day. He was glad to see that his Gryffindor friend didn't seemed to be bothered by the fact that Asaiah hadn't written to him during the holidays, which was a huge relieve after he received Mari's last letter in which she wrote down that he was the scum between her toes and that it would be the last letter she'd send him before, hopefully, realizing that he would have had a reason to not write her back as he promised he would do.

Upon arriving at the Student Lounge, Asaiah noticed that it was pretty much empty if it wasn't for Wyatt who seemed to be looking at chess piece. He walked over his friend with a bright smile on his face. ''Hey, dude!'' the Slytherin said as he jump over the sofa and sat down. ''Long time no see! How are you!'' Asaiah asked his best friend but without waiting for the boy to respond he said, ''Please tell me you have something fun planned because I have done enough studying for the whole week and could really use some fun-time.'' He looked at his friend whilst he waited for him to answer, really hoping that they wouldn't be in the Student Lounge to do even more studying, even though the year had just started.

sorry this is crap
It was only the first few weeks of school and even though the full moon phase had just ended and she had returned to the Howling Cavern, Marisol was so glad to be back at Hogwarts. She had had a fun summer and appreciated the time with her family now more than ever since she didn't get to see them as often anymore, but she had also missed her friends. It was no secret that she missed her friends, seeing how often she had written to Asaiah, but she was somewhat upset and sad that the Slytherin had never written back. Perhaps they weren't as good friends as she thought, so Marisol was happy to hang out with Wyatt when he asked her to meet him in the student lounge later.

She was glad he had chosen that location because Marisol was still feeling kind of tired from the full moon, so she was only just a floor below at the Hospital Wing taking some Pepper Up Potion. It was the best solution they could think of so far to help battle the side effects of her lycanthropy, even if it meant taking yet another potion for her condition, but at least this one didn't taste so awful. Now the only thing Marisol had to worry about was getting caught leaving the Hospital Wing and having one of her friends ask her why she had been there.

Thankfully, no one she knew was out in the corridor so she quickly climbed the stairs to the next floor to meet Wyatt in the lounge. After a quick sweep around the room, Marisol spotted him and grinned as she bounded over to him, not realizing who the person facing him was just yet. "Hey!" she said cheerfully, not knowing if it was the Pepper Up Potion taking effect already or if she was just happy to see her friend again since their last summer adventure. Then she turned to see who the Gryffindor was talking to and Marisol's smile dropped instantly. "Oh. Hey," she said shortly, crossing her arms over her chest. Marisol shot Wyatt a look that said 'What is he doing here', but she may as well have just said it out loud because she was not the best at subtlety.
Wyatt chuckled at his own jumpiness from Asaiah’s entry as he hadn't expected the other boy to leap over the couch when he probably should’ve. He was glad to see the boy was still alive and well which their other friend had somehow insinuated he must not be to not reply to owls when the boy doubted it entirely. Giving him a clap on the back Wyatt said, “Bro, where’ve you been hiding?” He hadn’t seen him yet outside of class so the only reason he could gather was that he was hiding from Marisol’s pending wrath - one he’d been victim too already in their year long friendship. As much as he liked his friend she was a bit crazy but he tried to put it off as some weird Gryffindor rage she had that, for the most part, Wyatt just didn’t have within himself.

As the request of fun was made he shrugged his shoulders before being able to give a proper response because he heard another familiar voice fill the room. A bright grin made it’s way onto his lips, making his eyes wrinkle prematurely and his face light up as he looked up at Marisol but this was until her demeanour completely changed. Instead of saying anything the Gryffindor thought it best to pick up more food and shovel it into his mouth maybe when he was done chewing they would be made up and they could all hang out as they really ought to. The boy had a keen mind just to invite the pair of them to his house instead next time to avoid whatever drama there was but he wasn’t too sure if his parents would mind that. He got a feeling that his dad wasn’t as happy when Marisol was around because he hadn’t followed him around to the hospital as he’d done before even if his dad’s face looked funny whenever he saw Wyatt and Marisol laughing together. As with most things minor they would be sorted out themselves and their group didn’t need some major surgery to fix it so he just watched and waited hopefully.
The Slytherin smiled when his friend asked him where he had been during the first few weeks back at the castle. He didn't know if Wyatt knew about the letters their friend had send him over the holidays so after a moment of hesitation said, ''Well, I've been avoiding a certain someone because I believe that that certain someone may be very upset with me for not writing her back. And therefore I have also been avoiding you because I know that if that certain someone wouldn't be running around school with me, she'd probably be with you. But I see now that I was wrong since she isn't here with you at the moment so sorry that I have been avoiding you - and please tell me that you didn't invite her as well because I believe that she might just beat me up if she sees me, especially since she said that I made her 'vomit' and that I was 'the scum between her toes'.'' After Asaiah was done talking to his friend he took a deep breath because he had been talking pretty fast whilst explaining why he hadn't seen his friends, hoping Wyatt wouldn't be upset with him, too.

The smile on his face quickly faded when Marisol walked into the Student Lounge, not noticing him at first, which he was actually happy about since he thought that if she'd see Wyatt first it might cheer her up just enough to not be upset with him, if she still was upset with him. However, Asaiah suddenly felt irritated by the fact that his best friend shot their other best friend a look, and even though he couldn't see her face, figured that she wasn't happy with him being here. So with an irritated feeling the Slytherin said, ''Yeah, I'm here too.'' as he looked the back of Marisol's head. ''But perhaps I should go since I make you vomit, right?'' He wished he'd stop feeling this way but somehow the twelve year old couldn't stop it. Asaiah stood up, ready to face whatever she would throw at him.
Marisol glared at Wyatt as he deliberately avoided her gaze and stuffed more food in his mouth. She had hung around him long enough now to know that he was definitely stalling and she did not appreciate it. She had told him in confidence about how hurt she had been by Asaiah's lack of response, so now she felt it was being used against her. Some of her anger now directed towards Wyatt, Marisol vowed she would never tell him another secret again if he was going to pull stunts like this!

Marisol's shoulders stiffened when Asaiah finally addressed her but she tried not to let it show. The Gryffindor couldn't help herself as she looked over her shoulder at her Slytherin friend. She didn't want to be mad at him, but try as she might, the betrayal she felt ran deep. She just felt things too much. She felt hurt too much and therefore she felt anger too much. "It's not nice being ignored is it?" she said icily, clearly referring to all the letters she sent that went unanswered. But when Asaiah mentioned something else from her letters, Marisol faltered. "Oh," she said in a small voice. She had written those things in her last letter, after being ignored all summer, but before she sent the letter she had come to her senses and scratched it all out and re-written a new letter. She thought she had scribbled over it enough for Asaiah not to see, but she clearly hadn't done a good enough job. So now Marisol decided to go with it and huffed as she said, "Well I didn't invite you here so it doesn't matter to me. You don't seem to have a problem with ignoring people so I'll just ignore you." Marisol whipped her hair around dramatically and turned pointedly to Wyatt, "So what did you want to meet for?" she asked him, voice falsely cheery and acting like Asaiah wasn't around. Although she had a smile on her face, her eyes said, 'This better not be the reason you called me over here for' but knowing her Gryffindor friend, he just wanted everyone to get along.
As poorly as Wyatt felt for Asaiah, he couldn't help but revel in the fact that someone else was in trouble with Marisol as opposed to himself. It always seemed to fall back onto him so trying to stifle a small grin the boy attempted a sympathetic nod while the Slytherin shared his plight. That seemed safe enough to him but somehow, as with everything he did or said it came out looking sarcastic. At least that was until the boy seemed to suggest that Wyatt hadn't actually invited their Gryffindor friend to join them. He seemed to pale slightly and an embarrassed chuckle nearly fell out of his mouth and before he was able to say anything there was more hostility in this room than in one of his mother's court rooms but he had snacks here so the lesser of the two was a toss up, to be decided only by the outcome. Somehow though Marisol's anger shifted towards himself and Wyatt huffed irritably. How he was somehow at fault for their idiocy was lost on the boy so he sunk further into the sofa, wondering if he locked the two of them in the room if they might make up. However ideas of his suspicions from the Quidditch match floated into his mind and he had no clue what might happen if he let them alone together for any big period of time.

Finally Wyatt was allowed to talk although he wished he was a mute like one of those quirky kids he'd seen in the corridors with note pads and sign language that almost no one understood. "I wanted to hang out?" he asked, now suddenly unsure if that was a good enough reason to invite them both here. The twelve year old had thought it had been a perfectly reasonable thought before but now he wondered if this was the case. He looked down at his black school shoes and mumbled, "You're both idiots." There wasn't much more he could say to them now because they had no sense. "Can we all agree that you're both toe vomit for being stupid and move on?" Wyatt asked, rolling his eyes at the drama of it all because as nervous as he was he was getting annoyed and hungry. If he had to deal with this fighting for much longer he could lose his mind entirely and he'd promised himself to wait off until the beginning of third year to do that.
Asaiah rolled his eyes out of irritation. Sure she had every reason to be upset with him in anyway she wanted to be, but the tone in which Marisol spoke made him want to hit a bludger toward her - she didn't know the reason why he hadn't answered her letters and her just assuming that he had been ignoring the girl was just stupid of her because he would absolutely never do that, and had hoped that after a year of being best friends, Marisol would have known that by now. "It's not nice being ignored is it?" Asaiah said mimicking Marisol's voice. "Oh please, shut up." The Slytherin boy looked at her as he spoke, irritation boiling up once again. "I could have been lying dead in my room for all you know. Good to know you care more about me not writing you back." Asaiah said harshly. The kid shook his head at Marisol's next comment. No, he wasn't going to leave just to satisfy her! He arrived at the Lounge minutes before she did so it was her that needed to leave the Student Lounge instead of him. "Why don't you leave than." he told her. "Nobody wants someone around who's being stupid." Asaiah looked her right in the eye as he spoke the words, sort of hoping she would somehow see that he didn't actually want her to leave because no matter how shitty they both felt, it was great seeing her again after a holiday of not being able to visit any of his friends. When Marisol turned around to face Wyatt, Asaiah looked over her shoulder to the Gryffindor boy. He knew exactly why their friend had invited him and thought that it was rather brave of him to do knowing that the girl in front of them had been upset with him before. Asaiah simply shook his head at her question and listened to what Wyatt had to say. After his friend had told them why he had invited to two of them over he smiled, happy to know that Wyatt wasn't going to choose sides. Asaiah knew that this wasn't just something they could simply move on from, and also wasn't quite done expressing how he felt about how Marisol talked to him. So ignoring Wyatt attempt to keep peace Asaiah said, "Why would you even think I would ignore you?" to Marisol with anger and disbelief in his tone.
Marisol's eyes flashed in anger when Asaiah began to mimick her voice and mock her, even telling her to shut up. She gasped, rather dramatically, but her betrayal ran deeper at the sound of him defending himself. He made a somewhat valid point but she had already considered this thought as well so she was ready to spit back. "Oh please, if you were actually dead your parents would've had the decency to write back with news like that, rather than just let me keep writing you letters or something!" she retorted. "Instead you just ignored me and you haven't even bothered to explain why!" That was what was really bothering Marisol now more than being ignored.

But at Asaiah's next words, a fresh wave of anger and betrayal hit her. Tears threatened to well up in her eyes but she didn't want to give him the satisfaction so she sucked it up. "As a matter of fact, Wyatt was the one who invited me here, so obviously he wants me around!" she replied, dragging their third friend into the fight even though he had nothing to do with it. Part of her wanted Wyatt to jump into the conversation to defend her but she knew he was a neutral third party in their friendship and ultimately it was up to her and the Slytherin to make up on their own. Marisol crossed her arms over her chest and turned away from both of them, too upset to say anything out of fear that her voice would crack and she would end up crying so she just stared away from them. But when she heard Asaiah ask why she thought he would ignore her, she wheeled around to face him and threw her hands up. "I don't know! But you never even bothered to tell me or apologize for it or anything as soon as we got back to school! So clearly I thought you just didn't want to be my friend anymore," she ranted.
Asaiah thought he had made a valid point and hoped that she would've calmed down a bit so they wouldn't go through this, but it only made thing worst. ''Well maybe I still haven't told you because I'm scared of your reaction because you're already upset with me and I don't want it to become even worst than it already is! And have you ever considered that I don't want to lose you because of a very stupid decision I made last year?! No I bet you haven't! I wish I could have written you back but my parents took Axel from me so I couldn't! I would never ignore you, and if you seriously considered that I would actually do that than I'm not sure if you really are my best friend because honestly you should've known better!'' Asaiah didn't mean to speak rapidly with anger in his tone but it just happened whether he wanted it or not. ''Because I would never ignore you..''

He rolled his eyes and looked away from Marisol until he could talk again. ''Well apparently he wants me around as well because he invited me, too!'' Asaiah felt bad for mentioning Wyatt because he knew his friend didn't want to be part of this, but if Marisol was going to include them in the conversation the two of them had, then so did he.The Slytherin hated this. Hated fighting with Marisol. Hated that if he wouldn't tell her the reason why he had ignored her during the break none of their plans would happen this year. ''I got grounded because I nearly failed my first year, because of instead studying for the exams like I told you I did, I actually went exploring the castle and wondering around when I should actually be studying, and I am pretty ashamed of letting everyone down, Ok?! You happy?'' He blurted out, hoping that Marisol would stop being upset with him.
Marisol began to roll her eyes as she was normally accustomed to doing and spat back, "That is the worst logic I've ever heard! You know I'm mad so you're just going to continue to ignore me and not even try explaining, which would make me even madder, instead of just apologizing right away," she said, pointing out his flawed reasoning. She tried to interrupt him again but he was unleashing a lot of his own anger at her and Marisol knew that if she began to respond the two would only be yelling at each other without actually listening to each other which wouldn't accomplish anything. So reluctantly, the Gryffindor huffed and crossed her arms over her chest again and pursed her lips shut, physically forcing herself not to respond as he got out everything he needed to say first.

But as she finally listened to what Asaiah was saying, the Gryffindor felt her defensive pose slipping away and she bit her lip in uncertainty. Asaiah was her best friend, so she had to know that he wouldn't have intentionally ignored her, there had to have been some good reason. As she tried gathering her thoughts and her words so she wouldn't mess up and say the wrong thing, Marisol finally figured out that she didn't even care why Asaiah had ignored her, as long as he apologized for it. She was mostly upset that he hadn't tried to do that as soon as they got back to Hogwarts. The Gryffindor opened her mouth to explain this to him, but suddenly Asaiah blurted out why he had been forbidden from writing back to her.

In the middle of this fight Asaiah's words felt accusatory, as if she was the reason why he had gotten bad grades because they liked to go on adventures together, but she knew that's not at all what the Slytherin meant. Guilt welled up inside Marisol for having gotten mad at him and she sighed deeply. "I'm sorry," she said first. For a while it was all she could manage, because she didn't even know where to begin to explain what she was sorry for. "I'm sorry for thinking that you would actually ignore me. I didn't mean to force you to tell me why either, I was just mostly upset you didn't apologize for ignoring me," she admitted. She would've accepted that he couldn't tell her why as long as he had said sorry, but now that she knew why was a whole different story.

"Whatever I wrote in my last letter, I swear I didn't mean, I was just upset," she added. "I didn't think you would be able to read it after I scratched it out, but I'm sorry it hurt your feelings. You're my best friend Asaiah, and you shouldn't ever think I would judge you for something like grades," she said with a small, encouraging smile. "To be honest my grades were not great either," she confessed somewhat embarrassed. Although their adventures were probably a factor in that as well, Marisol felt it was just because she was not very skilled at magic, which she was even more ashamed of. "I was too embarrassed to tell you about it last year too, but if we would've just told each other like best friends are supposed to do, we would've seen that we were in the same boat and helped each other out instead of having this big fight!" she half scoffed weakly at their stubbornness.

[SO sorry for the major delay! >.<]
Whatever the Slytherin wanted to tell his best friend, he competely forgot after everything she told him. So instead of quickly thinking of something to say to her that would match her words, Asaiah stepped forwards and pulled her into a hug. It was his way of saying that he was sorry too, only without words. After a while he let go of of Gryffindor friend and smiled at her. ''You better still be up for our plan to infiltrate the other common rooms.'' Asaiah said, ''Because it's never going to work without you.'' Though he could've easily bring Wyatt or anyone else along with him to get house robes and talk to te ghosts, Asaiah wanted it to be Marisol. It was their idea after all, and he was pretty sure that she'd kill him if he tried without her. For a moment he remained silent, looking at his two best friends. ''From now on no more fights.'' the Slytherin told them. ''If we don't like something we tell each other, OK?'' Having Marisol upset with him was the worst but Wyatt and him? No way! He could not and would not fight his bro.
Marisol chewed on her lower lip after she'd said everything she had to say and was ready to wait for Asaiah's retaliation, but instead the Slytherin hugged her tightly. It didn't take long for the surprise to wear off and she wrapped her arms around him too. She smiled into his shoulder, so grateful that he wasn't angry at her for being so irrational and that he was forgiving her for it. After they pulled apart, Marisol laughed weakly at his comment and said simply, "Duh!" She thought of the last time they had made those plans and said, "There's no way I would let you do that without me!" It wasn't a problem to invite others to join in on their plans, as long as they didn't do it without each other. "I was the brains behind it all after all," she joked. Now that they had settled things, Marisol exhaled a sigh of relief as Asaiah proposed they be more honest with each other if things were bothering them and then looked over at their third friend Wyatt for a moment. She smiled at him briefly and then looked back to Asaiah and nodded enthusiastically. "Agreed!" she said firmly; she had a feeling this was more directed at her than Wyatt, but she took no offense at that. She would just have to remember it more often because she didn't want to have fights like this with either of her friends ever again. "So," she began again, "should we let Wyatt in on our common room plan?" she asked, with a mischievous look in her eyes.
He chuckled at her answer. ''Good!'' he exclaimed, happy that everything was back to normal again. Asaiah smirked at her follow up comment. It was one of the main reasons the Slytherin hadn't gone off to do it by himself; it was her plan so she was the one who decided when they would start and collect the stuff they needed such as robes from the other three Hogwarts houses. He was glad that they could start doing plans from their adventure list again now that their fight was settled. A grin appeared on his face and Asaiah glanced over at Wyatt and then back to Marisol, ''Do you think he is up for it?'' He asked her. Knowing Wyatt Asaiah wasn't sure whether or not the boy would be in on their plan to go inside the other common rooms, especially with the consequences the three of them had to face if they would get caught whilst trying to sneak in. Of course the Slytherin hoped his friend was up for it, they really needed to hang out more and have fun with each other.

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