Woo Soda!!

Liberty Kaelen

history tutor; grandmother; class of 2028
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Half Blood
Relationship Status
Holly Wand 11" Essence of Phoenix Feather
8/2010 (52)
Libby entered the great hall and looked around for anyone she knew, which sshe didn't. She sat down on her own on the hufflepuff table, and poured some soda, and waiting for others to join her she ate some toast.
Arisa was kinda hungry so she walked into the great hall. She noticed Libby sitting by her self so she went to sit beside her. Arisa grabbed a slice of toast and put some jam on it. She was starving! she practily stuffed the whole thing in her mouth.
Libby smiled as she recieved company. "Hi Arisa, you alrighht?" she asked casually getting some more toast. "Haven't seen you in ages, what you been up to?" she asked.

Arisa swallowed her toat, almost chocking in the process. "Oh nothing, hugged a death eater, got into a fight with a little brat. The usual." Arisa replied in a bored tone. Pouring her self some coffee. She put in 3 sugars and 2 milks just the way she liked it!
(lol ur johny depp siggy = luv it XD)

Libby smiled as she casually told her about what she'd been doing. "Yu hu." was her only reply. Libby noticed she had three sugars in her coffee and grinned at her. She never found anyone else who liked it that like.

(its true i do :p)
"So how are you liking Hogwarts so far?" Arisa said after taking a sip of her coffee. (lol i know! its amaze! :D )
"It's really good! Although im still finding new people i haven't met. This place is bigger than i first expected." she said. "How about you?"

She delved into her pocket and pulled out "Bertie botts every flavour beans" and offered it to Arisa before taking a purple one herself. "Yum..Cranberry" she said. It was rare for her to get one she liked.
"Hogwarts is great so far" Arisa said picking out a brown bean that she hoped was chocolate "ew, dirt" Arisa said before swollowing(sp?) the jelly bean.
Libby laughed when she found her bean was dirt. "What's your favourite lesson?" she asked.
"Im going to have to say transfiguration" Arisa said thinking of all her classes. She really liked it the best and couldnt wait untill next friday for it (hopefully <_< ) "whats your?"
Libby smiled, "Transfiguration is good, although i prefer flying, def." she said. She had flown since she was four and had loved it since.

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