Woah, you're fat!

Hayden Kerberos

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
With Evie gone to Beauxbatons for the TriWizard Tournament, Hayden had their child, Zechariah, in his care. He wasn't exactly a natural father, it was uncomfortable for him to handle it all and he didn't know why his son cried when he did and in classes he had the baby tended by House Elves that he grew to trust during his time here as a student. So as he held his sleeping child and walked through the corridors he was relieved that Zechariah was, for once, silent. He cast a charm over the corridor so the little boy wouldn't awake and start screaming as there were classes still on the going on and would surely disturb them.

The little boy had the sapphire blue eyes from him and what little strands of hair he did have were chestnut brown and absolutely beautiful, even from someone's eyes that weren't little Zechariah Powell's parents.
After the check-up, Svetlana returned to the school, glad that nothing was wrong and she was having a little girl. Svetlana was six months along, but she looked like she was only about four months. It was obvious she was pregnant, but Svetlana was thankful that her child was small thus making her still small. However, things could change over the next three months. Svetlana was a little worried that she would be fat soon, or at least, fatter. Would Leon still like her then? Would she have to be fond of someone else? Svetlana passed along the corridors of Durmstrang in a maternity outfit. Her long hair was pulled up into a tight bun, and she had a pleasant smile on her face.

Something stopped her in her tracks. Hayden Kerberos, a co-worker and and former classmate. Svetlana's brown eyes lowered to see a baby he was holding. She was unknown to the fact that Hayden had a son. With a bold, warm look on her face, Svetlana approached him, "Ah, Professor Kerberos, you have such a cute brother!"
Hayden looked up to see Svetlana speaking to him, complementing his son. He smiled with fatherly pride, this little boy would grow to be a leader, he could feel it. "Professor Khamidouline. It has been a long time," he said, a gently bow of his head to his the previous object of his affections. As his gaze trailed back up to her eyes he caught sight of something that was not there in the figure he had once studied from a far. "Why, Svetlana, you are fat," he said, with the upmost congratulatory tone in his voice.

"I can only hope your child will befriend my son," Hayden said, knowing that it was likely considering how closely they worked and that Zechariah was likely going to be raised in and out of Durmstrang Institute because he and Evie both worked at the school.
Nodding her head for a greeting, before she caught onto his comment. A flush washed over her face and she laughed softly, with her hand to cover her lips. Some of the younger students seemed to be pointing this out quite often. If no one had, and that would have been the first, then Svetlana would have been slightly agitated. Svetlana put her hands on her stomach and she gasped as he said that the baby was his son. "Oh my god, who would sleep with you and spawn?" joked Svetlana. She was unsure of who the mother is, and she had to know.

"Oh, who is the mother? Is it...the Hufflepuff girl? I thought she was still in school! At least, that is what Dietrich told me..." Svetlana rubbed her stomach as the baby moved within her. "I am sure she will. She won't be a pure-blood supremest unless the man I marry in the future want her to be." Svetlana already had a name for her as well. "Sophia Valerie is her name. What is your son's name?"
Hayden laughed quietly at Svetlana's joke and intentionally didn't answer her question as to who the mother was, for he felt shame that his first born was to a woman twice his senior. "No, it isn't Lemina. The poor girl is still in school, I would have refused," he said honestly and asked with a smirk, reminding her of how he used to be or still was but he hid it behind the facade of a responsible father and professor, "Old habits never change do they?" As she said that she wouldn't be a pure-blood supremest, he chuckled in amusement. "My my, Lana. You have changed." He felt like an old man that spoke to a friend he hadn't seen in years. "Beautiful name," he smiled gently. "Will she take the father's surname?" he inquired.

"His name is Zechariah," Hayden answered, looking down at his son who was barely a week old and smiled, his thumb gently pressing the pad of his son's covered foot before looking back up at Svetlana. "How far along? You can't be more then..." he trailed off, glancing down at her pregnant stomach to gage it from what he had seen with Evie. "Four, five months, if that at all," he finished, smiling at his glowing friend.
Svetlana chuckled, and she guessed that some random woman must have dumped his spawn off on him. "At least you are respecting of that," said the young woman. Svetlana shook her head. Some habits do in fact change though. "Dietrich has at least three kids, and Jaken had one. Demitris is engaged, but he is the only one of us who hasn't had a kid yet. Seems like the old gang seems to be fading out and changing for the better." Svetlana didn't mind it. But she did owe Estrella an apology. Svetlana shook her head, "No, she won't. I refuse to give her the name of some...one night. So, she will have my name." Svetlana murmured as her brown eyes stared down, "Sophia Valerie Khamidouline."

It was a beautiful name for the creature forming inside her. Svetlana knew she would be beautiful, young, and also pure-blood. "Such a sweet name, Zechariah." Svetlana's eyes landed on the barely born child. He looked so precious. Svetlana couldn't wait until she got to hold hers. Svetlana answered, "I am just past six months. I think the baby is just small." But everything was fine. Svetlana was oddly optimistic.

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