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Emily Hastings

Serious- Loner- Skeptic- British- Horror Fan
OOC First Name
Jess S
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Single (Not Looking)
Cherry Wand 12 1/2" Essence of Wood Rose
5/12/2037 (24)
Emily was still upset. Sydney was an amazing person, brilliant and beautiful and so strong. But Sydney could also be petty, cruel, and childish. Emily had accepted Sydney's general distaste for people as a part of who she was, and had never thought that she would need to change it. She had been startled, however, when Sydney had so violently hated Eric, and for no real reason that Emily could see. A beetle down the shirt in their early years was hardly reason for Sydney's behavior. They were almost adults. Eric was growing, remarkably so, and while Emily would never have the audacity to say she and Eric were very close- she wouldn't assume his feelings in such a way- she would say that she and Eric were friendly to each other. Sometimes. If he was in the mood to play nice, which he usually was with her.

Upset, Emily had dressed up and come to the Yule Ball. She knew for a fact that she needed some time to unwind, and she wanted to come to the ball. Something Sydney had never seemed to understand was that while, yes, the ball was full of frivolous, ridiculous people, it was not a celebration where you were meant to celebrate everyone. This was a dance that was meant to be spent with the people that mattered. Like Halloween, when she and Sydney had won an award for their costumes, had been meant for them. It had been better because they had been together, and making it their own. She had meant to try and talk Sydney into coming with her. But in the end, Emily had been so upset with Sydney that she had just come alone. She sat at a table now, ignoring the rest of the celebration. She had a drink and a few snacks. She had a book in front of her, and was just reading through the celebration, enjoying the story and the distraction from her relationship issues.
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