..without further adieu.

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I can offer Ruby Clow to Ms. Mizzy. She's sweeter than sugar and means well but she's a total busybody in everyone's business as if it's her job to fix to world. She can be a bit over emotional too but she a really loyal friend.
Noah? Don't know what to call you OOC. :p Anyway, we can start from quidditch since I've noticed he posted there, then after that they could meet after? What do you think? :)

Ana :wub: , they'll totally be friends! We can RP anytime you want. ^_^
Sorry for the late replies you guys! :tut:
Starting with the Quidditch is fine :) You can call me Supermegasexyawesomehott or Steph your choice :p Sorry I'm just not a fan of putting my ooc name on my males hahha
zomg. Is this the same Steph I've been rping to or your different? xD Once the list is up for Quidditch, we can then start a thread. :)
Totally different, who is this person trying to be me? :p

Sounds okay with me. Plus it gives me time to think more on his character when meeting new people :)
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