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Vikram Bakshi

~Cool~ Calm~ Collected~
OOC First Name
Jess S
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Curly 14 Inch Unyielding Holly Wand with Dragon Heartstring Core
Vikram was so glad he'd managed to talk Winnie into joining him for the Valentines dance. He'd had to convince her, but it turned out that one soft 'please?' had been enough to convince her to come along. He'd dressed a bit more casually than the last dance, thinking that it only made sense for the atmosphere. He'd talked with Winnie and they'd decided to meet at the dance itself. He'd also decided to bring a small white rose bud to tuck behind her ear, a matching one stuck to his outer shirt. He leant against the wall, watching the crowd and waiting for her to join him.
Winnie hadn't thought she'd go to the valentines day dance, it, much like the halloween dance was just in the middle of the semester and she did not have time to dedicate to it. But, then Vikram had asked her, and after turning him down a few times, he'd said please, and for some reason the look she gave him, made her relent. She pulled out a dress, and took some time, while studying to get herself ready, but still managed to get to him on time. He looked nice, though she was dressed more formally than he was. "Hey," she greeted as she approached him, taking great care to not accidentally stumble in her little heels.
Vikram straightened when he spotted Winnie, giving her a gentle smile. "Hey, you," He greeted. He offered out his arm as she got closer. "You look wonderful," He complimented. "Thank you for coming," He told her again, pleased she'd followed through.
Winnie gave a warm smile as Vikram greeted her back, she gave a little nod at the compliment, though in her mind looking her best for this wasn't a question. "Well, you were very keen that I do," she told him. "And I don't break a promise," she said, even though she knew that this would end up with her having to do so much spare work to make up for the lost time. "If I get lower than perfect at the end of the year, I'm blaming you," she teased.
Vikram chuckled softly. "Of course I was," He offered gently. "I enjoy your company, and I'd like to spend these events with you by my side." He spoke honestly. He laughed at her comment, and offered out the rose. "If you get anything less than perfect, I'll be your personal servant all of next year," He promised.
Winnie wasn't sure she'd hold him to what he was offering, it didn't seem like the particularly right thing to do. "Good," she replied, a little tease in her tone. "Now what do you want to do first?" she asked him.
Vikram considered. "Perhaps we could get some snacks first?' He asked. "We could sit and enjoy our company a bit before we dance." He decided, nodding his head. He thought it was a good plan, and would give him a bit more time to talk with her.
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