Closed With Open Arms

Maria Madison

understanding | counsellor adoptive mother of 4
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
Holly/Ebony Wand, 12 1/2 inches, Essence of Griffin Feather
11/2011 (48)
Though this was a conversation Maria had had twice now, once with Charlie and Emily, and once with Finn, today felt different. She had been planning and researching, and talked with all of her other children, and as she headed upstairs, she felt the same mix of excitement and nerves that she had felt all those years ago. The situation was completely different, though, Odette was an adult now, with her own plans in life, and if those plans included Maria's home only as a temporary stop, that was something she would have to accept. Knowing the girl as well as she did, Maria didn't think that was likely at all, but it was a possibility she had to be emotionally prepared for.

Taking a deep breath, Maria knocked on Odette's door, opening it with a smile when Odette gave her permission. She tried not to let any of her own worries show in her expression, hoping to reassure Odette that there wasn't a bad conversation coming. "Hi, can we talk for a minute?" Maria asked gently, trying not to fidget with the papers she held in her hand. "Nothing bad, I promise."
After a few holidays at Maria's house, Odette was getting used to her room here. It still didn't feel entirely like home, but that was partly because she didn't want herself to grow too attached in case she had to go again. Odette was lying on her front on her bed, a Quidditch magazine and a notebook in front of her. She was noting down ideas for her practices for next year. It would be her final year as captain, and she was desperate for Slytherin to win at least once with her in charge. As she heard a knock on the door, Odette assumed it was Maria. Emily tended not to knock. "Come in." She called, smiling at the woman as she entered her room. Odette's smile faded as she asked if they could talk, and cold fear took hold of her. It was the break before her final year at Hogwarts. Was Maria going to tell her to start looking for her own place soon? Even her reassurance of it being nothing bad didn't really help, and Odette reluctantly nodded. She sat up, crossing her legs in front of her. "What is it?" She asked softly.
Maria saw the change in Odette's expression, and she kept her smile steady as she sat down, not wanting to worry the girl. "You're an adult now." Maria said softly, trying not to let thoughts of how far Odette had come from the angry girl Maria had first met distract her from the purpose of this conversation. "I know you will have been thinking about your future on your own, and I don't want to interrupt any plans you've been making, but I want to... present you with an option, and hear what you think about it." It was difficult sometimes, not to fidget when she felt nervous, but Maria kept her hands still, her face calm. "You've been part of our family for over a year now, and I've talked with the girls, and Finn, and we're all agreed. If it's what you want, I would like to adopt you. No matter what you choose, you'll always have a home with us, but we would... really love to make you part of the family, officially." Maria studied Odette's face as she spoke, not quite able to keep the emotion out of her voice. She knew it was a big question, and didn't know how to expect Odette to respond. "You don't need to decide right away." Maria added, shifting slightly. "This is entirely your decision."
Odette watched as Maria sat down, wondering what she was about to say. As the woman brought up her age, Odette's heart sank. She knew exactly where this conversation was heading. Maria wanted her out of the house, probably after her final year. Odette should have expected this, should have known Maria's kindness had an end. She was so busy focusing on her own thoughts, that it was hard to focus on what Maria was saying. She blinked. "I.. I have plans." She lied, knowing now that Maria expected her to have them. "What option?" She then asked, confused. That didn't seem in line with what Odette had assumed the conversation would be about. Odette managed to focus on Maria now, listening as she spoke. Her eyes widened in surprise at her next words, and at the mention of adoption, she was sure her mouth dropped open slightly. "What?" She asked, baffled and uncertain. "Wait, really?" Somehow, she had expected the worst and had gotten the exact opposite. Odette's head felt like it was swimming as she tried to absorb the information. "You... want that? Really?" She asked again, clearly unable to believe it. Even her mother had never really made her feel like Odette was wanted, more like her existence sort of... happened, and now she had to deal with it. The feeling of having someone actively want her in the family, enough to do this was one that was entirely alien to her. At loss for words, she blurted out the first thing on her mind, "I lied, I don't have plans." She said in a rush.
Maria didn't quite believe the tone Odette mentioned her plans in but she pressed on, the shock in Odette's voice as she reacted breaking Maria's heart a little. She knew all too well how little emotional support Odette's birth mother had given her, and it was damage she wanted to do her best to undo, giving Odette the family she had always deserved. She nodded in response to Odette's question, again pushing back the impulse to well up, and laughed softly at the girl's confession. "Well, that's just fine with me." She smiled warmly, hands folded in her lap. "Like I said, you don't... need to decide immediately if you're not sure." Maria added, stomach twisting with nerves. "This is entirely up to you. But I would... love to be your mother, and the kids would love to have you as a big sister. We're all very fond of you, and you'll always have a home and family with us, no matter what." She kept her tone soft, trying to make her sincerity clear to Odette.
Odette felt like she couldn't quite breathe as deeply as was normal, and she wondered if she was dreaming for a moment. This entire situation was so surreal, but she was definitely very very happy, even if there was a part of her mind that was still waiting for the catch on all this. "I... I do want this." She said after a moment when Maria said she didn't have to decide immediately. "I already... sort of see you like that, even if I do feel a bit guilty for it." She said, knowing she could be honest with Maria about all her feelings. "If you're sure your kids are okay with it, then... then my answer is yes." She said, no uncertainty in her voice, only worry that somehow she had misunderstood this after all.
Maria had braced herself to have to wait, to linger in uncertainty, possibly even to be rejected outright, so when Odette spoke, the words took a moment to even sink in. As soon as they did though, the joy that flooded Maria spread to her smile in an instant, and she had to quickly wipe back tears, overwhelmed with happiness. "Oh, you don't need to feel guilty." She breathed, moving from her chair to sit next to Odette, putting her arms around the girl gently. "We've been feeling the same." She said softly, rubbing Odette's back. "You're a part of the family." Taking a shaky breath she pulled back, wiping her eyes again quickly, as she tried to keep the things she had intended to say straight in her mind. "Everything is up to you. You can decide when we start on the paperwork, whether or not to change your name, all of it. Just say the word."
Odette leaned into the embrace as Maria put her arms around her. It felt comfortable and safe. She leaned against her and sighed. "I feel a little bit guilty towards my mum, a bit. I don't know. It feels like a betrayal if I see you the same way..." She blushed a little, then shrugged again. "But... I deserve to be happy." She said with more determination. She looked at Maria as she pulled away, her eyes filling with tears. "Thank you." She said softly, feeling truly part of this family now. "I... I think I would like to change my name." She added, thinking about it as she spoke. "My name wasn't my mother's. Just my father's, and I never even knew him. He never wanted me, so why should I keep his name?" She felt a bit guilty towards Matthew, but she would remain his sister even if they had different last names. "I want to change it." She repeated, more firmly now. "And I want to start soon... as soon as possible."
Maria listened as Odette spoke about her feelings, nodding slowly. "Of course you do, sweetheart." She said softly, rubbing the girl's back. "It's normal to be thinking of your mother now, but it's okay to want this. Me adopting you won't ever change the years you had with her, but there's nothing wrong with choosing the family you want. You deserve to make that choice." She said gently, thinking of her other children, and her painful relationship with her own biological family. "It's natural to want to belong somewhere, and you belong here, happy, with us." Maria smiled warmly, brushing a lock of hair from Odette's shoulder gently. Her smile widened slightly when Odette said she wanted to change her name, and Maria nodded as she listened. Odette's reasons didn't surprise her - she knew all about the situation with the Harpers, and was glad Odette seemed happy about the idea. She smiled warmly when Odette said she wanted to start immediately, pausing to wipe a happy tear from her eyes. "Then let's get started." Maria said warmly, gesturing to the papers on her lap, forms she hadn't expected to fill in today, but was more than happy to.

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