Closed With A Friend

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Professor Minnie Calida

independent | perfectionist | class of 2055
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Half Blood
Relationship Status
Seeing Somebody
Sexual Orientation
Eric <3
Knotted 15" Unyielding Walnut Wand with Augurey Tail Feather Core
3/2037 (25)
Minnie had been persuaded into going to the valentines feast in the end with Hattie. She hadn’t really wanted to go alone, but going with anyone else would’ve been a bad idea too. Despite not knowing the girls that well, the year from hell she was having had at least given her a friend in Hattie. She was nice, a good student, worked hard and was good at quidditch. She had been nice to her, supportive in a way that Minnie was sure that none of her other friends or dorm mates could’ve been. So despite wanting to say no in the beginning she had agreed and now was actually thinking it could be nice. It wouldn’t be like going with Noel and it wouldn’t be like going with Blake, so she was quite happy. She hadn’t toned anything down either, this dress she was wearing had been the last thing her parents had bought her before she’d not gotten the prefect position and she was going to wear it for this. She had specifically picked it out imagining how it might look with a suit Noel would wear, but it was too nice to pass up. She had told Hattie to get her in the hall, mostly she had known it would take a while to get ready and though they were in the same dorm she would be meeting her at the hall. She spotted the girl, exactly on time as Minnie as was being. ”Hattie, hey,” she greet as she closed the distance between them.
Hattie hadn't gone to the Valentine's Dance before, mainly because she never had anyone to go with. She always considered herself too young for those type of events anyway. She thought it was much too soon to enter relationships and go on dates, despite the large number of people around her that did so. This time however she was very excited to attend it with one of her very good friends. It had taken a lot of convincing but eventually Minnie had come around and Hattie hoped that this could get her out of her shell a little more, especially since she was going through such a rough patch. The teen waited in the hall for her, knowing that it was most likely going to take Minnie a little longer to get ready. Hattie didn't care about her appearance as much, and so was easily able to slip on a summery dress and put her hair in an up-do without much thought. When Minnie finally came out, looking as pretty as always, Hattie beamed at her. "Hey Minnie! Are you excited?" Hattie asked, beginning to follow the crowd towards the Great Hall.
Hattie gave a little smile but she couldn't really give the same energy that Hattie had for it, "Yeah, this'll be better than the Yuleball," she said, forcing herself to give a little energy for this. She didn't want to ruin this for her, she had gone out of her way to bring Minnie to this, was being nice and Minnie had no reason to be a sourpuss about it. "What shall we do first?" she asked, her gaze moved around the room immediately spotted Noel who also appeared to with some friends, and Eric was with that girl that he'd been with the time before. She pulled her gaze away from him and just back at Hattie.
Hattie chuckled when Minnie said it will be better than the Yuleball. "Of course it will be! The yuleball really sucked." Hattie said truthfully, regretting attending it more than anything. It was really a bad night and Hattie promised herself to never go on a blind date ever again. They walked into the room and it was already buzzing with so many people. She didn't realise how big the turn out for these things were. As Minnie quickly glanced over in Noel's direction, Hattie was quick to answer her question. "Let's go and grab some drinks!" she exclaimed, grabbing Minnie's hand and taking her over to the drinks table which was far enough away from them. Hattie didn't want Minnie's night to be ruined by him. She grabbed a couple of glasses for them. "Pumpkin Juice?" she asked, picking the jug up and pouring some into her glass.
Minnie gave Hattie a little smile and nodded. Letting herself be pulled by Hattie towards the drinks and giving a little nod as she was offered pumpkin juice. "I'm sorry I'm not being more fun," she ended up saying with a soft tone. She wasn't sure why, she felt bad for being a not very great friend to Hattie, being selfish and rude, looking towards her ex when she should focus on being there and present around hattie. "Can we dance?" she asked taking small sips of her drink, she wasn't sure if dancing was the best idea or if Hattie liked dancing but she thought it could be fun.
As Minnie nodded to the pumpkin juice, Hattie happily poured some for her and gave her the glass once she was done. The teen took a few sips of her drink as Minnie apologised. "Oh don't worry about it. The night has only just begun!" Minnie then asked to dance, and Hattie beamed, putting her glass back down on the table. "Of course!" she exclaimed, taking Minnie's hand again and walking onto the dance floor with everyone else. There were a lot of couples there, but some other people also dancing with their friends, so it didn't feel as awkward. Hattie didn't know the song that was playing, but it was upbeat and fun, and so she danced along to it, feeling as though it was a great idea to keep Minnie distracted from everything else.
Minnie let herself be led to the dance floor with Hattie. She only ever really danced with boys, and they always danced in a very specific way, dancing with Hattie was different. She took a moment to watch how Hattie was dancing and then mimicked it. It wasn't her normal dancing, it wasn't very formal, and she thought it was a lot of bouncing on the heels, but after a moment where she was finding how to dance she smiled. it was different, it wasn't formal and it wasn't rigid, it wasn't the polite dance with Noel, the formal almost waltz, this was easy, better. She didn't tend to find things that fun, but this, this was quite fun with her.
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