Open Wishy-washy Whistling

Miro Morales-Albertson

🌻 Confident & Impatient 🍄
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Too Young to Care
Knotted 12 Inch Swishy Ash Wand with Fairy Wing Core
It almost happened like an instinct in recent days - Miro's feet leading him away from the next class on his schedule to quite literally anywhere else. It was a habit quickly forming into a need because he wanted to spend his time doing something fun, or heaven forbid, something he thought was more productive than sitting down while the content of his lessons went in one of his ears and promptly out of the other, as he did nothing and daydreamed about the class being over. Miro had realized if he didn't attend classes at all, he didn't need to daydream and wait for them to be over because they hadn't started, and low and behold as the semester progressed he had been skipping more classes than he was actually attending. He would have almost felt guilty about it if it weren't for the fun he was having instead, the feeling of being carefree with the burden of trying lifting from his shoulders worth any eventual trouble he would likely found himself in if he was caught.

Herbology classes were somewhat less boring to Miro most of his other classes, the fact that he could have his hands in dirt keeping him from feeling like the lessons weren't a total waste of his time. But caught up in his habit of skipping Miro had decided he couldn't be bothered with that day's Herbology lesson, feeling too cooped up after his other lessons and wanting to get as far away from the greenhouses as possible. He strolled along the great lawn before turning to head to the Hogwarts garden, smiling at the sight of flowers in bloom and the greenery as he skipped along the garden's path. He slowed his pace to a stroll again as he tried to whistle to himself, or more so continue his attempts to teach himself to whistle while he idly reached one of his hands to run along the leaves of the nearby plants. He felt happy and like he was in his own little world, entirely focused on how calm he felt without the worry of any of his classes to weigh him down.​

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