Wise Werewolf: A Meeting

Ellington Hayes

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Sexual Orientation
Homoromantic asexual
Ivy Wand 13" Essence of Gargoyle Tooth
It had been a long time coming. So much preparation and planning had gone into tonights festivities. Along with her father and Max, Ellie had been very cautious in where she went and what she did these days. There had been some rumours of a new group of people showing up in werewolf populated places. She couldn't be sure, but her sources had told her they believed them to be hunters. This meant that not only did Ellie have to be more cautious, she now had to move her magazine back underground. She didn't want to risk there being any trouble for anyone.

She'd picked a wooded outcrop not too far from the heart of New Zealand for this meeting. Her father was here to help keep the peace in his horse form and Max took centre stage behind her. If this went south, she would need some able-bodied support. After all, most of these werewolves had been turned by each other, there had to be some animosity there. The only reason she felt nothing but care and respect for the was that her attacker was killed quickly by her father, but no one knew anything about that, of course.

"Please feel free to treat yourselves to food and drink, everything had been taken care of. You will all be provided with wolfsbane at the end of the night, free of charge. This is a safe place, please don't hesitate to come and see me if you have any concerns about anything." She placed her hand on her fathers shoulder blade as he walked beside her to the edge of the clearing. She hoped nothing went wrong tonight, but this was the first gathering this large she'd ever managed to put together. There were so many faces she didn't't know.
Biar turned on the spot and vanished. it was the night of the full moon and instead of holding her usual safe haven she had been doing for over ten years she was invited to another event. a friend of hers Eglington was holding a meeting of werewolves and their families. even though families were invited willow was not coming. as much as her eleven year old begged she was not going to be sending full moon with a pack of werewolves. no matter how safe and controled the environment was she was a mother. Briar looked around where she had appeared on the south island of new zealand. actually not too far from where she had been that fateful night many years ago when she and dederick had met and her life had changed forever, and she wasnt just talking about meeting the love of her life.
She saw her friend standing accross the clearing and walked over to her. "Hello Ellington. looks like you have a great party planned." she said before looking at the man nearby who appwared to be ellington's dad. "Hello I am Briar, I am looking forward to tonight. it should be a good one. she said just as a gust of cold wind blew past and briar fastened the jacket she was wearing. The advantages of being a werewolf was she had her own fur and didnt need jackets to keep her warm.
Kyle had seen the meeting advertised in Wise Werewolf, and had spent days going back and forth on whether or not he was going to go. He knew, of course, that there were communities of werewolves, who spent transformations together and met to discuss their conditions, but he had never made an effort to participate. After his family's insistence on isolating him when he was bitten, Kyle had always felt that his lycanthropy was a secret, something to be kept private and hidden, both for his own safety and the safety of others. Going to a gathering of werewolves felt almost unthinkable.

But here he was. After considering it, Kyle had decided not to bring either October or Matt for support. Bringing both was absolutely out of the question. October would want to go if she knew about the event, but it felt far too dangerous to bring a fourteen year old to. And Matt was... Matt had been so wonderful when he learned about Kyle's condition, but this was all still new to him, and Kyle didn't know how much he trusted his partner with this side of him yet. No, it was best to attend alone, and Kyle had made sure to bring his own Wolfsbane potion, just in case. There was no telling what he would be walking into. Apparating to the clearing, Kyle was surprised that everything seemed rather tame. If he didn't know why he was here, he would have assumed it was some kind of party or picnic. Trying to cast aside his paranoia, Kyle made his way over to a table with snacks and got himself a drink, staying on the outskirts of the gathering for now while he got his bearings.
Marisol had debated with herself all day whether or not she would come to this event tonight. She knew Ellie was in charge of the Wise Werewolf magazine, and it had been a while since she'd seen or spoken to the former Gryffindor, but though she trusted Ellie, she didn't trust anyone else. Although it wasn't like she could be bitten twice, the idea of spending an evening full of werewolves did not ease her mind. So there was no possible way she was going to invite any of her loved ones who were 100% human and not immune to any threat in the room. She hadn't even told them about the event so she felt nervous heading there, but she knew she wouldn't be alone if Alistair went, and she sincerely hoped he did. Considering how long it had taken him to assimilate to transforming in the cavern at Hogwarts with her, she worried he might not show up with so many other werewolves around, especially if he was the youngest one there.

Marisol glanced up at the night's moon warily before finally walking into the room. She looked around and took it all in. She didn't know what she had expected, but it wasn't this. The latina walked around the edges of the room, seeing various people mingling and wondered if the person who bit her would be in this room tonight. Would she know if she saw them? Would they know she had been their victim? So many thoughts ran through her mind, none of them pleasant. She'd only been here for a few minutes and she already felt like leaving. Sometimes she forgot how much older she was now than when she'd been bitten, but each time she remembered that night she felt just as helpless as she was then; an eleven year old with no magic. Marisol was a lot older now and she told herself that if her fight or flight instincts kicked in again, this time she wouldn't run. Mari saw the Wolfsbane potion brewing at a table nearby and wondered who would need it tonight. She had her own vial in her pocket, prepped and provided for by Hogwarts. Seeing the potion on the table there only served as another reminder that the older she got, the sooner she was no longer going to be provided the potion for free from the school. Marisol sighed and went to look for a punch table instead. This night was already stressing her out more than she thought it would.
Not a Chase in their right minds would accompany Lucas Chase to the meeting that Ellie was hosting. Lucase also did not bother reaching out either, because he knew what his family would do. Turn the other cheek. They always had. And always will. The fact that he was a pureblood werewolf brought a lot of convictions to him, but also humbled his personality quite a bit. He no longer looked down at others, since he felt he was not even fully human. But it was what it was. He could not deny what he was any more than the rest. As he walked to the meeting site, he saw Ellie first. It wasn't hard to miss her. Lucas met her when he was first bitten. He recognized the other Gryffindor that had yet to graduate, and he knew of one other student that was a werewolf too. He worked in support services after all. In his home in the woods, he grew a ton of potion ingredients, and with the proper purchasing, made his own wolfsbane potion. He had his dosage and left it at home, since he wanted to choke it down in the privacy of his own room.

With the full moon tomorrow, Lucas was filling really ill, and wanted nothing more but to crawl into bed and sleep for a week. It didn't help that he took off work for a few days. That would bring up suspicion since he felt that this was his personal life and wanted it to be keld a secret. Lucas gratefully took the extra potion, since it was offered, he felt that it would be rude to refuse. Lucas nodded to the others, and held his vial in his hand, just fiddling with it. Crowds like this made him nervous, regardless of the fact that they held no danger to him. At least he was not the oldest one here. He did wonder how many others would show, and if any would actually bring their friends and family. With this many alone, it did bring up some concerns with him.
The school year finally being over offered Alistair a relief from what was starting to feel like a prison, being stuck at Hogwarts castle all year was too small a space for a werewolf, and each day he grew more and more afraid people would catch on to his condition. It wasn't difficult to deduct, being around the same people day in and day out, and he was surprised no one had taken notice to the fact he looked so pale and sickly whenever the full moon was near. Perhaps it was just something he took more notice of than the average person, being hyper aware of werewolves and their associated traits at all times, maybe regular people just didn't know enough about it to put two and two together. Still, it didn't shake his fears of being found out on any given day, and even after two years he was so apprehensive about making new friends in case they got too close. Life would have been easier if he could be home-schooled, left on his own, but when it came to his safety and the safety of those around him, Hogwarts was one of the best places to be. He couldn't be sure he'd be able to get his hands on wolfsbane as easily otherwise, but living with Ellington's dad for the holidays at least had the benefit of already being prepared for having werewolves around. He wouldn't have been provided with the same facilities if he still lived with his parents, knowing full well they probably didn't care whether he spent a full moon sane or not.

Joining the werewolf meeting was another huge step for Alistair and his life adjusting to being a lycanthrope, and one that even now, he wasn't entirely sure he was ready to take. He'd joined Ellie and her family as they set the area up, and hid nervously behind her as the other attendees started gathering. He'd only met two werewolves in his lifetime - three, counting the one who turned him, and his world was suddenly exploding with more. It frightened him, seeing what looked like normal people, and knowing what they were deep down inside. What terrified him even more was the fact that any one of them could have been the one to turn him, it was impossible to tell while they looked so human. It left the youth with a sick feeling in his stomach, and he kept even further away from the rest of them, until he'd spotted a familiar face he hadn't entirely expected to see. Marisol's presence eased him somewhat, as the only person he'd been able to talk to about being a werewolf all year. Despite how tragic it was, he was a little glad he wasn't entirely alone at Hogwarts. "I'm going over there. Can you keep an eye out for me?" Alistair asked, pointing out the tables Marisol stood near to Austiin and Ellie, before nervously venturing over there himself. Being in such an open space, where anything could happen made him uncomfortable, but thankfully the distance between his family and his school friend was short, and he tapped the older girl gently on the shoulder once he reached her. "Hi! I'm glad you're here." He admitted, glancing around at the other unfamiliar faces. He wondered if she knew anyone else, but thought it best not to pry too much.
Ellie whispered in her father's ear about checking the perimeter and he walked off as Alistair moved to be with people closer to his age. Ellie was glad that so many were taking the opportunity to be here. The sense of community that she felt with all of these people made her feel not only happy, but accepted. There was only so much her own family could do to help her after all. For her safety and the peace of mind of others, Ellie had elected not to tell people about everything she had asked her father to do in preparation for today. In part due to her father's questionable character and in part due to the fact that he fathered work in the shadows. It was easier this way and would ensure that nobody felt uncomfortable. Keeping him in his horse form was another facet of her planning today. With only Max with her as a human, she could ensure that no one really paid attention to her father and so he could slip through the crowd wholly ignored, despite big a big white horse.

Ellie noticed her old cavemate Lucas enter the clearing and nodded to Max to stay where he was as she walked over. She hadn't seen much of Lucas since she'd graduated, though she tried to keep tabs on the people she knew and had heard he'd moved into Ministerial work. As much as she disagreed with the Ministry, everything they stood for and their treatment of her kind, she could understand a need for stability and feeling like your work mattered. It was why she had started the Wise Werewolf magazine. Ellie grabbed a drink as she headed over to her friend and smiled softly at him. "I admit to being at least a little surprised you came, Lucas."
Briar watched as more people arrived. it was funny she recognised most of these people from names and pictures that crossed her desk at work. She wandered around passing the food table and picking up some meat. it was good that a werewolf event did not overcook its meat too much. She wandered around and could feel the tension in the air. she knew some wereolves had problems with other werewolves. some werewolves hated their 'maker', others hated themselves. Briar had always been too stubborn. instead of hiding her condition she had broadcast it, well once someone had decided to post it all over the school. and instead of hating her maker she had fallen in love with him. She wasn't sure if dee would be attending the event as it wasn't his usual scene. but it was exactly what she had been working towards for years.
She went over to a couple of people who seemed a little uncomfortable and smiled. "hello, are you okay?" she said smiling at them. it was funny. when she had first been bitten she had always felt the moon, and could hardly think on the day of the full moon, but now she hardly felt it more than feeling a little tired and tense and a dull ache in her ankle.
Marisol had just finished pouring herself a cup of what she hoped was punch, when she felt a tap on her shoulder. She gave a slight jump as she was a little on edge being here but once she turned around and saw Alistair she audibly sighed in relief. Mari smiled at his words and replied, "Sorry, you scared me," she laughed nervously, embarrassed to be so jumpy when she'd been a werewolf now for five years. "But I am so glad you're here too!" she admitted with a smile. Marisol took a sip of her drink and was glad to confirm it was indeed punch and not Wolfsbane, as it actually tasted good. "I didn't think I'd see you here actually," she said softly, trying not to offend him. "It's a little weird isn't it?" Looking around she could tell Al was definitely one of the younger ones and she wondered how he was holding up. Somehow, with him being around it made her feel less nervous, not just because she had company, but because she thought if he could handle being here then she could too.
Lucas glanced up as Ellie approached him with a drink, and he brushed his hair with his fingers, as the school age ones made conversation. She said that she was surprised that he had come. Lucas sighed before he shrugged his shoulders. "I know. I've not been back in New Zealand long, but..." Lucas faded off, not sure of what to say about that. Was it because of his blood, or was it because he was in America for an extended amount of time? Perhaps it was because he worked in the Ministry? "Why would you be surprised?"
"I scared you?" Alistair might have laughed if they were anywhere else. Considering that he was somewhat on the more timid side, he'd never scared anyone in his life, but given the environment he couldn't be too surprised that Marisol was jumpy. It was far from reassuring, but he still felt safer being around a familiar face. It beat shadowing Ellington all afternoon. "I don't think I would have come if Ellie wasn't hosting it. I stay with her dad during the holidays - he's that horse right there." He pointed across to where Austiin stood in his animagus form, an odd sight even for a gathering of werewolves. "Being here, its not, um, not like I was expecting. Everyone looks so..." The boy paused, just short of saying normal. He, Marisol and Ellie looked normal, so he wasn't sure why he thought others would look any different, yet this idea of them all being monsters was still so stuck in his mind that he imagined people to look more vicious if anything. "Like, they could be anyone, you know?" He finished, glancing around at the others present. He folded his arms, as if suddenly cold, but the gesture was more to comfort himself than warm up.
Ellie took a sip of her drink and gestured around her. Lucas had never really been the social kind. She'd seen first hand the toll their condition had taken on him personally and she had to admit she was no stranger to that herself. Though she was lucky to have an extremely supportive family, cursed if the fact there were two werewolves within it, she knew that many, many others were not so lucky. She did what she could to help Alistair, to help everyone here tonight. That included those that needed funds or somewhere to live. She even offered them jobs, working with her, if they so needed. Not that they would get paid a lot, but they would have shelter, food, companionship if that was what they wanted. Aspen was an indispensable resource to her these days. She'd been incredibly supportive and patient with Ellie through the years since she'd graduated and Ellie couldn't have sung her higher praises if she'd tried. The only reason she wasn't here tonight, other then the safety issue, was that she'd been sent on an important errand that Ellie had been meaning to get to, but never quite managed. "We both know you aren't the sociable type, Lucas, but I appreciate your presence regardless." She smiled at him and shook her head. "So, ministry huh? I can't say I'm surprised. You seemed the type."
For what it was worth, Lucas really didn't know what he was going to do about this. Creeping around in the woods like a shadow wasn't usually how he did things, but he knew he didn't have a lot of choice in this case. He'd done his research, most of the werewolf magazines had mentioned a wooded outcrop, it had been hard to get his hands on them and he generally had to parade as a werewolf to get them, he had so many scars on his body these days that it wasn't questioned. His line of work wasn't usually something people liked to admit to, but it was better to be honest in his opinion than it was to lie. So he left out a couple of details, oh well.

Lucas didn't know any of these people of course, he hadn't figured out the leaders name or anything about her, but he was close, he was sure. He knew she was female, probably an alpha of sorts. These animals didn't deserve the right to breath the same air as humans. The creatures were dangerous and he wasn't even sure how or why so many people supported their silly little equality movement. It was completely ridiculous. Had he known as a child what he'd have to go through to rid the world of these things, he'd have started his training earlier, be better equiped to handle and kill these things. They weren't people anymore. They'd obviously done something to have this occur. It was disgusting that they were just out here in the open.

The white horse spooked him a little and seemed to look straight at where he was hiding. Momentarily, Lucas thought he might have already lost, but the horse soon moved on. He couldn't be sure, but he had a strange feeling about that horse. He'd seen the red haired girl with it often enough, he assumed it was an animagus which led him to wonder why he was hidden in a horse form. The more of this group he saw, the dumber he was beginning to suspect they were.

*Please note, no-one in the thread should notice Lucas unless you have been otherwise informed. Thanks!

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