Closed Wind willow

Thomas Jusantrea

♪'56 Grad ♪Healer ♪composer ♪singer
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Half Blood
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
Straight 15 Inch Whippy Black Walnut Wand with Phoenix Tail Feather Core
(10/06/2038) 25
For Alex.

Much has been heard about the Forbidden Forest that it was forbidden for first-year students to go there, but Thomas has been tempted to break the rules lately. He was always sober and never violated any event, but now everything changed suddenly. There was a free time from school and homework. As well as without notes and guitar. Thomas wanted to simply explore the Forbidden Forest to see if it was as awful as their clay.

The road was not long, and his pace was fast enough that Thomas soon reached the forest and stopped at its trees. No, he had not changed his mind, nor was he scared. Just for a moment he wanted to listen to the sounds of the Forbidden Forest.
Tina was already enjoying the school with all its drama. She heard a fight broke in the Gryffindor common room. It was just disappointing she wasn't there to witness it. Walking with other Slytherin first years to their next class, her gazed caught the forbidden forest. Tina wanted to ignore the person going inside the forest but the thought of another drama was on her mind. She might witness something worth writing for the paper as she's a member now.

She broke from the group and went to follow that person who went inside the forest. Stopping near the border, Tina took out her wand and cast Lumos to give her light inside the dark place. The Slytherin looked around first before going in. She didn't try to run but walked slowly to not keep from tripping from the uprooted trees. Tina found no sign of the person, maybe it was just my imagination and I really wanted to go inside? But she was there already, the young girl ended up in a clearing, the fog was low and she can't see what was on the ground.
Once upon a time it had come so far to the Forested Forest, there was no way back. Thomas removed the wand, then cast a spell at Lumos and entered the forest. There were even louder sounds around. It was sweet to his ears. Somewhere in the distance, an owl had fallen, and he went further as the trail dragged on. Thomas looked ahead and listened to the sounds. In front of him, he noticed the floor so it was hard to see exactly what was in the dim light. As he got closer, he recognized what it was.

He stepped closer to the girl, hugged her around the waist. ''Hi Tina. He also decided to look at the Forbidden Forest.'' He said looking at the girl and here on the trail that led further into the forest.
Slowly and calmly, she made into the clearing. It was still dark and nobody was there. I'm just wasting my time here she thought. But the calmness and eeriness of the forest sooth her. Tina was ready to go back into the sunlight when she hadn't had time to turn around, two slim arms wrapped around her. And a familiar voice spoke to her from behind. Though she knew who it was, she still wasn't certain if it was who she think it was. Tina made a move so fast that in a second, she was out of that person's grasp. Only a first year, Tina doesn't know that much spells but pointed her wand anyways to non-other than Thomas. They met once but it doesn't mean they're on the touchy stage of their friendship. "Oh god! Thomas, you scared me, please, don't do that to someone with a wand." She explained. What if she's older and knows more spells? "If it wasn't me you just hugged, you'll probably way out of the forest." Of course, she was worried. They were friends after all.
'' Sorry I didn't want to scare you. '' he said because they just realized that thank God they didn't know much about spells. If it wasn't Tina but someone else, then she knows what would happen to you. ''Do you want to get out of the woods? '' he asked, turning his head towards the girl. Thomas removed his hand from Tina's waist and stepped back a few steps from her.

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