Will you be a second kill?

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Leah Winters

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
13" Sequoia Dragon heartstring
Of course, I'll get this approved before a topic is started and RPed out. I just want to formulate a plan with someone. Get a general idea, ect.

Okay! So. Leah has killed an NPC, but that is all. I kinda want her to have a second kill. I don't really have a preference on the character, just preferably the character be eighteen or older. A member of the Ministry would be fricken sweet, but not at all required.

I think it should be someone who has seen what they should not see. That's really the only excuse I can think of, other than the person insulting her pride in some way. I like the idea, of a random character witnessing something dark, and then BAM! Kind of like Goblet of Fire, with Frank.

Let me know what you think. :D And if you have any ideas, please share.
So, I've lurked this topic several times and I've just decided that I really should post something:

I'm sure I could find a character of mine that would suit the bill. I'm always looking for ways to bump off characters xD
Is blood status important? And is there a gender you would prefer? I have about a million characters, so I'm sure I can find someone suitable ^_^

I mean, if you wanted a muggle to kill, I have Rose Scott. She live in the Uk (I think xD ) and the plot I had for her has kind of dissolved. Although, I suppose that could help kick-start this other character that I'm doing little with :)

Well, it's up to you ^_^ And I'm sure I could find another of my million characters to get rid of that should be suitable :D


Also, should you want another NPC to kill at any point, I have one that I need bumping off before I can do another plot xD
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