Wild Cat

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Here comes Leslie.Okay for the most part I had to create my own teeange drama etc, etc, etc. So here what's going on with Leslie><

Leslie is in a open relationship with her long time girlfriend of three years Esmaa, Esmaa is a bit older than Leslie, but that's how Leslie came out the closet of being bisexual, more lesbian really. And Esmaa is a muggel, she has no idea that Leslie really is a witch, Maya, her bestest friend is still trying to convince Leslie to tell Essy, but she like "Whatever if I'm not going to marry her than why tell??", and now Esmaa just sort took in another muggel girl and will convince Leslie to move away from Salem! So its a bit complicated you see...anyways a bit about Leslie she a wild cat, will pop anywhere out of the blue just to scare you and is a hair dresser, *shows of her spunky colors*

Anyone want to be friends to join her said little drama, and possibly any boy want to be sort of like Leslie other lover? She don't mind muggels boys, but maybe someone she can fool around with, like with magic *sparkle sparkle*

I don't mind a few rps, just to give you a heads up I don't reply as fast, but I do tend to come with wild adventures Dx

Wild Cat x

Ps- Girl Lovers are welcome, if I'm not gonna marry Leslie, please knock at my doors!
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