Why Won't He Commit?

Coventia Belrose

Mother / Romantic
Blood Status
Pure Blood
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
There was not much on her mind right now. Coventia Dragonova had been dating this wonderful man, but she was waiting for him to finally ask her to go steady. But, after the fifth date and several months of just letters and meeting up, it did not seem like it was going to happen. And Coventia was feeling a little antsy. What more would it take to get a man to just commit and finally give her what she needs? Coventia needed one night to herself, and she found herself at a local pub. She sat down at the bar, before asking for a shot of pretty rough whiskey. It was what she needed. She bent her head back and downed the shot with one gulp. It burned her throat so much, she placed her hand over her mouth and attempted not to throw it back up. Everything in her life was not as she dreamed. She did well. She was a strong accountant within the muggle world. She worked with magical affairs too, but that was more of a private thing. She did not regret her decision to go to muggle college for six years and end up where she was now.

What also devastated her was her sister, Cerridwen. She was a little older, her sister was. And she ruined her life. She got involved with a dark family, and ended up pregnant. And what was worse, she gave her son up! That boy would have been her nephew. Coventia asked for another shot, and this time, she handled it well. She placed her hand upon her stomach, and what she would not give for being a mother. She would love a baby with a dedicated husband. One day, she would get what she wanted. Coventia smiled toward the bartender, before asking, "What's the limit? I don't want to end up drunk." She got her answer, which was three shots. She got her last one and downed it. At least while she was tipsy, her lack of judgment was seriously down. She giggled as she set the shot glass down, and pushed her hair over her shoulder.
Parker had been going through a lot. After Tess had died he'd up and left everything with Jack and sort of just dropped off of the map for a while. His Quidditch career was over when he quit and he tried to get into the aurors but was denied, no doubt due to the ties certain members of his family had to the Scitorari. He didn't know much about that organisation, but that didn't mean that he didn't know his family was involved somehow. Isla was the head now, but that wouldn't really stop anything considering she hated the Ministry. His grandmother was much worse, but Isla was a scared child, she didn't know what she was doing. Parker did try to help on occasion, especially after the death of her son, but that really wasn't an option anymore. He had to get away from the things that were happening in his life and so in his travels he was moving around and finally seeing the world in the way he'd always promised himself that he would. He did feel sorry for Jack, who lost a wife and a sister, but Parker had loved both of them too. To die so close together, it really made Parker wonder.

Making his way into some unnamed bar in some place in Europe, he'd been all over the place, he wasn't sure which country he was in any more, Parker quickly found a seat next to a pretty girl. She was further along than he was and he smiled at her. She was giggling visibly, she was probably drunk already. "Drinking to forget, or celebrating something?" He asked as he watched her. She was gorgeous, blonde, he clearly had a type. He looked to the bartender and gestured for a shot of whatever the girl was having before looking back at her. "You shouldn't be alone, lass. You're too bloody gorgeous."
Coventia, or better known as Cia, looked over to see that someone was actually sitting next to her now. Being in Denmark was strange, but some of the people knew English. It was a good amount, which made her feel somewhat adventurous since getting up and leaving one day for a week. The man asked her if she was celebrating or drinking to forget someone. She hummed before answering, "I'm trying to forget someone right now. He didn't break my heart, if that is what you are asking." Her words were slurring and stumbling a little bit, but she was still smiling. This man was completely handsome, and there were a many of things she wanted to do to him. Could she really though? Well, she sure wasn't tied down to some man right now, so she could dip into the night of fun. Maybe she could do something to give him the clue that she wanted him. She pushed her hair over her shoulder, exposing her slender neck. That was something that usually she used to draw the male in to her web, so that, as a black widow, she would strike. Smiling, she wished that the bartender would give her one more shot, but she was already at the limit. Shame she was a little bit of a lightweight.

Cia looked at the man with her almost innocent eyes, and giggled when she was called gorgeous. "Maybe you can keep me some company then? I'm Cia." Her giggles were almost contagious, which she tried to keep them to herself. Her mouth was soon covered by her hand, which had a French manicure that was just done a few days ago. "I mean, I'm pretty much drunk now. I can't likely find my own hotel room until I get a cup of coffee!" She found that absolutely hilarious, which she didn't know why. If she were sober, she would likely feel absolutely embarrassed for making a fool of herself.
Denmark was cold, Parker knew that, but it wasn't as cold as it sometimes got back home in Scotland, especially in the winter not to mention how cold Durmstrang could get. He'd even once gone skinny dipping in that freezing water, hypothermia be damned. He looked at the girl as she mentioned that she was trying to forget someone. Well, that wasn't exactly unexpected. Most people drank for one of two reasons, forgetting, or celebrating. "If he didn't break your heart, what did he do?" Maybe he stole her favourite pair of shoes, or perhaps he didn't want to go out for dinner. Parker laughed slightly for himself. Pub hopping wasn't as easy as it used to be. Rafaelle had clearly mallowed him a little. The bartender soon presented him with a shot and Parker quickly flipped it up and down his throat. "Oh, not bad, you certainly have good taste in booze." Parker signalled to the bartender for another drink.

Parker grinned at the woman when she mentioned that he could keep her some company. "Just try and get rid of me." He was quite content to sit here and drink, it was what he'd intended to do when he'd walked through those doors. Travelling was never this easy though and besides, what was one more night of drinking on an otherwise complete wipeout of a trip? He'd not heard from Jack in some time, but he didn't really care that much if he was honest. "Don't you worry your pretty little head, I'll help you find your place when the time comes." he winked at her and downed another shot.
Cia did not want to go into details because she did not want to sound desperate or pathetic. But what came from her mouth was the solid truth, in the form of word vomit (not actual vomit), “He would not commit to me. We went out on many dates, but he never asked me to go steady. And I am convinced that he does not want me anymore!” Cia wondered how anyone could not want her. She was beautiful, talented, and very smart. Although, she was a hopeless romantic and seemed to fall under the spell of any man that was nice to her. She hated it, but she could never see through it. That was probably why she was normally in the bed on the first date. That was how her and Clement were. For a moment, this man looked really good, and she could have sworn that she was falling under his spell. She giggled and replied, “You are too good looking to get rid of, my good sir!” She was just really enamored with his eyes. They were so beautiful.

And now he was offering her help to her room. Well, when the time came. She wondered when that was because she was getting a little light headed. And her judgment was long since thrown from the window. She reached and placed her hand on his before smiling, “You are such a gentleman. I almost want to go to my place now. But I don’t want to be alone.” Cia was putting her moves on, in a way. After all, she wanted to go have some fun, and maybe her means to escape would be him.

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