Why Me?!

Ai Adlam

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Ana. V
Walnut Wand 14 1/2" Essence of Vampire Blood
Ai was confused. She didn't really know why she was confused she hated Vlad and she hated Sam it was simple as that. She should have thrown the stupid thing in her hands back in Vlad's face and told him to go back to his table and spread his annoying sunshine there. She should have done a lot of things but instead she was in the forest, hiding from the world.

She had come here from time to time though there where creatures here that could kill her. She wasn't afraid of death. If anything it would give a chance of being with her brother. Ai was still young she was sure she would go to the same place where her brother went. Ai looked at the talesmen again then put her other hand to her chest. It was that annoying thumping again. She started to breath heard. A weak heart had been her brother's end would it be her's too? Ai held the hand made necklace in her hands as if she was trying to brake it as her body started to shake.
Awkwardly stepping through the undergrowth and many obstacles in his way, Vladimir noisily winded through the rather cramped wooded area and finally emerged into the clearing where Ai was. Panting, he walked over to her and grinned cheerfully, wiping glistening sweat off his forehead as his merry golden orbs flickered towards her. "Y' still haven't told me if ya liked it, missus." He gestured at the talisman that she happened to be grasping tightly, though he was pretty sure it was out of some silent rage rather than affection. "The present," He beamed, "D'you like wolves?"
Ai heard him coming but made no move to lift her head. Loose strands of black silk came down from her bronzed hood yet she could still see Vlad and the way he seemed to glow with his own kind of light. "It not in the Ravenclaw fireplace, that should be enough." She said still looking down. She would never admit to Vlad that she liked it in any kind of way. Ai breathed in deep and let it go slowly.

Her heart was going way too fast. She knew what it meant but she didn't want to go the same way her brother did. She was much to pail even in the sunlight. Probobly why she was looking down. "What are you doing here?" She asked when she felt it was alright to speak.
Vladimir looked perplexed and genuinely bemused when the question was poised. "What am I doing here?" He repeated slowly, raising his golden eyes to hers with a wan smile. "When somebody rushes off away from you, you sorta feel t'need to go after them; fast-like." He shrugged his shoulders and looked sheepish, "But then agen', it may be 'cos I like you, yeah?"
Ai noticed that he lowed his head to look into her eyes. Seeing the gold in them made her feel like it would all the riches she would ever need. She squished that feeling as soon as she realized it was there. She could not afford to feel like that. "You make a valid statement." She said her monotone not breaking. The next statement knocked her a little off guard.

Vlad liked her? Ai was even more confused. What did he mean by like? If he meant friendship then there was nothing for her to think about anymore but she did really think it meant that. She needed time to think. "Your a thief Dragonski." She said again with little emotion in her voice. With a bit of confusion Ai would have a bit of time to figure out what exactly was going on here. She kept expecting her body to size up from the pounding in her chest and the breathlessness she felt. Ai was starting to think that she was not feeling this because of one of her many illnesses.
"S'pose I am." Vladimir replied, albeit bemused at her proclamation of him being a thief, "I stole ya' first kiss, innit?" He chuckled to himself before he looked at her seriously and said in playfully, "If you let me steal ya' heart, and I'll make it all better." The Russian paused, and then moved forward and made to extend his hand to take her own in his grasp. "M' mean it." He said carefully, holding eye contact with her all the way.
Ai made no move to yank her hand away this time even though she was cool to the touch. "What if I demanded the kiss back?" She asked. Her eyes where somewhat like liquid sliver, solid but moving at the same time. "What would happen if I didn't have a heart left for you to steal?" She asked. She searched his golden orbs for a truth that words could not express. It was the first time she felt her heart like this. She had never thought that she could feel like this. There was a part of her that thought it was one of her illments that made her heart react this way.
"If y'wanted it back, feel free t' kiss me for it?" Vladimir chuckled in response, folding his arms and rubbing his chin in thought. "If you didn't have a heart f'me to steal ... I s'pose," He reached out for an overhanging branch behind her, and plucked off a rather large leaf. With dexterous fingers, he folded the leaf into a heart and offered it to her with a wry smile. "I'd hafta give you one, innit?"
For a moment Ai wanted to be like other girls who could laugh and smile, who could blush and had been raised in light and love that they could share with others. Ai had none of that. She tucked the talisman in the pocket of her flyer's jacket while putting her hand free hand on the one Vlad was using to offer her the leafy heart. She used it at a steadying point so she could raise herself up to become eye level with him. Ai really was a tiny girl. "I want my stolen kiss back." She said her voice the same cool mechaincal drone that she fought so heard to keep but her eyes where like molten quicksliver. She pressed her lips against his as he had against her's on that day under the Quidditch stands.
Vladimir gave her a little bemused smile when she tucked the leaf-made heart away, "Glad y' like it?" Taking hold of her hand, he gave her a little lift as she rose and looked at him. He blinked in mild surprise when her lips touched his, but he took it in his stride and held her gently as he returned the rarely given affection.
Ai started to feel a little light headed so she placed her other hand on Valdimir's shoulder. Ai closed her eyes to alllow herself for once to feel his warmth but then had to stop. "You would get hurt." She whispered though she was making no effort to move. Ai's friends for one would not approve of a Gryffendor, her best friend had shown her dislike of the house on more than one occation.

Ari would be slightly more understanding but only just. Then there was herself. No matter how much she liked Vlad's warmth, no matter how much she could will herself to stay kind to Vald Ai knew she had a temper and the ruthlessness to use whatever means to hurt when it came out. Eventually she would hurt Vlad.
Vladimir wrapped his arms around her in a warm hug and grinned as he bumped his forehead lightly against hers. "Iunno, I think m' tough. I'll prolly be able t' survive." The Gryffindor chuckled merrily as he ran a hand down her hair and murmured to her quietly as he gently stroked her hair. "Isn't it your decision to want me or no?"
Ai's steel colored orbs looked up into Vlad's. "I should be, a lot of things should be mine to decide yet they arn't" She said thinking of her pureblood grandmother. Now that she was the only one alive out of the set that had been her brother and herself she was going to expect things from Ai that she didn't want to do. Ai would have no choice but to do them. "Would be with me? Through anything?" She asked now thinking of her illnesses.
Vladimir chuckled as he held her face in a gentle grasp and leaned in to her shoulder, placing his head down upon her softly. "I swear I'll be with you." He paused for a moment, and then added, "In happiness, and in sorrow." Vladimir glanced up at her and stared right into her eyes kindly before he commented lightly, "In life, and in Death."
Ai placed her cool hand over his. "That last statement may be put to the test because if everyday is a gift to everyone for me it is doubly so. The very blood that runs through me is polluted with illness. I don't know how long there is until the cheeks that you hold turn cold with death." She said soft sigh. Ai let the gentlest smile spread on her lips. "If you understand this then can I call you my secret?"
The Gryffindor chuckled merrily as he placed a warm hand on her forehead and ruffled her hair playfully. "Your wha'? Dirty little secret? 'Course ye can, Ai. 'Course ye can." Vladimir held up both hands before him and blew into them for warmth, and then made to clap them over her cheeks softly. "Don't mind me, but tis' getting a bit frosty in 'ere. Are you sure you wouldn't prefer t' head up to the castle?" Vladimir cocked his head and grinned cheekily, "Or you could sleep here if you prefer. Bed o' Leaves?"
Ai rolled her eyes and let out a siffing sound with was about as much a laugh that could be gotten out of Ai without there being blood. Vlad clapped his hands on her cheeks and she shook her head. "I am by nature about five degrees cooler than the avarage person. A side effect from being locked up in the mansion that my Grandmother used to own." She said. It was too soon to tell him the other place she had been locked up in. Ai blinked then looked up at the sky. "It is not late." She said "Would you rather not read somewhere? I have no book with me but there other things that can be read." She said. Ai was a bank of knolage. None of it of any practical worth outside the world of books but still.
"Read t'me then." Vladimir said with mild interest as he watched her; he settled into a sitting position beside her and glanced up at the air, "Vot d'yu mean by reading? Like, the stars an' such?" The Russian boy asked as he gazed up into the night sky and squinted into the distance. "Seems an awful difficult thing an' such."
"That demand could get you slapped." Ai said as she settled down next to Vladimir with her head on his shoulder and part of her body against his chest. It seemed like a nearly impossible things seeing as Ai was so small but then she was not as small as one of the third years in her house. It wasn't until she looked up again that she realized just how much time she had spent on what she would have formally thought of as nothing. "If you talk about stars there are two kinds of reading. One is astrological, knowing your sun sign is said to unlock many secrets hidden in the stars about ones life. There is the Centenarian point of view that says the stars care very little about individual lives and what is read in the stars is more of a global effect on the races.

If you talk about the stars from an astronomical point of view reading the stars means to use formulas or a basic knowledge of the constellations to triangulate one's whereabouts from any place on the globe. Histories first maps where star maps when much of the world was not yet traveled by means available at the time. Ships still use that stand point to navigate when devices had given way." She said then looked around. "I can also read the age and conditions of the trees. That is a matter of taking samples and seeing what had made the thickness of the rings deviate over the years." She added thinking of the forest.

"Or I could read into the fact that you kept doing this number to me." She said as she shifted her position she was half looking at Vlad the pressed her forehead against this. "It was as if you could not get enough of my eyes even if they are the color of the coldest steel. It's not like they are the color of a most presiose metal like yours. Or is I where to think in other terms it would be like you where trying to lure me into something. The possibility of what leads me to believe that you would like you stolen kiss back." She said her tone as flat as ever but there seemed to be a joking edge to it that was rarely ever heard.
Vladimir tilted his head and grinned at her, "As a metal, gold is simply decorative and used for ornamental purposes." He slid his hand over the soil, drawing out an elaborate symbol in the soil - the ancient alchemical sign of gold. "It was the goal of alchemists of old, cos' it was considered precious and pretty."

His hand continued to scrawl across the ground, proceeding to draw a a coat-of-arms on the soil surrounded by a double tudor rose with a sword down the middle. "Steel, on the other 'and, Ai, is useful. It is said to be common, but from there, only precious few gifted blacksmiths can create weapons of true value from steel. It is a metal to be revered, feared ... and admired." His voice trailed away as his amber orbs found hers and didn't leave her as he gazed into her eyes.

"You ne'er told me why you kept thinkin' you would die early." He murmured, raising one warm hand to her cheek. "Did you read in the stars?"
Ai observed the symbols on the ground. It looked like she hadn’t chosen an idiot after all. He knew his alchemy and his history. Ai was not about to complement Vlad though, not yet. Ai listened to what he said while a soft blush came to her cheeks when he said that steel was to be admired. She knew that steel was to be feared just as she was to be feared. Ai bit her lip to keep the smile that she felt coming up. It would not be a soft smile but the wide one that had gotten her cursed whenever she came home wearing it.

Vlad mentioned her death and she didn’t have to fight to keep her smile down. “I used to have a twin. My brother and I where born early by two months and very sick. The healer at the time said that it would be a blessing if we made it through the night. The blessing happened and we lived. The blessing turned out to be a curse because we had to live most of your young lives in the house. You see I have a blood disorder as well as a bone disorder and my nerves system is diseased. Nether my brother or I where allowed out of the house until the age of three the same year we lost our parents. A month before Kai and I where meant to come to Hogwarts Kai took ill and passed away. Kai and I have the same blood, the same sicknesses. The one on that table could have easily been me and at any given moment one of my sicknesses will kick in and take me too.” She said. She had not read this tragedy in the stars, it was medicine that had her days counted. Ai rubbed her cheek against his hand as if to want him to hold her.
Vladimir froze as she told her about her body's condition; he glanced at her quietly and then murmured, "I ... I'm sorry, I didn't know." His lips twitched into a weak smile as he attempted to say something, but his mouth opened and close with no words coming out; his hand fell away from her cheek slowly, as if afraid.

Then, as if on instinct, he moved and made to hug her entire body tightly as he placed a hand on her head towards his shoulder. In a muffled voice, he muttered, "I don't want t' lose you."
Ai rested her head on his shoulder and closed her eyes. She wanted to take in this moment though she knew that some day soon she would be denying that it ever happened. "I don't want to go. I didn't want to leave anything here when I did leave." She said her voice too muffled by his neck. Ai pressed her body softly on his as if borrowing life from Vladimer. "I don't want to go now." She said as her arms slinked around his torso. Ai felt, though later she would think it was a very foolish feeling, that if she clung to him she would cling to this world a little longer.
"Then don't," The boy replied while he held her in a warm hug tightly, as if if he kept her in his embrace she wouldn't leave him. "Don't leave me." He murmured into her ear as he lowered his head and rested it upon her shoulder quietly. In the midst of the tranquil silence of the forest and the occasional chirping of some wild bird perched upon the tallest branches of the canopy, Vladimir's lips twitched into a rueful smile as he whispered, "You smell nice."
Ai turned towards his neck and nuzzled him. "I can't promise that. I can tell you that I will be yours as long as I can be. Follow me into the dark?" She asked. While she waited for Vladimer to answer her Ai took in the sounds of the night. She loved night time because there was no sun to burn her sensitive skin. Her friends did not like sunshine as well so she didn't have to watch from the sidelines as they played.

A moment later what sounded like chiming bells could be heard around them. Ai was laughing. Truly laughing. "That not something you hear every day." She said as she breathed to get herself back together. The laugh faded almost as quickly as it came up. Only her brother had heard her laugh before now.

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