Open Why me?

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Tori Braden

🍨*Older twin sister, singer, arts🍨
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Too Young to Care (??)
Sexual Orientation
Knotted 10 Inch Unyielding Holly Wand with Phoenix Tail Feather Core
11 (9, September, 2049.)
Tori felt nervous when she waited him and he was a little older than her. Why he choose her? She was wearing Gryffindor costume and waited him in Halloween feast. @Adam Maxwell-Kramer
Adam wasn't really into parties but thought it is his third year at Hogwarts New Zealand and hasn't had that many friends except his distant family members. Which aren't that many. To his haste to go to this party, Adam wanted to have a date, Naomi wasn't down and so does her cousin. He didn't like the fact that he had to ask somebody in the hallways, let alone ask a new first year. But he did so in desperation and maybe make somebody's first year fun.

Although Naomi and Somjai didn't want to come, they helped him get ready for his first party and date. Going as an American High School Football player which is a fun thing because he hates American Football. The game and the name didn't exactly fit together.

Adam walked down the tower to the Entrance hall where everybody were waiting for their dates or just hanging around. He didn't see his date around, so, he went inside and scanned the hall for her. He would remember her as he had only asked her out the other day. As the party had gone full swing, Adam finally saw her and was curious about the costume, if it was a costume.

"Hi! Nice ... umm." He doesn't know how to put it. "Uniform. I swear you're in Ravenclaw." Adam was confused now.
"Hi" She smiled. "I am a Ravenclaw but this is a costume. I was not sure what else wear and choose Gryffindor. You look nice." She smiled and stoped for the moment talk.
He took off his helmet to see her fully. She wasn't his type but close enough. "That's what I thought so too." He stated to her costume. "Thanks, it's a last minute idea." Adam was telling the truth, although, he could have just stayed with his cousins. "Do you want something to drink or eat?" He offered, pointing at the table full of goodies.
"Same me to, last minut idea" It was that bad that she choose gryffindor costume. At least she was costume not some people regular clother she looked around the great hall and see some people. "Sure, let's go. But why you choose me? There is lot of girls" She was curios what he was say to her.
Adam lead the young lady down the concession table as she agreed to get something to eat and drink. He listened as she asked him a question he already know that it was coming. He took two goblets from the table and filled it with pumpkin juice. Adam handed the goblet to the girl and he took a sip of his own. "To make their first year memorable." He said untruthfully. "I choose you because you're a first year and thought you might want a fun evening." Lie, he was good at lying. Adam chugged down the remaining pumpkin juice and refilled his goblet again. He was only there to party and maybe meet somebody his own year.
"Thanky" She take from him and drinked it. "I don't belive you but it's fine. But yes i wanted something fun tonight. It's Halloween. But if you wanna later go. You can" She understand him if he later change his mind about her she won't be mad at him.
Adam shrugged, he wasn't there to make her reassure the situation. He finished his pumpkin juice and returned the goblet on the table. Somebody would clean it up for them. "Leave you? After me and my relatives invested into making my costume? Nope, you and me, all night." He grabbed the goblet she was holding from her and set it beside his on the table.

A slow song started playing in the background which he remembers that his parents used to waltz in this song. Adam grabbed the younger girl's hand and pulled her into the dance floor, his other hand on her waist.
"Let's start over again shall we and put your feet on top of mine." He doesn't know if the girl can dance waltz, if not this is a safe conclusion. "My name's Adam and I'm from Ravenclaw. And you are?" The boy looked down at the girl.
Angel sent an owl to her parents about the upcoming event and her parents being people of the fashion industry, her mom included, sent her a figure skater's outfit. She loved the color as it matched her house colors. It was a bit short for her taste though but nevertheless, she made it work. Instead of the usual ice skates, they sent her a pair of similar ones but with detachable blades. She smiled, it seemed she would discover a new hobby in time for winter. With a final rundown of her clothes, she was ready.

Soon enough, she found herself in the great hall, looking around if she could spot familiar faces, especially Airen. She poured herself a glass of pumpkin juice while watching other students have fun on the dance floor. The song was a bit slow and she almost gagged at the sight of the pairs moving closer to the beat.
Blond girl still not belived his words becouse it was hard to belive it. But she will try give him a chance for a little time. "If you say so" She smiled and still was thinking that she was just a first year not older girl for him as date.

"Ok, but i know how to dance." She smiled and slowly dance waltz and she was know what she was doing. "My name is Tori Braden and you have a nice name, Adam!" She smiled and dancing with him.
He was thankful the girl knows how to dance and spun the girl and back to him. "Well, hello, Tori Braden. How are you finding the castle so far?" He asked her as Adam whispered into her ear. Adam doesn't call himself a player but nothings wrong about it as long as no one knows he's playing with the girls.

As the song continues to play, his sight went upon another girl near the refreshment section. Her costume was somewhat familiar and obvious.
"Would you like some snacks?" Adam asked Tori.
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