Why does love do this to me?

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Willow Autumn

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
★ Missy
Yew Wand 14" Essence of Fairy Dust
Rigghteeo...Thanks to my stupid...hiatus...break.
I don't have any Roleplays.
...and to those Roleplays I've abandoned - incredibly sorry.

So, here's the deal - Willow isn't participating in normal classes (read Semester Two of her biography)
and so - has a lot of time on her hands.

Does anyone want to have a RP with Willow?

it might be a good idea for those she hasn't seen in a while could have a good catch up or so :)
and another enemy might be nice, an academic rival would be brilliant.

...Anyway, Roleplays. Of any kind. Seriously.
You'll get cupcakes for it. Serious.

Fine print: I'm really desperate to fill in my holiday at the moment...there's seriously nothing to do until February! And this time, I will not abandon them: Promise! ~Missy.
Welcome back!

Anyway, I have an already started RP with one of my
Slytherins (Crystal Sasaki Hayden) She's pretty open
confident. Tries her hardest and has mixed roots. She's
got a short temper, and isn't scared to fight for anything.
She'd most likely be an enemy. So, if you are interested
topic Here
Welcome back!

Okay so Kate and Willow have already met and are good friends maybe they could start a topic just the two of them because in all the other topics they have been in a group?

@Em - Sure! :)

@Johanna - I'll make the topic if you like? :)
Ya sure thats great! Oh and maybe you didn't get it but your invited to Sara and Kate's birthday its the topic Irish ceile!
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