Who's Your Daddy?

Avaria Lockwood

~Mommy- Keystone Ink Apprentice~ Bartender~
OOC First Name
Jess S
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
It's Complicated
Sexual Orientation
Curly 9 Inch Swishy Walnut Wand with Meteorite Dust Core
3/3/2034 (26)
Set at the beginning of the year

Avaria was nervous. She'd been at this orphanage a few months now, and this morning they'd been told that he had finally been found- Avaria's father. She ran a hand through her blond hair. He would be here any minute now, this man she had only seen in an old photograph of her mother's.

The thought of her mother- and subsequently, her grandmother- made her a little sad. She still missed them both. Avaria played with the hem of her plain white dress. She hadn't been sure what to wear so she had just picked something simple.

Her feet didn't even reach the floor on the uncomfortable couch they'd told her to wait on. She sighed before getting up and wondering over to the Grand piano in the corner of the room. Gran-Gran had been a piano teacher, and once she had realized that listening to her play calmed the usually hyper-active Avaria, the old woman had started giving her lessons.

Avaria climbed up onto the stool. Her feet didn't reach the floor, but that was okay. She straightened her dress and placed her fingers on the keys. After a moments thought she began to play a simple lullaby that Gran-Gran had showed her.

The music filled the room and calmed her frayed nerves.
To have not seen his daughter was difficult for Avarian, but to receive news from someone that his only daughter was in an orphanage after her mother died was unbearable. He was in a wild lowland forest in Europe tracking Eurasian wolves, taking photos that he could add to his wildlife documentary when he received an owl post. It had been a while since he received news from anybody apart from work mail and calls from Muggle colleagues.

Mr. Lockwood, it was a great relief to have known your whereabouts. We wrote to inform you that your daughter, Avaria Lockwood, has been in our care for a couple months now since her mother left the world. Below is the address of the Floo that would directly bring you to the bookshop across the orphanage. Rest assured she is in good hands until your arrival.

Avarian did not hesitate packing up and went to the nearest Floo access stated in the letter. However, he did not just go emptyhanded. With him were two gifts for his Avaria. Shortly after, he exited the fireplace of the bookshop and from its window, he could already see the orphanage. Saying his thanks to the shopkeeper, he stepped out of the shop and crossed the cobbled street as he took in the appearance of the place. Reaching the front door, he gave it a knock before opening the door that admitted him to the lobby. He looked around for the person in charge when he heard piano playing.Curiously, he followed the music which brought him to the corner where a girl wearing a white dress was playing the instrument. Avarian was stopped in his steps as he took in the image in front of him. A little girl, about what would be Avaria's age, with blond hair. Just like Avaria. Shaking his head, he thought there would be many blind girls there.

Hearing footsteps behind him, Avarian turned to find a woman a couple of years older than him. She introduced herself to him and he did likewise. The woman's face registered surprise and happiness upon hearing his name and purpose for coming. But it was to Avarian's surprise when the woman called the girl who was at the piano.
Avarian tried to compose himself without turning around to the girl. He did not know what he was waiting for but his emotions were preventing him from making the most obvious action that he should do.
Avaria was lost in her music. The melody was simple but familiar, and it engulfed her. So when the lady that ran the orphanage called for her, she jumped so high the she fell off the piano bench. She hit the floor with a thud. "Owww..." She whined softly

Avaria sat up and rubbed her nose. Her face was a little red from where it hit the floor. She looked up to see a really tall man in the doorway. She couldn't be sure, since his back was turned, but that had to be him... Didn't it?

Cautiously, she got to her feet. With soft steps she walked over to the man in the doorway. Avaria took the old photo that she had tucked into the side of her shoe and opened it.

She stood on her tiptoes and reached, grasping onto the man's sleeve and tugging it. She would see if he was the same man in the photo when he turned to face her.
Avarian calmed himself as he shifted the parcels in his hands. The woman was smiling at the person behind him as he heard a thump and an exclamation from a sweet voice. He was unsure why his instincts told him to turn around at the immediate sound of pain from that voice but he stopped himself. He did not want to be disappointed when the girl would pull away from him.

Soft steps echoed the room as the girl neared him. He breathed deeply while his heart was thumping fast. He was almost sure the woman could hear it already. Suddenly, a small tug on his sleeve made him looked down on the small hand connected to it. Slowly, he turned around to be met with the face that he had been longing for a long time. Clearly, it was Avaria. His eyes roamed around - her hair, eyes, small nose, everything - as if to commit them to his memory. A small photo caught his attention and he saw that it was an old photo of his. This brought a smile to his face as he bent down to her level. Reaching a hand to cup her cheek, he smiled, teary-eyed, "My little Avaria."
Avaria studied the man's features, comparing them to the photo. He was older, probably a fossil, but it was him. If she had any doubts about it, they were brushed aside when the man knelt down to her level.

"My little Avaria," he said softly as he touched her little face with his big hand. Her blue eyes widened just a bit in surprise and her cheeks grew red.

Well, at least he wasn't having any doubts either. A soft pout formed on her face. She had a dad now. Avaria wasn't one for crying, especially during their first meeting. Wouldn't want him to think she wasn't tough.

Avaria jumped a little bit so she could reach and found herself sitting on Avarian's lap.She wrapped her arms around his neck and laid her face on his shoulder. She wasn't really sure what to say, so she just stayed quiet.
Avaria's eyes widened when his hand made contact with her cheek. Avarian almost withdrew his hand, afraid that his girl might pull away but he stilled his hand and waited for any reaction from her. Avarian almost laughed when Avaria's face produced a pout. He remembered her doing that whenever she did not get what she wanted. She surprised him by jumping on his lap and wrapped her small arms around his neck. She did not say anything but she did not need to. As she laid her head on his shoulder, Avarian did not stop himself anymore. The man wrapped his arms around his daughter's small frame, stroking her hair as his tears started to fall. "I'm here now, baby. Daddy's here.", he said soothingly.
Avaria hugged her dad tighter. At least, she did until she could tell he was crying. She really liked him stroking her hair, so pulling back was a little hard. Still, she wasn't just going to let him cry. She pulled back and started wiping his tears away with small hands. Do all grown-ups have big faces?

"I know, daddy." The term of affection was both really familiar and really foreign at the same time. "It's going to be okay, now, right? We'll be okay, you don't have to cry." Avaria's own eyes were glistening, but she wanted to impress him. "Mommy always told me you were the strongest, bravest guy she ever knew." She smiled at him, this man that was everything she needed, even if he was an absolute stranger.
Avarian nodded at Avaria's question.That they would be okay.Of course they would be. He would take the time off from work or cut some hours just to be with her. After all,he had managed to complete the project ahead of schedule.

When Avaria mentioned her mother,Avarian could not help the hurt in his chest but he would not show the pain to his daughter who had been through worse than him. She may have mentioned her mommy but the following statement that came out of the little girl's mouth made him laugh. His baritone voice echoed while his shoulders shook in laughter. His heart warmed at Avaria's words because those were the exact words that Avaria's mother would always say to him long ago. Why did she leave? So many questions unanswered.

Avarian did not linger on those thoughts as he straightened up, carrying Avaria with him on his one arm. He turned to the woman and asked her to show them the way to Avaria's room. He would like to get Avaria on that day which was to old woman's great happiness.

As they went up the stairs to Avaria's room,Avarian could not stop himself from glancing at his daughter's face. Her face was of pure happiness,making her resemble most to her mother. When they reached her room, the woman left them alone to get the paperwork ready for him to sign. Avarian sat on his daughter's bed after he set her down on it as well. Handing the parcels to her, "I got something for you.",he said,silently hoping they would fit her perfectly.
Avaria smiled happily as Avarian laughed. He had a nice laugh. She was startled when he stood, holding her in one arm. She leaned forward and held onto his shoulder tightly. Her mommy had been short enough and in the end, weak enough, that no one had picked Avaria up like this in a few years now.

Apparently she got her height from her towering father. She held onto him as he followed the lady that ran the orphanage up the stairs. Avaria thought she fit nicely against her dad like this, and she started to doze just a little as they started to reach her room.

She woke up again as he set her down on the bed they'd given her. It wasn't really comfy, too old. He sat next to her and handed her a few parcels. "I got something for you," he told her.

Avaria clapped her hands together. "Perfect! Let's trade!" She turned and reached under her pillow. She pulled out a neatly wrapped red package. It was just a framed painting of a fox that she had made a few days ago, but she had worked pretty hard on it and she hoped Avarian would like it.

She sat back down in front of her dad and held out the package with a big smile on her face.
Avarian's nerves calmed down and was finally assured that Avaria had accepted him without any doubts or resistance. They had reached her bedroom and he was now looking at the walls where there were many drawings posted. Works of Avaria,that he was sure of. The condition of her room was not disappointing but he was sure it was not its best too. He was hoping that Avaria would love her new room in his house. They would stay in Europe for a year or until she turned eleven and they would move to New Zealand.

Upon giving Avaria his presents,he was surprised when his daughter said something about trading. Raising his brows in amusement,he watched as the girl reached under her pillow and produced a red package. He opened it to reveal a framed painting of an animal. A fox. He smiled proudly at her. "It's beautiful,Avaria. Thank you.",he looked at her tenderly. Pulling out his wand,he waved it over the frame to change it into a bracelet temporarily. After he wore it,he gestured to his presents. "Open them. I hope you would like them.",he said with a smile.
Avaria watched her dad open his gift with a smile on her face that only brightened when be thanked her. She opened her gifts then, and her face lit up as she saw the dress. "Oh, it's so pretty!"

She slid off the bed and slipped the dress over her head. It was a little big, hanging at her knees. She grinned up at her dad. "I'll grow into it. Don't worry, I grow fast."

She climbed back up onto the bed. She picked up the second package, but before she opened it she moved so she was sitting in Avarian's lap. She opened the other package and clapped her hands.

"Ohhh, they sparkle!" She kicked off her other shoes and put on the new pair. They were a little big, too, but not so drastic as the dress. Avaria turned and wrapped her arms around Avarian's neck again. "Thanks, daddy, they're really pretty."
Avarian's heart swelled with happiness upon seeing Avaria's face lit up as she opened the bigger present. It contained the dress and he hoped that it would fit her perfectly. He watched as she got off the bed and tried the dress. It hung at her knees, making it a bit bigger than her. His face might have shown disappointment because Avaria gave her a grin and assured that she would grow up fast. Avarian just laughed at this.

She climbed back to the bed and turned her attention to the second package. However, Avarian was surprised when his daughter crawled to his lap before she opened the gift. Avarian smiled at this as he adjusted both of them comfortably. Again, Avaria's exclamation of delight filled the small room. She immediately kicked her shoes and slipped her small feet to what appeared to be shoes not of her size. Avarian was about to apologize for the mistake of the sizes when the little girl turned to face him and hugged him tightly. "Are you sure you like them? They're a bit bigger than you, you know.", he said as he looked down at her pretty face.
Avaria smiled up at her dad. "Of course I do, silly. That just means I can wear them to school next year." She paused then. "Um, if I go to school, I mean... some of the other kids were talking and I thought... um, will I go to school?" Her brow furrowed as she looked up at Avarian. She was really bad at assuming things and she tended to speak before she thought it through. She hoped it wouldn't make the man change his mind about taking her home. Mother had always said she was too brash for her own good.
<COLOR color="#000">Avarian just laughed at how intelligently his daughter answered her. Clearly, Avaria was mature for a nine-year old. Giving him a peck on her forehead, he just nodded at her answer. He was stroking her hair when Avaria asked her about school. He smiled at how Avaria asked her questions. Like a child, like an adult. He could almost see his deceased wife in her. He pondered her question before answering, "Let's see." he started thoughtfully,"It's already the middle of the year,going to school is out of the question." Avarian almost smacked his head at his words. They sounded wrong when spoken out loud. Shifting his hold on her, "Don't worry. You will go to school next year. We have the rest of the semester this year to get you your stuff and check the school." He gauged her reaction at his words.

Avarian set her down on the bed before standing out to stretch his limbs. He looked around her small room. "Say, why don't we pack your stuff so that you can say your goodbyes to your friends?",he suggested with a smile. "Then, we can get something to eat outside before we go back home."Home. He could not believe it. He would not be going home to an empty house anymore. Someone would be waiting for him at home starting that day. Someone who was very dear to him.​
Avaria smiled ruefully when Avarian struggled with the school question. Mommy had always been so good with her words, it was nice to know she got her bumbling brashness from somewhere. She nodded thoughtfully as he said she would go to school next year. That meant she could go see Sapphire. She smiled happily at the thought.

Avarian suggested she get her stuff then, and she nodded. "Oh, that's easy." She reached under the bed, nearly toppling in the process. When she straightened she had a large duffle bag in her hands. "I packed all my things in here already." She smiled shyly at him. "I mean, after they said you were coming this morning, I sorta thought, well," She blushed, brushing her hair behind her ear.

"Nevermind, I was right anyway. Where are we going to eat? Where do you live? Is it a pretty house? Will I have my own room?" She didn't mean to pepper the man with questions, but she couldn't help it. She shut her mouth quickly, covering it with her hand to keep any more from slipping out.
Avarian chuckled at Avaria's words. Clearly, his little girl has grown so much and was trying to be an adult. When he suggested packing up, he was surprised when his little girl dragged something from under her bed. Seeing the duffel bag, he laughed out loud at what it meant. "Smart girl.", he said proudly, ruffling her hair in the process. "Are these all?", he asked, pulling out his wand, ready to transport her stuff ahead of them. Once Avaria gave the signal, he sent the small bag to his house.

Hearing all his daughter's questions made Avarian's heart swell with pride. Chuckling clearly amused, he took hold of Avaria as they made their way downstairs to the orphanage head's office. As they slowly ambled down the stairs, Avarian answered her questions in the same order they were asked."We will eat wherever you want to. I live not far from here, whenever I am in the area. Is it a pretty house? Well, you will just have to see.And of course, you will have your own room.", he stated with a twinkle in his eyes. Stopping at the bottom of the stairs, he glanced down at his daughter. "Don't you want to sleep with Daddy?", he asked with amusement in his voice.
Avaria tried not to duck out from under Avarian's hand when he ruffled her hair. She had just brushed it, but to be fair she probably would have mussed it up herself an hour later.

She watched her bag disappear with an eager smile. She couldn't wait to get to school and learn how to do things like that. Maybe she could learn something cool too and impress Avarian.

He took her hand then and they started down the stairs. She bit her tongue to keep quiet as he answered her questions, so she wouldn't bombard him with a hundred more.

He finished with a question of his own, sounding amused. She could answer him seriously, but before they'd moved her to this orphanage she'd spent a week in one in New Zealand, and the girl she'd befriended there had told her that the best answer was the snarky one.

Avaria shrugged, responding quickly. "No thanks. I need my own bed so you don't roll over and flatten me with your big butt." She managed to say it seriously, even managing to look a little stuck up as she said it.

At least, until she looked up at Avarian. She let out a small laugh before trying to cover it up as a cough.
Avarian let out a loud laugh as how his daughter acted out toward her. She was just too adorable. He could not even believe that he had missed so many things in her childhood. They had already reached the bottom of the stairs and Avaria surprised him with a cheeky answer to his question of sharing a room. Trying his hard to look angry at her, he failed when he looked at Avaria failing as well in holding her laugh. Tugging her hand softly,"Come on you.", together they made their way to the director's office. When they were already at the door, he turned to Avaria,"Why don't you go say goodbye to your friends while I signed the papers and talked to the director." bending down to her level to give her a peck on the forehead. "If you want, I can meet you near the piano in, say fifteen minutes?",he suggested as if he was talking to an adult. After all, Avaria acted like an adult often times.

Avaria smiled at how easily Avarian had caught her. That just meant she would have to work harder to catch him off guard.

When he suggested she go say goodbye to her friends and then meet him by the piano, she nodded solemnly. She decided not to tell him she didn't like any of the kids at this orphanage- she'd only picked one girl at the one they'd put her in in New Zealand before moving her here so she was closer to where Avarian had been sighted.

She skipped back off in the other direction until she heard Avarian shut the door, before turning and just making her way back to the piano.

She pulled herself back up onto the stool and began to play again- though now she was playing the tune to "A Thousand Miles". It was her favorite song to play, though she wasn't comfortable enough to sing along here in the orphanage.
Avarian had done all the paperworks and wandered into the room where he first saw Avaria. He heard music so he was expecting that his little girl was playing for her friends for the last time. Listening to the melody,the man remembered that it was a song he once sang for his wife back when they were dating. This memory brought a smile to his face. Stepping into the room,he found Ava to be alone. This concerned Avarian yet chose not to ask her about it. Knowing his daughter,Avaria would just brush his question off. Placing a hand on her shoulders,he smiled warmly at her. "Ready to go?"
Avaria smiled up at her dad as he put his hand on her shoulder. She hopped up quickly, heading for the door. "Yeah, let's go." She made it a few steps before she paused, turning slightly to look up at the man with big blue eyes. "Ah, where are we going?"

She was partly sure he had told her but she had forgotten, the information lost in her tangled thoughts.
Avarian smiled as he watched her daughter hopped off the chair.Blue eyes looked at her in a way that his wife did. Avarian was washed again with sadness though he hid it with a smile. Holding Avaria's hand,they slowly made their way to the door."Surely,you did not forget that we will be getting something to eat and go around the town before going home,did you?",he asked with amusement in his eyes. They talked about it but he did not care that the girl asked him again. He did not mind that though.
Avaria had to reach up to hold Avarians hand but she didn't mind. She nodded as he responded to her, still thoughtful. "You did say that, huh? Sorry Daddy, I was thinking things and I forgot." She smiled up at him. "Let's hurry so we can eat, I skipped breakfast this morning." She had been too nervous and excited to eat, and she was starting to feel it now. Her tummy growled as if to accentuate her words. She giggled. "See? My tummy agrees."
Avarian laughed as he ruffled Ava's hair. He nodded at her statement and went on to open the door. They both stepped out of the orphanage. Together. They both looked forward to a new beginning,a new life together. Father and daughter.


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